View Full Version : 330 MPG car $20k USD

Jan 19, 2006, 03:19 AM

Found the link on this website:


Very lightweight, with not a hit to the safety of the occupants.

It doesn't mention specifics about the engine and those only seem to be concept photos, but a great idea nonetheless.

Finally there is a decline in SUV sales due to fears of price gouging at the pump. There are things such as hybrid SUV's and cars, but nothing with nowhere near 330 Miles to the gallon.

Just make it easy to drive and use, put enough luggage space and I'd be happy with it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jan 19, 2006, 03:39 AM
So then...why would people want to buy this thing?

Jan 19, 2006, 03:45 AM
On 2006-01-19 00:39, Zelutos wrote:
So then...why would people want to buy this thing?

330 miles per gallon is absurd.

Nothing anywhere has this kind of mileage per gallon.

The best mileage I've heard about is perhaps 55 or so.

Less trips to the gas station, less gas to buy, you don't spend a lot of money on gas. You could travel for days and not buy any gas considering the tank was large enough to hold even ONE gallon.

I don't know how to break it down any more than that. Did you even read the article?

(I'm aware of measurements everywhere else in the world using kilometers and liters concerning distance and liquid respectively.

Jan 19, 2006, 09:52 AM
So then...why would people want to buy this thing?

Considering the rising cost of gas prices, this vehicle would damned near pay for itself before you're even done paying it off.

I'd buy one.

Jan 19, 2006, 12:55 PM
330 MPG? That's roughly a tank and a half for me.

But knowing my luck, I get this car and gas prces soar to $50 per gallon because "we're conserving too well" (some energy companies around here are using that excuse to raise their prices). An of course we truely can't be free from the oil companies until we start using some other type of energy for our cars and houses.

One major problem I see with it is that it is only a 2 seater. I just prefer 4 passenger + 1 driver 4 door cars. Another seems to be visibility, as the windows look small, dark, and with too much space between them.

It doesn't look too bad, but what about cargo storage?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2006-01-19 09:55 ]</font>

Jan 19, 2006, 03:15 PM
The asthetics are so lacking I would be shamed in even having the misfortune of seeing one. It is finally a car uglier than those Scion shoeboxes that I see all too frequently. That alone is enough for me, but that's not all that really detracts.

Three wheels? The only car that I can think of off hand that has three wheels is a Morris Mini. And those are extremely lacking in a safe passenger compartment. Not to mention being raised off the ground limits stability even more. Essentially, if you were to get in an accident with any vehicle of any size you would be smashed to pulp. Doesn't matter if you aren't driving an SUV, if the other guy is you are screwed.

Storage and additional passengers are also shot with that vechicle design. So, I want to go get groceries to stock up and with such limited room I would have to make multiple trips. Not my idea of fun for a weekend. Even a Mini Cooper can carry more people, and that is way too small in itself.

I'll stick with my Japanese made mid size for right now. It has great safety, decent milage, and a great record for maintenance. Overall, it could be good, if it just didn't suck as much as it does.

Jan 19, 2006, 03:36 PM
I guarntee MPG will go way down and price will go way up b the time this hits lots. I mean, put 2 giant fat guys in there I'm sure the engine will struggle. Plus that thing looks like my Neon would rape it head on.

Jan 19, 2006, 04:07 PM
Well, it will be good for two things. Road tripping with a friend, as long as you're road-tripping with cash to stay at motels and very few clothes/luggage, and the other is VERY cost effective way to get to/from work.

Honestly, you could buy one of those just for the work-grind, and it'd pay for itself with what you save on gas.(Granted you don't work in construction, or anything that requires you to haul...anything).

I'd most likely look to buying one if it had an 'ok' cargo area, or..oh wait..I don't have any friends, so the passenger seat would be more than enough.

But yeah, grand idea, and a great step in the right direction, but just needs fine-tuning. If anything, it's a niche vehicle that will fit the bill for what some people could make use of, but it's not going to be mainstream, merely because of simple mentallity that we need 33inch tires with bling-bling rims and a grill so big we can run-down deer without fear of denting our fenders..! =]

...besides, there are people who still need to drive bigger vehicles out of necessity, if not for personal ego.

Jan 25, 2006, 11:48 PM
i drive an 88 GMC and i pay at least $30 a week for half a tank of gas and prolly only get about 9-12mpg (12 being a stretch). Anything with 20+ mpg would be an orgasm in my wallet. I would fully endorse this engine/composite and aerodynamic desin/cost but the looks and passenger/cargo room need to be worked on.

Jan 26, 2006, 01:28 PM
On 2006-01-19 12:15, Norvekh wrote:
Three wheels? The only car that I can think of off hand that has three wheels is a Morris Mini.

Reliant Robin http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif
Total suckage on 3 wheels.

I love the idea behind the featured car, 330MPG is insane, great value for money. However, I'm in agreement that the car itself is just damn ugly, and pretty impractical. If they could use this technology in a nicer looking car, I'd be really interested. Mind, this is the first of it's kind, so there's a long road ahead (no pun intended)

great idea though.