View Full Version : Losty's Suggestion Box

Sep 16, 2002, 03:23 PM
Well the MMORPG/RPG planned is underway, and with over 400 pages of art, ideas, script and what not I decided to let the people I love hate have some input or affect on the title. While the game is done ideally, there is always room for more ideas, and input that I or any of the other staff haven't thought of yet.
You can list anything you want other than story, races (evolution system allows just over fifty), or the style of graphics ie: "I want it to be cel shaded." Note: No battle system posts either, that has been worked out as well.
Weapons, spells, skills, airships, worlds, cities, towns, rides, minigames, racing, pets, merchants... you can feel free to post about anything and everything you would want in a MMORPG, you can even design a few quests if you want.

Please do not PM me the ideas, as posting them in this thread will not only save me from that annoying "you got a new message popup" but also allow people to comment or add to your ideas.

The general theme or genre for the MMORPG is a sort of fallen advanced culture, what I mean by that is swords and arrows, with items like rocket launchers (ghetto style lol) and guns... while I hate to use this termanology... just think of it as a FF game, since thats the closest comparison I can make. Also if you really want your idea about a skill listened to and used, avoid making it a ridgid point based skill, since all the skills are tied into each other in some mannor or another in a branch type style, so no: Vegtable Pruning that raises .01% everytime you cut a vegtable leaf please.


As a final note: Please try to make your comments and suggestions as specific as possible, don't be afraid to use details. No "Uhhh... it would be like cool if they could have wings and lightsabres and kill giant dung beetles."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LostHero on 2002-09-16 13:38 ]</font>

Sep 16, 2002, 04:08 PM
I want to be able to have sex with other characters.


"Oh! You just saved my life! How can I ever repay you?"

"Oh... I have a couple ideas! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif "

Sep 16, 2002, 04:29 PM
Cat accessories. Neko paws, neko tail, neko hairband with neko ears on top.

Sep 16, 2002, 04:31 PM
Quest desing? I would LOVE to put a quest on paper!!! Well, ok, messag via the internet.

Also, I would like a link with info on this game.

And my suggestion: Make weps that only one class can find (one wep per class, of course). I don't mean use, I mean find. (Of curse, I havoe no info about this game other than what you just said, so you may actually be implementing this)

Sep 16, 2002, 04:35 PM
Hmm. Is this the add-on for NWN?

I'm not sure whats capable with that game, but if it isn't already implemented(which it most likely is), the construction of your own armor and weapons, followed by enchanting your weapons and armor with spells.

And even further, digging for the raw materials to actually smelt in an effort to make them.

Such as in Morrowind, they included things such as Bonemeal, raw ebony, raw glass, etc, but you can't use it to actually do anything except to make potions or to sell for money.

Mining, smelting, armoring, enchanting. It could all fall under one category/player class. And actually, someone could mine for the raw materials and once they acquired enough, they could sell it for money or take it to a player who is an actual blacksmith/armorer to make the desired weapons/armors.

I'd be nice for guilds that want to be self sufficient.

I'm not sure if that's already implemented in-game though, but I might as well throw it out there.

I did'nt go into the specifics because 1)Not sure if you have it already, 2)Your team can prolly figure out the specifics better than someone who has been up 16 hours.

Come on people, get some ideas together. This is your chance to say "I helped make a game". Hell, give it a shot. =)

Sep 16, 2002, 04:39 PM
W00tage! Idea lists! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Weapons: Players should be given the option to decorate their weapons with jewels and engravings. For example, on a sword, you could have slots to put in jewels, or be allowed to have the blacksmith engrave your name or something else on the blade. Or you could cover the hilt with tape. Doesn't give any bonuses per se but it just looks nice if you wanna make your character look like he wants more grip. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Number two: Players should be able to use one-time weapons, a bit like in FF7. You could use one-time magic bombs of sorts that cast a spell for you, or actual ammo weapons, like grenades, or a pair of powerful magnums with only 6 shots available.

Skills: You could make it so some skills are universal. For example, in Breath of Fire (GBA) you gain some skill called "Chop" and are allowed to assign it to any member of your party. In your game you could do something similar: a master who would teach you a certain weapon swing technique, regardless of class or race, for example.

Music: I noticed that in some X-Box games, you can have the system download music from a CD of yours and play the songs into the game you play. We should be able to do the same thing. At least we won't have to fool around with MP3 files like in RO. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Buildings: One suggestion: The Electra Tower. Nothing more or less than a hollow skyscraper with industrial-style floors, and an electricity generator that's smack in the center and goes all the way to the top. The city it's in can't use the type of current it produces, and anyways the control panels are all shorted out, which means the Tower has a tendency to turn the generator on and off at random times.

