View Full Version : Hellsing Ultimate OVA Television preview.... playing now

Jan 22, 2006, 01:19 PM
Expect a rip of the preview broadcast in raw format shortly, and a subbed version soon after. The preview is only a 30 minuite introductory episode, covering events which happened in Volume 1 of the Manga... so don't expect to see too much new content over what we've already seen in the old Hellsing anime.

The first OVA video will be out on 2-10-2006, with a US release sometime in the fall. Each OVA is planned for 30 minuites, but the first one so far is running about an hour long - so expect a few surprises. Apperantly they're also planning on animating the Hellsing side-story "The Dawn", which takes place near the end of WWII with Girly-card and a young Walter fighting the newly founded Millenium.

(I can't wait to hear Rip sing Carl Von Weber's Der Freischütz)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2006-01-22 10:22 ]</font>

Jan 22, 2006, 04:55 PM
Wow, the preview is out already? Ive been looking forward to the new animated version since it was announced last year and im glad they will be covering some of the stuff that was left out of the first version. I am wondering if they will be keeping some of the humour in, as that was definately missing from most of the last series.

Jan 23, 2006, 01:59 PM
Yeah, they're definately keeping the humor in - they even went so far as to emulate Hirano's line drawing technique, which is quite a risk. Certain parts of the Anime take the animation level of Hellsing TV's Episode Previews (The ones with Halconnen and Seras fighting) - and her character has a very overall campy and light-hearted feel... just as she does in the Manga.

I downloaded the first episode last night, and I was fairly impressed. Even in the first episode, it follows the Manga -MUCH- closer than the first Anime did. This also means that the OVA could jarr fans of the Anime a bit - as the action is very quickly paced and doesn't transistion over well to new plotpoints. In the span of a half-hour, they crammed all of the major storyline content of Order 1, and Order 3. This is a bit out of sequence, and it's assumed the contents of Order 2 and Order 10 will come on the next 30 minuites and complete Volume 1. (In the Anime, much of the original Manga content was used - but changed around and padded for filler. Though the basics of Integral's reminicence of her past, The Vampire Priest, The first Anderson fight, and Jessica/Leif's murder spree.. are still basically there)

However... that pacing problem corrects itself in the Manga after the Luke/Yan attack on the Hellsing manor.. and I expect it to in the OVA as well. There is a LOT of fine storyline detail in the overall Hellsing storyline - and Hirano was just working at breakneck speed to get to the good stuff.

The only dissapointment I really had was durring the "Seras Beserker" scene before the Anderson fight along the Ireland/England border. In the Manga, it showed Alucard inside the building tearing up Ghouls - then getting bored and sending in Seras to do it. As she grows insane with bloodlust, she tosses the upper torso of a ghoul out a window beside where Alucard is sitting drinking his bloodpack. He calmly raises his gun to the ghouls head and pulls the trigger.

This was unfortunately not animated in either the Anime or OVA (though it was for the Anime preview music video).

Also.. the music isn't as good as the Anime. I heard some of the music will make a return... but apperantly not in the first 30 minuites.

All in all - I'm very impressed.