View Full Version : Which version of PSO did you think was superior on the Dream

Sep 18, 2002, 06:32 AM
Choose your favorite!

Sep 18, 2002, 06:33 AM
Honestly, I liked the original PSO slightly better than the sequel. The rare system was much more evenly distributed, it wasn't near impossible to reach the highest level (though still a little easy), and it was free to play online.

Sep 18, 2002, 07:37 AM
Good points......other than those I enjoyed v2 a lot better.

Sep 18, 2002, 08:17 AM
I had to vote for v2, the shortcut menu and challenge were great.

However I do agree making 200 so difficult to reach and making the new rares too rare was very annoying.

Sep 18, 2002, 09:00 AM
I was very disappointed with v.2 The only reason I got it was because it seemed like there were no more v.1 players and games, and the ones that were left were all terrorists. I figured it would be a little better with the supposed new anti-cheat protection, but it seemed just as bad or worse to me.

The first time I play v.2 someone offers me a set of 60% s-rank needles for every area. Then a 200 lvl character comes in and pk's some people. It was like Sega forced you to upgrade to a pay to play version that wasn't that much better.

I think it's really lame how people would actually buy a code breaker to ruin a game. I even had game shark to backup my saves for v.1, but that's just cuz the .iso was a 10 minute download. I eventually got the pc version and grew to appreciate the new stuff in v.2.

Sep 18, 2002, 04:49 PM
I think that all things considered, they were both fairly even.

I loved V2 for it's added Ulti mode. IN MY OPINION (don't yell at me...lol) V2 had a lot of wasted stuff in it.....challenge mode, battle mode, and soccer were features that I didn't care for or use much.

V1 was great....until we found out that V2 was coming.

Once the new Cube game arrives......V2 will most likely also be pale in comparison.

Sep 18, 2002, 06:17 PM
I loved them both Equality. Lv200 was not what I was going for. I just wanted to see Ultimate Mines. A Stage I fell one stage short of seeing. Ultimate Mines is devistating...

Sep 18, 2002, 06:35 PM
I found version 2 much better, because it was actually cheaper to play online for me than version 1 had been o_O (nothing beats paying over 30 pounds a week to play PSO v1, w00t)

That, and I got addicted to battle mode... and ended up doing nothing but battling for 5 months, which was very fun

Sep 18, 2002, 07:15 PM
I think they both sucked because of Lag and theft other than that V2 was better

Sep 19, 2002, 08:17 PM
Lets see...

Version 1
+ More balanced gameplay
+ Not impossible to reach lvl 100

Version 2
+ Challenge Mode
+ Better online quests
- Far more cheating. Item creation, 180 weapons, and the big one, NOL
- Horribly Unbalanced Ultimate mode
- Pay to play
- Even worse rare system. The odds of finding some rares is like 1 in a million.

Overall, I say v1. The only great thing about version 2 to me was challenge mode. Other than that, v2 was a step in the wrong direction

Sep 19, 2002, 09:58 PM
On 2002-09-19 18:17, Rhete wrote:
Lets see...

Version 1
+ More balanced gameplay
+ Not impossible to reach lvl 100

Version 2
+ Challenge Mode
+ Better online quests
- Far more cheating. Item creation, 180 weapons, and the big one, NOL
- Horribly Unbalanced Ultimate mode
- Pay to play
- Even worse rare system. The odds of finding some rares is like 1 in a million.

Overall, I say v1. The only great thing about version 2 to me was challenge mode. Other than that, v2 was a step in the wrong direction

Version 1
- No freaking good online quest for non-importers.

Version 2
+ Shortcut Menu
+ Added sound for Symbol Chat (missing from v1)
- Level 30 Techs, that did shit.
- More rares to add to the list of rares you still haven't found from V1.
- More rare monsters that you'll never see, Hilda-what?
- Lag-ba.. errr Lobby Ball
-&+ No new items to use to make more swear words or disgusting images on symbol chat.

Sep 20, 2002, 02:06 AM
+almost all showed weapons in the weapon list on PSOW are weapons that can actually be found

-Half of the rare weapons are "banned" and will never be found

Sep 20, 2002, 03:24 AM
Well.. Let's say you *absolutely* hated V2. You wish you could find V2 discs just to smash them with various tools of destruction.

If you play PSO V2 from L1 until you get to Ultimate.. The only thing you've done is YOU KNOW THAT VARISTA IS A VARISTA WITHOUT TEKKING IT!!!!

No other major gameplay changes occur. Except the online fees.

So I'm not sure what the question is. V2 basically *IS* V1 up to a point.

Sep 20, 2002, 07:30 PM
Let me correct myself...I wanted to see Ultimate Ruins..not Ultimate Mines. UM was about as far as I got. What I love about Ver1 online as far as Quests are concerned is the fun EN#4.(Or was it three? I can't wait to get back into the game).

Sep 20, 2002, 07:35 PM
PSOv2 had Challenge Mode, therefore it was the better game.

Sep 21, 2002, 04:55 AM
I'd say v1, cuz of imbalance caused in v2. v2 should be called "HUmar's Land."

Sep 21, 2002, 07:17 AM
v2 had lots of cool items and whatnot, but it couldn't match the original. It didnt hurt that my memory card got corrupted a few weeks after v2 came out and I lost my poor Danderdag, and my backups wouldnt work cause of their 'anti cheating' stuff. How about some 'anti VMU malfunction' stuff next time SEGA?
Oh well. Soon to be reborn.