View Full Version : Thank you everyone I played with yesterday/today!

Feb 23, 2001, 10:07 AM
Yesterday was one of my better days online.

Thank you Mr. Blond, it's nice trading without having to worry about getting ripped off!

Zipp0, Azrael, Van, Danger, Ambri, and Scott, gg's. Lotsa fun when you have teammates that actually fight, and even better when they are good at it =) It's also cool to be able to take all the rare items outta the bank and give em a spin!

The PSO World community $#@!%^ rocks! I feel very lucky to be a part of it!

Feb 23, 2001, 12:14 PM
Was a blast fighting with you Spy, sorry I had to ditch out like that, but when everyone stops moving and you cant talk... you start to panic =(.

I hope Danger relayed the msg that I was going to take a break after that pre-bsod.

Hopefully next time when we play I can ditch the lame gun and tear into the mobs http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif.

Til next time Spy!

Feb 23, 2001, 02:41 PM
Spy, I haven't seen you in ages, since me, you, and Zipp0 took on Dark Falz actually. I'm not sure if you have my guildcard still, but if you do look me up.

Feb 23, 2001, 03:47 PM
Ambrai: Danger did relay ur msg, and it's all good. Till we play again!
Ghen: will do man

Those you spy on are spying on you
- Spy

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Spy on 2001-02-23 12:48 ]</font>

Feb 23, 2001, 04:35 PM
Hey Spy

Good game last nite.
Thanks for the comraderie and teamwork...that's what makes this game special to me.
It's nice to have an open non-PW game where at least 3 of us were on the same page http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif
The Mag you gave me is coming along nicely, thanks again

On a side note- I an part of a gaming guild - Clan Plaid (#CP#) see: http://www.clanplaid.net
We have been around over the last 3 years and play many different games.
Our only goal and objective is to play with others who are into games and especially multiplayer for FUN and HONOR.

We have found that this maximizes your online gaming time with mostly incredibly fun games and nearly eliminates all "wankish" moments that can spoil your gaming experience.

I am about to start the first official PSO charter or brigade. If anyone is interested in playing together online and hanging out, drop me a line. The PSO world crew here seems to be some fun and I have had a blast!

Ven Jance #CP#
lvl 68 HUnewearl