Quests: Got an idea for one. It should come up at some point where the player has some good skills and levels, hence, he is somewhat known and respected (unless story tells otherwise). Anyways, the player is sent to the Electra Tower to find and kill the Sniper, a tall man dressed in Rainbow Six fashion. He has connected a cannon of his invention to the generator, and plans to use that device to send bolts of lightning all over the city if the population doesn't agree to let him become its leader. Obviously, the Sniper is completely nuts and must be neutralized ASAP. Some city people beg you to go and bring him to justice. But as you get ready for the job, the city leader comes to you and tells you it would be better to just kill Sniper straight out. Thus, the player must go up all the floors of the Tower, fight against the Sniper's friends that are sent to hunt you down, and reach the Sniper himself.

Once there, the Sniper has already armed his cannon and is ready to use it on you. The cannon is very powerful, but takes lots of time to charge up. Sniper himself is armed with a rifle and a standard short sword. Sniper and the Cannon are considered separate enemies, so you can destroy the cannon first to make the battle easier against Sniper. Should you neutralize Sniper first, of course, no one will be there to use the cannon, so the battle will be over.

Once at low health, Sniper will surrender. But it'll happen in the midst of the battle. So if you are too quick on pressing the buttons, the message will pass by quickly, as if in the frenzy you hadn't heard him. If you let him surrender, don't attack. Defend (if turn-based) or wait a few second (if time-based) Sniper will then surrender. If you prefer to kill him, you'll be able to loot the corpse and maybe find some healing items and some cash (up to you!) The reward is the same whether you kill him or not.

Now for the fun part. If you don't damage the cannon at all during the battle, the player will have the option to take this Lightning Cannon with him. It's heavy and a bit bulky, but remains a powerful weapon. One problem. Since it isn't connected to a generator, it has to use its integrated alternator to function... Which means you will get to shoot it very rarely.

Sep 16, 2002, 06:02 PM
On 2002-09-16 14:39, KodiaX987 wrote:
W00tage! Idea lists! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Weapons: Players should be given the option to decorate their weapons with jewels and engravings. For example, on a sword, you could have slots to put in jewels, or be allowed to have the blacksmith engrave your name or something else on the blade. Or you could cover the hilt with tape. Doesn't give any bonuses per se but it just looks nice if you wanna make your character look like he wants more grip. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Blacksmiths can design their own engravings on armor and weapons. Infact engravings on weapons and armor is a trademark of guild npc smiths. While you can design engravings to your own like, you can also register your own trademark engraving (like the checkmark type thing for nike) with the Guild or blacksmiths, and as your fame for being a heavily skilled smith rises, your own trademark gives merchants and sellers proof of its legitness.

Number two: Players should be able to use one-time weapons, a bit like in FF7. You could use one-time magic bombs of sorts that cast a spell for you, or actual ammo weapons, like grenades, or a pair of powerful magnums with only 6 shots available.

There are are variety of these types of weapons. And since you brought up guns, it should be noted that "guns or rocketlaunchers in lapse of any word better" are not the end all of weapons." Getting bullets for a gun requires a very skilled smith which doesn't come cheap, let alone guns themselves. Also while they may fire faster they run out of ammo faster, and depending on the bow and arrow, arrows do more damage, and have better effects inbattle. Also rocketlaunchers are almost useless at close range, and an extremely skilled swordsmen who have trained their mental powers up allow them to knock away missles (not easy) and if your a crack addict who has nothing better to do than train your skills up for a couple years, you can also knock back bullets.

Skills: You could make it so some skills are universal. For example, in Breath of Fire (GBA) you gain some skill called "Chop" and are allowed to assign it to any member of your party. In your game you could do something similar: a master who would teach you a certain weapon swing technique, regardless of class or race, for example.

This is how you get alot of your techniques, by becoming an apprentice or deciple. Even players can teach certain skills to newbie players. The best example of this is learning the light and dark magical arts.

And snapple don't worry, there will be accessories galore, based off the fact I hate MMORPG games where everyone looks the same.

Sep 16, 2002, 06:24 PM
On 2002-09-16 14:31, RavenTW wrote:

And my suggestion: Make weps that only one class can find (one wep per class, of course). I don't mean use, I mean find. (Of curse, I havoe no info about this game other than what you just said, so you may actually be implementing this)

It would never happen, not only is it not very realistic, but it defeat the purpose of trade... should swordsmen only trade with swordsmen? If its a weapon good enough for a trade if the person who found the weapon could use it... why trade it?

