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View Full Version : Role Playing? Hmm...

Jan 6, 2006, 10:07 PM
Well, I was wondering.. how many of you (if any) are planning on getting into character once this badboy goes live? There is usually a minority of people who like to get into the game even more and really Roleplay in just about any MMOG.

I for one don't know for certain if I will be. I suppose it all depends on how many other people are and how genuine they are about it.

How many people here will be doing this or would like to? This could be the thread where you start your character designs and background story ideas so that we'll know about eachother before we get started in-game. If you have any ideas about RPing in PSU, put em' right here!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Atayin on 2006-01-06 19:09 ]</font>

Jan 6, 2006, 10:43 PM
It would be interesting to try at least once, for sure. PSO just isn't very conductive to that kind of atmosphere though.

Jan 6, 2006, 10:45 PM
I would love too, Im kinda indepth ussauly.
But as ajt...(sry) said PSO didnt work well, I hope PSU is better.

Jan 6, 2006, 10:58 PM
I think PSU would actually work quite well for RP.
Massive fields, no class restrictions, tons of visual customization.
You can let your imagination fly quite a bit more than on most games.

Jan 6, 2006, 11:12 PM
Moments here & there, I do. For example, dwarves, I go into my dwarvish accent & say something brave or heroic my char would. Im still me, playing a char, but, I like to have fun with it here & there. Not everyone approves...I dont really care. LOL PSU like the series before it, is a futuristic RPG. Just having fun in the environment Im playing in. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Im not sure what kind of accent a Native Motavian or beast should have. Any ideas?

Jan 6, 2006, 11:21 PM
No ideas on dwarfish accent, but for me I remember playing Jedi Academy, and (as yoda) going into the way he speaks, and tottaly making everyone pissed off(dont know why...) but its fun speaking like your char. "should" Only cool thing is, YOU DECIDE HOW HE/SHE SHOULD SPEAK! lol http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jan 6, 2006, 11:36 PM
Yeah, but thats easy to say. Dwarves have thick Scottish accents, so Ive had practice with that. Native Motavians have never been actually heard VOCALLY & since my beast will resemble one, how would one sound? I may just revert to a dwarvish way. Idk. I know Dezorians have a Japanese way about them. Motavians...hmmm...what nationality should I base their accent on?

Jan 7, 2006, 12:09 AM
I'm thinking that if I were to try and roleplay in PSU.. Assuming that it's immersive enough to be able to really roleplay, I think I'd try to build on a character with a pretty rough history.

I'm not saying that I WILL be roleplaying.. but lets assume it'll work. So, I'll make a little story off of the top of my head just for kicks. My character's name will be (you guessed it) Atayin.

Atayin's story starts as soon as he's born. His father had died months beforehand, killed by a law enforcement officer who had mistaken him for a criminal. Atayin's mother was exhausted physically and emotionaly, still mourning the death of her husband and died in labor.

The young orphan soon would be traded into slavery in the black market. He was raised to be strong and fit, capable of working very hard. Even as a young boy, there was always a task for him to fulfil. He got used to being very busy.

However, Atayin's spirit was as firey as his red hair. He dreamed of freedom, and the day that two of his friends tried to escape would forever change his life. One managed to get away.. and the other was caught only to be beaten to death for attempting to escape. This filled Atayin with rage. It was a rage that kept building as he dwelled on the loss every day. It drove him to work harder and the fire in his eyes even began to frighten his masters.

Eventually, the company responsible for this oppression was discovered by authorities and Atayin was set free. He was adopted by a good family, but nothing could tame his rage. He ran away onto the streets and supported himself by fighting in illegal tournaments. With all of his rage and strength, he did well until one day he lost.

A few powerful people had bet a lot of money on Atayin... they were very upset that he lost. They waited for the battle-worn Atayin in an alley.. and beat him within an inch of his life until a Hunter named (member of hunter's guild) Gavin ran in and saved him.

Atayin could respect Gavin. He was strong and brutal.. a hardcase and a kindred spirit who decided to take Atayin under his wing. Atayin eventually joined the Hunter's guild, following in his footsteps. He's settled down somewhat now that he's a little bit older, but he still has a berserker's spirit. His rage truly shows through his relentless form in battle.

