View Full Version : New Staff changes effective immediately as well as site chan

Sep 20, 2002, 05:26 PM
There was some major staff changes today after some decisions made by Gideon himself and me.

First off in the changes is the removal of Watashiwa as a site administrator. There is a long story about this on so I will try to sum it up for you all. Watashiwa has given a lot of work to psow since its conception and also since Watashiwa and I re-took the site over. His work over the time will always be appreciated by myself as well as Gideon and you the community. There has been some conflicts, though, in the last month or so I will say.

One of the main reasons for his removal is his plan to produce his own PSOW type site while insisting he stay an admin on PSOW. Any rational person would find that reasoning to be unreasonable. Further more he feels no one in the site is in position to question his desire to seek that route. I beg to differ on that option. Gideon was approached about the situation and what has come to be: his final decision was the absolute removal of Watashiwa as an admin.

By my appreciation, Watashiwa will keep all credit for work he has done for the site. He will not lose his account because I do respect all that he has done and will always, as should you, the community.

This main staff change that occured is Gideon's final decision. We have some more positive changes going into effect that I feel you all will enjoy and the community of PSOW as a whole will benefit from. We are tring to rebuilt the community and with this make everyone more involved. Our aim is to make PSOW the best PSO community out there.

There will be a council of 3 Admins formed to decide on issues for the site. This council will be made up of myself, SaladWood, and Lolita. We will be hiring at least 2 new moderators, and moderators are going to be made forum specific of their duties and powers for that matter.

There will be several teams made up of you, the members of our insiteful and dedicated community. The teams will include but not be limited to: Editorial, News, Screenshots, and Items. These teams will all be formed of members of our community. It's time the quality of this site be dictated by the members and we feel you, the community, will show this quality.

Many revamps to the sites features and coding which I myself have already been working on this week and have a long todo list setup for the rest of things. New sections will be opening up to complete the content we have on the site. The item database will be revamped to handle the necessary info with the coming new versions.

Many more changes are being talked about and we encourage you to step up and become a part of these changes.

I thank you for taking your time to read this and hope you will find the new ideals to be benefiting to yourself.

We are working hard to make Gideon's vision of a flourishing comminuty, based soley on its members, come true.

Have a good day.

eRUPT - Head Admin - PSOWorld

Sep 20, 2002, 07:06 PM
its amazing...he fixes this shit hole up and then they fire him ..whats his new site?

Sep 20, 2002, 07:39 PM
On 2002-09-20 17:06, googles wrote:
its amazing...he fixes this shit hole up and then they fire him ..whats his new site?

I'm sorry, but wata wasn't the only one who fixed the site up.


Sep 20, 2002, 07:46 PM
Funny you mention that, seems that you think everything fixed on this site was by him? I'll send you the fix log for psoworld since me and watashiwa took it over in march and you can see for yourself the real proof in that. It was a joint effort and I've put just as much work so I do ask that you respect that.

I dunno I can name some things off the type of my head that I did:

- Fixed Admin utility to integrate across other modules such as Forum manager / Private Forum manager / IP Banning manager
- Fixed Forum manager to transport back to the admin utility correctly and to also transport back to Forum manager front page correctly.
- Fixed Private Forum manager to actually work http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
- Fixed index_forums.php to hide last posts in private forums.
- Sync'd names across authors.aid and users.uname(perhaps I need to force this in the author adder)
- Fixed Ghost topics from showing up as well as wrote a auto-deleter for them.
- Fixed wrongly paged threads.
- Created a miscounted thread fixer to the Administration panel
- Fixed Forum Search engine as well as fixed all search boxes in bottom forum indexs(Added link to main forum search engine in Left Community box)
- Repaired corrupted mysql table (posts_text)
- Modded frontpage to display the avatars for the authors of the posted stories. Modded forums so users avatars are now clickable if they have a homepage url set in their profile.
- Fixed User editor where signature
's were just going crazy.
- Memberlist now has same page sorting as the view-forum and has a memberlist search feature to search by membername or memberlocation.
- Ok added a option for hiding yourself in the whosonline listing.
- Ok now inside the forums multi-page topics have a (Full) next to them in case you wanna just load up the whole thread instead of going page by page.
- Ok I added a new option in your account settings to shut off seeing the Private Message pop-up. Go to "Your Account" and "Edit your Info" and its right under the hide activity check mark. Just uncheck it to stop the new message boxs from popping up when browsing the forum. (Don't need to logoff to activate this one)
- Made search engine for item Database. Can search by keywords or by Platforms.
- Fixed bbcode_ref page from not popping up.
Probably fixes some other pages as well.
- Forum Search updated.
Updated interface cosmetically
Results recieved nice cosmetic changes.
Added two new options for recieving unique thread results(Only one result per thread), and added a maximum results option so you don't have to pull up 200 results everytime you query.
- Added Poll System to Forums.
- Added No-Sig view to forum browsing.
- Added post preview to topic replies.
- BBCode pop-in buttons added for all posting.
- Added Posts Per Page option into user profiles so user can have a custom posts per page showup in the forums.