On a side note, know that buying housing outside of towns, cities and villages is very very complicated and expensive. If you build a home within the lands outside a town without a permit it will be destroyed. And although a carpenter could build a home outside any goverment restricted lands... just know that monsters arent stopped by a 2 inch door of wood... If a hulking mass of muscle and claw sees you run into your home... say goodbye to your life and your home. Also note that this will not happen with goverment lands outside town.
Buying a home within a city is your best bet. Not only is it near markets, official guilds and stores but its alot cheaper than any other means.

Sorry theres no site up with info regarding the game yet. If you have any questions just post them.

And I know this is going to be asked, so Ill answer it now. Dragons are indeed a playable race, but not only are they the hardest race to evolve too, but most towns don't permit dragons within them... and although it is possible for a dragon to raid a town... getting into a major towns will prove almost impossible with legion defences at everypost.
Also while dragons are feared just as much as they are respected... wreak enough havok and youll soon find provinces hireing heroes and dragon hunters to hunt you down and kill you... and don't think they will, provinces pay very well for an established group of dragon hunting players, not to mention all the dragon scales and body parts from a dragon that are heavily valued. (Getting to the rank of a hero is to my reccolection almost the hardest thing to do in the game).

Sorry if its mispelt, Im running late for an appointment.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LostHero on 2002-09-16 16:31 ]</font>

Sep 16, 2002, 07:14 PM
I think you should have high-tech city named Mandarkin and maybe some faces that you see throughout the game. EX. O'Aka in FFX.

Sep 16, 2002, 08:28 PM
In addition to pets, you should be able to have a 'wife' or 'husband' character that you drag around with you (NPC, not net-gf/bf) and u guys hold hands and she/he cuddles ur character. That would be so cute!
They too could be purchased at the ingame petstore.

Sep 16, 2002, 08:33 PM
On 2002-09-16 18:28, Nerd wrote:
In addition to pets, you should be able to have a 'wife' or 'husband' character that you drag around with you (NPC, not net-gf/bf) and u guys hold hands and she/he cuddles ur character. That would be so cute!
They too could be purchased at the ingame petstore.

Hopefully you wouldn't have to pay for the wedding! <insert some stupid emoticon here>

Sep 16, 2002, 10:29 PM
I don't think having npc wife's will ever happen. Although marriage amoungst players is possible...

I'm sorry for giving information is sparse amounts, I'll try to catalog it in a more reader friendly acrobat file soon.

I got a question two hours ago asking about "jobs."

So here we go.


Since I'm assuming most players will choose to be hunters, warriors, mages etc the most popular jobs will no doubtably joining the legion military.

The military pays well at the lowest infantry level and offers decent training in most arts to help excell characters. Depending on your service, accomplishments and yes tests, the player is given a score, and based on the score is promoted to different ranks. The higher level promotions are handled by the legion goverment, which like the military is a job allowing promotions for diplomats that allows positions such as mayor, governer etc.

*There are different branches in both the military and the goverment of skills and secrecry.

The other more popular job would be working for local buisness' to make a living.

Of course these "jobs" aren't the only way to make money. Hunting monsters for money and items will probably be the easiest way to make some cash.

I am giving a very brief overview, for there are hundreds of jobs. Some of the more lucrative for a hunter is getting a name for yourself and being hired as a mercenary, which can be enlisted by npc quests, and players looking for some protection such as merchants delivering goods by caravan to one town to another. Forming groups like dragon hunters is a enormously well paying job for a group of players.

Did I mention jobs at underworld crime syndicates?... ^_~

Hero /// Villian

One of the biggest questions I get when I mention Heroes and Villians is "How do I get to be a hero." Hero or villian is a title reserved for extremely skilled players. Each player has a rather complicated fame rating, that is based off algorisms that measure your accomplisments, the way you pk etc in addition to your skill in the arts. Getting to the rank of Hero may seem impossible to all but the dedicated. Before reaching your rank of Hero or Villian you will be called to a Tribunal of Eldars where you must pass a series of tests. If you manage to complete all seven tests given to you, you are inducted and given a weapon creation screen. Where you forge your Hero's weapon that can never be lost or traded. The player also has a large stone statue of himself crafted in the hall of heroes for all to view. I hope that gives a somewhat clearer understanding.