Yeah.. so, it's not gonna win a prize, but I had fun righting that big mess. It was easy. Why not make up some stories for our characters? Give it a shot. Making characters is fun http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 7, 2006, 12:18 AM
Short Description :

Part 1: Newman : "The Blind Newman"

Lord Heirathor, wasn't exactly the brightest of the newman, that is why he was looked down upon, among many of his fellow newmans(newmen?). Actually, thats a fairly big understatement. Taron, was a very dumb-minded individual, only accomplishing the basic support techs, but has mediocore knowledge of all offense techs. Taron(His first name) didn't like the up-tight society, as he called it, and wanted a more "down-and-dirty" way of living. So, eventually he was cast out, on his own accord(to the relief of many people) and went on a journey to find a group who would recruit him, and show him the ways of living life as an outcast.

So, of course, one day he finally found his fellow kind in a band of rouges. Their was a mostly newman in this group, one or two casts, and a few humans. Taron, stayed with them, and was accepted as a deserter of his own kind. In seeing this, he had wanted to seperate himself from the newmen(newmans?) as much as possible. In order to do this, or so he thought, he would have to undergo a transformation as rigorous, as the first humans had too do when they created newmans. He, went and searched long and hard, for a procedure such as this, but any scientist that had the skill or knowledge to do it, wouldn't, mainly, because they were afraid of him.

Then, he recived word of a new scientist, that was in need of test subjects for his new DNA Structural Changer(Can you think of a better name?), he jumped at this chance to change who he was. He proceeded to shave his long ears down to the size of a normal human. Because, the procedure was only for humans. But, as he told himself, he should have enough true human cells in his body for the procedure to be possible.

When he arrived at the scientists lab, he was surprised to find he was the only one that accpeted his ivitation. He thinks that humans are too stubborn about being humans. (I need to skip ahead a bit, tell the part where he is finished with operation seeing as how, im not done with this third, and going any farther will result in spoilers for thoose who actually want to read the whole story.)[Will finish more tommorow. , but as I said I will do the next third, and not show the finished version of this one untell I complete all 3.]

"End of excert"

You gave me a reason, I swear, http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
If I post more it will be in a seperate therad as to not get off topic(but am i getting off topic. O.O) http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

By the way, anta.. Your story is really good, Nice job. :GIves thumbs up:(is that a smily, to lazy to check the huge list)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Blobmiester on 2006-01-06 21:22 ]</font>

Jan 7, 2006, 12:47 AM
I'll probably make up some light backstories and get a rough idea as to their personalities and motivations - but I doubt I'll ever actually role-play with them. I just do all that to add a bit more depth and meaning to the online avatar.

That, and generally I tend to play female characters so RPing them would be pretty awkward. I tend to look at my "girls" as most guys would look at their hotrod or their boat. Something they're proud of. In this case, the time and effort put into the game. If I'm going to use a female personification anyhow - then I might as well make the characters female in form right? RPing them just doesn't feel right though.

Jan 7, 2006, 02:25 AM
Thanks for the compliment, Blob. And great character background, thanks for sharing. Since we can't play PSU, to me the this is closest thing. Speculating and imagining what our characters would be like is pretty fun.

And, Sinue.. hahaha, that makes perfect sense. Why would you want to roleplay as a girl? I'm sure there are some guys who would, but that's them. As for us straight fellas, it would be a little more then awkward.

Even for those of us who don't think you'll RP at all (I probably won't myself), it may be fun just to post our character bios anyway. It'll still be on topic.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Atayin on 2006-01-06 23:28 ]</font>

Jan 7, 2006, 10:41 AM
I roleplayed in PSO, so PSU will be no diferent.

Jan 7, 2006, 12:07 PM
1. Blob & Atayin its ok to write stories but unless you put em in the fan fic section, this topic is gonna get locked up & we dont want that.

2. Atayin, just because someone uses a female char, doesnt mean theyre not straight. Thats a bit of a generalization wouldnt you say? My PSO main was female & she will be my main in PSU. Im very much straight. Also, as Sinue pointed out, some look at their females & are proud: something nice to look at, etc.

Jan 7, 2006, 12:13 PM
On 2006-01-06 20:36, OdinTyler wrote:
Yeah, but thats easy to say. Dwarves have thick Scottish accents, so Ive had practice with that. Native Motavians have never been actually heard VOCALLY & since my beast will resemble one, how would one sound? I may just revert to a dwarvish way. Idk. I know Dezorians have a Japanese way about them. Motavians...hmmm...what nationality should I base their accent on?