This was a list of all the features I implemented since 03/08/2002.

I appreciate the amount of 30 seconds you spent in researching your extremely educated comment. Thanks very much.

Sep 20, 2002, 07:53 PM
On 2002-09-20 17:06, googles wrote:
its amazing...he fixes this shit hole up and then they fire him ..whats his new site?

Soon to be http://www.pioneer2.net

Sep 20, 2002, 10:15 PM
keep up the good work erupt! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Sep 20, 2002, 10:23 PM
Pfft, everyone knows it was the orange dude who made PSO the empire it is today.

Sep 20, 2002, 11:09 PM
yeah i know you did alot too erupt. If it wasent for you and wata this place would be even wrost.

Sep 21, 2002, 01:51 AM
Who exactly is this Gideon guy? Is he the owner of the site?

Who created this site? So, who actually owns the intellectual properties of this site?

Just some questions I have.

Sep 21, 2002, 04:08 AM
if my memory serves correctly tomeeboy and gideon are co owners of the site and brothers

*remembers the abysmal days when the site was tomeeboy.com/pso XD

Sep 21, 2002, 06:05 AM
Why would one want to put in work at two sites that are about the same thing when the first one does a good enough job, especially since one was so "dedicated" to this one.

Yeah, he did alot of work at this site, kept alot of potential lamers out, but if there's lack of interest and a desire to make a site I say out with 'im.

Personally I don't care who this site's run by as long as it's done right.

Meh, clalk up another forum. Rock core.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kasera on 2002-09-21 04:07 ]</font>

Sep 21, 2002, 06:10 AM
Man I'm so depressed now. I think I'll put up forums till I feel better.

Three or four should do it.

Sep 21, 2002, 06:15 AM
This effort to revamp all the site and make a better forum community I think is not a coincidence with new versions of PSO being released soon.

Sep 21, 2002, 06:20 AM
If anyone has any ideas for improvements to the site, please don't hesitate to post them here (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?topic=31888&forum=9&30). That way they can be discussed and added to by everyone. =)

You want changes? Post them in that thread. The more people that take part, the more ideas to go around.

Sep 21, 2002, 06:43 AM
Gee Abdur, you're starting to sound like a mod now.

Sep 21, 2002, 06:48 AM
It's pity watashiwa is no more a PSOW admin.

He can be a bish sometimes ^_^; but he also put a lot of effort in this site. Not only coding, along with eRUPT, but also contents. All the trial videos and pics were made by him, and also some of the first pics of rares in the "Items" section.

Anyway good luck everyone: good luck to eRUPT and PSOW staff and good luck to wata for his upcoming new site.

As for me, I just want a custom avatar, so I'll be the bish of anyone will offer me one!!! >_>;;;

Sep 21, 2002, 02:48 PM
I think Abdur should be a mod. It is also pertect because eRupt is going to need some help now that wata is gone.

Sep 21, 2002, 03:50 PM
Abdur, didn't you decline of being a mod?

Sep 21, 2002, 03:56 PM
On 2002-09-21 13:50, Dabra_Shenrox wrote:
Abdur, didn't you decline of being a mod?

How many times have people been voting/nominating for me to be a mod?

Sep 21, 2002, 05:08 PM
On 2002-09-21 13:56, ABDUR101 wrote:

On 2002-09-21 13:50, Dabra_Shenrox wrote:
Abdur, didn't you decline of being a mod?