Race balancing

When races like dragons and humans are brought up people instantly come to the conclusion of terrible balancing ie: "How the hell does a human kill a dragon?" Higher playable races such as Planar Demons, Dragons, Treants, Titans, Planar Celestial Beings etc are daugnting cannot be chosen from the start. They are all evolutionary races. For example: to become a Greater Demon, you must first start off as a lesser demon, then after a painstakingly long time and must engagement in the practices to help you evolve have the choice of becoming a Demon to greater demon etc Also after each evolution the evolutionary race starts off almost at a newbie type status. During all this time, players who stick with one race such as a human or elf are able to hone their skills to legendary proportions. For all fairness, a Hero human will give a dragon a run for its money. There are no skill limits, thusly no limit to ones power, however the higher you get the harder it is to excell further.
To add, at any given time no player is invincible. Even a player who has managed to arise to a Celestial Dragon will be hunted down and killed by either players or npcs if they seem intent on ruining other players times.
Also there are dungeons with bosses that even a lone celestial dragon has no chance of defeating...

Sep 16, 2002, 10:57 PM
I want to have seks with other characters.

Sep 17, 2002, 01:55 AM
If your not going to show at least some respect please don't post. I posted this just as some form of letting people I've chatted with for over a year maybe see their name in the credits.

Sep 17, 2002, 02:00 AM
On 2002-09-16 23:55, LostHero wrote:
If your not going to show at least some respect please don't post. I posted this just as some form of letting people I've chatted with for over a year maybe see their name in the credits.

I'm serious. All fantasy stories have rape, pilliage, and pluder. Do we ever get to see this in games? No. I think somebody needs to pave the way for sex in an MMORPG, and Losty, I think that somebody is you.

Sep 17, 2002, 03:16 AM
America has yet to release a AO rated game and I doubt they would start with us... also you can shove that pinch of sarcasm right back your ass. I know your not as dumb as your posts let on so please don't patronize me either.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LostHero on 2002-09-17 01:20 ]</font>

Sep 17, 2002, 07:49 AM
Actually, could you go into alittle more detail about this evolution?

Lets say I start off as a Dragon. What are the pre-requisites to become a higher dragon, such as a Celestial Dragon.

Also, are there numerous types of dragons/demons, etc?

Celestial Dragon, Demonic Dragon(?), Legendary Dragon, etc?

And I assume each one has weaknesses, strengths and abilities that the others don't.

Say I start off as a young dragon, and wish to become a Celestial Dragon. What are the steps I'd have to go through to get there, and how long would it take, generally?

I think this is a great idea by the way, because there are alot of possibilities. Keep us updated.

Oh, and is there a beta build of the game? I know you offered for players to download a small portion of it before.

Sep 17, 2002, 12:53 PM
On 2002-09-17 05:49, ABDUR101 wrote:
Actually, could you go into alittle more detail about this evolution?

Lets say I start off as a Dragon. What are the pre-requisites to become a higher dragon, such as a Celestial Dragon.

Also, are there numerous types of dragons/demons, etc?

Celestial Dragon, Demonic Dragon(?), Legendary Dragon, etc?

And I assume each one has weaknesses, strengths and abilities that the others don't.

Say I start off as a young dragon, and wish to become a Celestial Dragon. What are the steps I'd have to go through to get there, and how long would it take, generally?

I think this is a great idea by the way, because there are alot of possibilities. Keep us updated.

Oh, and is there a beta build of the game? I know you offered for players to download a small portion of it before.

The starting race that becomes a dragon is the lizard men. After a player has gotten his character open to the highest of skill branches, the option of evolution is shown. Once you are able to train in evolution there are various training facilities and treatments to help the player evolve into a young dragon. This isn't as easy at it seems, getting to that high of a skill tree is excruciatingly hard.
From there it takes only time and training. To become a demonic or celestial dragon a you mentioned you need to further train yourself in either the holy or demonic arts.

Evolution works in different ways for all races. For examples humans are able to turn into giants, and from there turn into titans.

Each form has its advantages and disadvantages, I think alot of people who spend their time only trying to evolve will be dissapointed when they reach dragon level expecting to be invincible and find themselves easy prey for the masses of trasure seeking dragon hunters.

Sep 17, 2002, 01:49 PM
That makes it even better though, starting off as a Lizard Man and then evolving up.

And the harder, the more it will take to get into the game. I think it will just take some getting used to.

By the way, if you die, does all of your experience/evolutions die as well?

If it's excruciatingly hard to get up through the evolutions, I think it'd piss off alot of people if their characters died and had to start anew all over =X

Interesting though. Do you have any screenshots for us?