A thick Irish accent. XD

Ye' Fel moungrels shall fall beh' fore the poweir ouf meh Nahnoblast!


Take this yah' wee lads!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SirAri on 2006-01-07 09:13 ]</font>

Jan 7, 2006, 12:15 PM
Aye, so ye be thinkin' I be usin' a Dwarvish accent for meh beast, eh? 'Tis somethin' I hahve pahndered, but, I cannae seh fer sure Id go thaht pahth.

Jan 7, 2006, 01:25 PM
Dwarvish accent for beast.Lol
Why not!? Have fun with it it would be intresting. =P

I always like to roleplay but only if i know someone who can do it well.

Jan 7, 2006, 01:32 PM
As for roleplaying...

In real life I already have my ideal personality.

This is due to the fact that I fianlly took personal inventory of myself a couple of years back, and realized that I didn't like what I saw.

In essence, I've never acutally ever known who I truely am. I can be who, or whatever I want at any given time by will.

(I'd make a damn good actor. XD)

So I figured, if I can be whatever I want, why not be myself as awesome as I would like myself to be? So I guess I changed me so I'd like myself.

That being said...

My Character Ari is a high class newman monarch, who after many years of being sheltered from the outside world he secretly began to read up on it. His constant searching thorugh database after database of information slowly began to drive him mad. The conquest, the glory! All kept from him all these years so that he could eventually rule a small province of Neudaiz. Among his querying through the vast ammount of information, with no one to accompany him but the occasional maid to dust the screen, or butler to give him his afternoon tea, he developed several personalities. Perhaps out of lonelyness, or even insanity. The personalities would switch between each other at random intervals, and take control of his body. When ever the personality would change, his entire body would change as well to mirror it. Slowly his family began to notice the change in him as he grew more absorbed, day by day in his reasearch of the outside world. He began to train himself in techniques, fighting, and shooting untill he could barely breath at all. His parents didn't understand this change in him at all. Didn't he want to be a powerful ruler? Was he even aware that he was supposed to be studying newman law and text on leadership? Something had to be done. After many months of pondering, they decided to create an android of Ari to rule the province, in hopes that no one would notice. That way, they could continue to rule the area as they pleased, and their deranged son would stay out of the way. They consulted their best scientist, originaly hired to develop new toys for Ari as a child. He agreed with ill will to create this Android of Ari for the despicable parents, for he would most likely have been fired if he did not comply. During his work on the android a new development in the scientific community arose. The ability to preserve a loved ones personality by scanning the DNA on a special chip inside the android's processing unit. Many people had tryed it with succes already on their deceased loved ones, and the scientist firgured that he might as well try it on Ari, as he felt sorry for the poor boy. After adding the additional components to the nearly complete android, and the hour drew late, the scientist creeped up behind the young man on the computer, and cut out a small deposit of his hair. Ari scratched his neck and continued his searching without notice. The scientist quickly snuck out of the young master's chambers and back to his lab. Adding the final component on the android, He activated it and retired to his private quarters. The next day, upon returning, he found his laboratory a complete wreck. Beakers and test tubes shattered. Circit boards and various data storage devices strewn all about the room. Taking inventory of all that lay shattered around him, he observed the android, huddled in a corner next to the prototype SUV wepond he had been devleoping. The Android looked up at the scientist with empty eyes and whispered with and electronic tone "What have you done to me?" The scientist was immediatly taken aback by the emotional depth that seemed to eminate from the android. He sat with the Android for hours and explained everything to him. After processing all that he had been told he realized that he should be angry. He should not exist at all, and there was no reason that he should be anyone's puppet for however long. A determined look came about the android as he picked up the SUV wepond and blasted a gaping hole through the Labratory door. Making his way to Ari's private chambers, desipte the scientist's desperate cries, he typed in the entry passcode on the door. Upon spotting the slumbering Ari, he snached him up out of his bed, blasted yet another gaping hole in the building with the SUV wepond and lept out into the outside world with him.

(More to come? I have no idea, really. o_q )

I wrote this specifically so I could switch between characters whenever I feel like it.

I can have a cast as the android and then other personalities as the other organic type races.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SirAri on 2006-01-07 11:00 ]</font>

Jan 7, 2006, 03:02 PM
On 2006-01-07 09:07, OdinTyler wrote:
1. Blob & Atayin its ok to write stories but unless you put em in the fan fic section, this topic is gonna get locked up & we dont want that.

It is ok for people to post brief character stories in this thread. It would probably be more appropriate to post longer stories in a seperate thread in the Fan Works forum.

As for role-playing, I tried it out on PSO. There wasn't much motivation to do it though since nobody else was doing it. It was fairly rare to run into anyone that was role-playing. If I see some role-players on PSU, I would be willing to try it out again.

Jan 7, 2006, 03:58 PM
*poot~* Of course, I like to see something funny happen to lighten things up. Im not much of a role player but At least I can figure out what is going on.

Jan 7, 2006, 04:10 PM
On 2006-01-07 09:07, OdinTyler wrote:

2. Atayin, just because someone uses a female char, doesnt mean theyre not straight. Thats a bit of a generalization wouldnt you say? My PSO main was female & she will be my main in PSU. Im very much straight. Also, as Sinue pointed out, some look at their females & are proud: something nice to look at, etc.

In reply, Tyler... I think it's pretty self-explanitory that if somebody is roleplaying as a female character... seeing as how females are usually attracted to men and romance/flirtation has an occasional tendancy to happen while Roleplaying... it would be pretty gay for a guy to do that.

Basicly, unless you're a guy roleplaying as a lesbian, or unless you clearly state off the bat while out of character, "Hey, I'm a guy. So please don't hit on me" then you'll end up flirting with the fellas. The point was not in generalizing female characters, but the point was that RPing as one could be awkward.

In the future, it'd be really nice if you actually read/respected the entire posts before you decide to just list off your critism. I'm not trying to bicker, or start a flame. Having your own opinion is awesome, but dishing out blatant critism just begins to get pretty irritating.

Anyhow, back on topic.
That was a pretty cool story, Ari. I plan on making a Cast, myself. Chances are all of my characters will be connected somehow. Like, Atayin's mentor, Gavin is intense rivals with my Cast character. And Atayin's old friend who escaped slavery could be my Newman character. Something like that http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I think that even if you don't roleplay, having character bios are just fun to get into the game.

Jan 7, 2006, 09:41 PM
Basicly, unless you're a guy roleplaying as a lesbian, or unless you clearly state off the bat while out of character, "Hey, I'm a guy. So please don't hit on me" then you'll end up flirting with the fellas.

Well, it really depends. In a strictly -ROLEPLAY- setting, it would be easier to RP a female character since that barrier between fantasy and reality is clearly established. Males have been playing female roles for millenia in theater - and RP is just an extension of improv acting. However, I don't approve of the roleplaying a female character out of a strictly RP game. Some people's idea of RPing means that they're in character the moment they login. RPing a female character around non-RPers (which is the case most of the time) is awkward for both parties IMO.

And as for me.. I have nothing against people RPing characters of a different gender within an RP setting or group. I find it awkward to me.. but that's my own personal hangup. I tried it a few times back in the day when I used to play AD&D, but it just wasn't my thing... expecially because I make a really piss-poor female and it ruined the atmosphere of the game.

Besides, noone said that if you play a female character you have to be flirtatious or "attracted" to male RP characters. Just don't let it be an issue that comes up in the course of the game.

Jan 7, 2006, 10:52 PM
I cant believe Im saying this but I agree with Sinue. Atayin, I wasnt being a harsh. However, your words kinda came across as such. Ya might wanna ease up on who youre saying is laying out criticism. Thats all Ill say about that.

Jan 8, 2006, 01:05 AM
Me and my friend are gonna role play in PSU. We have already created backgrounds for our PSU characters.

Toshi, my friend's character is 3/4 human 1/4 newman. He is Izuma Rutsu's nephew. His father was 1/2 newman and 1/2 human. His father was Izuma Rutsu's half brother. His father was discriminated against because he was a halfbreed. When Toshi was 15 some people broke into his house and killed his parents. After that Toshi was put under the custody of Izuma Rutsu but Izuma didnt want the public to see that he had a 1/4 newman nephew. So he ordered one of his body guards, Arawen (My character), to look after Toshi for him. Toshi looks like a human but he excels in force techniques because of his newman blood he is treated as an outcast on his home planet Parum because almost everyone there knows about his 1/2 newman 1/2 human father and his human mother. Arawen is a female newman hunter that follows Toshi around to protect him and also keep him out of trouble.