How many times have people been voting/nominating for me to be a mod?

If my memory serves right, once...just then.

This seems like a bit of insecurity on psow's part.

Sep 21, 2002, 05:31 PM
On 2002-09-21 15:08, PlatinumGame wrote:
If my memory serves right, once...just then.

No, there was another time when afew other people were prodding me to be a mod. This will be the second time people have been telling me to be a mod.

This seems like a bit of insecurity on psow's part.

Well come on, give me some reasons. Is me being a mod an insecurity, or is someone else being made a mod in general an insecurity?

Can't make improvements to anything if you guys don't explain.

Sep 21, 2002, 06:34 PM
I'm already liking the new look to the page where you type your posts!!!

This place definitely goes through it's changes.....but it has endured. I like the place. It feels comfortable, most likely because it was the first forum/community that I ever joined. I also know quite a few of the members of PSOW in real life as well.

If anyone of you start to feel negatively towards PSOW.....simply go away for awhile and come back when your feelings have changed for the positive. It works wonders.

Looking forward to seeing what else you've got for us. =)

Sep 21, 2002, 07:12 PM
On 2002-09-21 15:31, ABDUR101 wrote:

This seems like a bit of insecurity on psow's part.

Well come on, give me some reasons. Is me being a mod an insecurity, or is someone else being made a mod in general an insecurity?

Can't make improvements to anything if you guys don't explain.

No. Uh...all power to you becoming a mod....

I mean it seems like PSOW is insecure for firing Wata only because he is making a pso site.

Sep 21, 2002, 07:58 PM
On 2002-09-21 17:12, PlatinumGame wrote:
I mean it seems like PSOW is insecure for firing Wata only because he is making a pso site.

simply not true

Sep 21, 2002, 09:10 PM
Someone should step in and try to clarify because thats how its comin' off.

Sep 22, 2002, 12:28 AM
It's called a conflict of interest.

Sep 22, 2002, 01:28 AM
eh, abdur.. mod..? please no.

Sep 22, 2002, 01:57 AM
Whether or not ABDUR becomes a mod shouldn't be a topic of discussion, it's his decision, and trying to force someone to be anything that they don't want to be will always end up the same way.

They won't.

It's ABDUR's decision.

Sep 22, 2002, 07:01 AM
On 2002-09-21 19:10, PlatinumGame wrote:
Someone should step in and try to clarify because thats how its comin' off.

It wasn't ONLY that he was going to make a seperate PSO site. Sure it was part of the reason, but there were many more.

His overall attitude towards the other staff was very poor.

He made decisions with out clearing it with anyone (anything he makes or changes HAVE to be cleared by EVERYONE on the PSOW staff).

What it comes down to is that it was Gideon's decision and Gideon IS still owner of this site.


Sep 22, 2002, 04:52 PM
On 2002-09-21 16:34, merlin wrote:
I'm already liking the new look to the page where you type your posts!!!

This place definitely goes through it's changes.....but it has endured. I like the place. It feels comfortable, most likely because it was the first forum/community that I ever joined. I also know quite a few of the members of PSOW in real life as well.

If anyone of you start to feel negatively towards PSOW.....simply go away for awhile and come back when your feelings have changed for the positive. It works wonders.

Yeah, after I left PSOW for about two months, I realized how much I missed it, and it made me come back. This was the first major forum I joined as well, I love this place. Hell I remember the good 'ol days, when my name was _xX_PlayR_Frosty_Xx_ (guess it was too long) and when I made my first post, and when I actually met someone from PSOW.

But anyway, I'm going to miss Wata being a mod. Even though it wasn't the only reason he was removed, I consider it very stupid to add to the list of reasons "because he was making a site like PSOW". It's only a gallery site now.....even if he did make a site dedicated to PSO, I don't believe it'd be taking that many people away. That's like saying to a member "If you make a PSO site, you're banned." I'm not in any way attempting to flame, just stating my opinion.

And on Abdur being a mod, I think he would be a very good choice, he's a very wise person in my opinion. He could contribute a lot to PSOW.

EDIT: Damn BBcode.....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: _xX_Frosty_Xx_ on 2002-09-22 14:56 ]</font>

Sep 23, 2002, 10:51 AM
I haven't been to the forums for a quite a while and was wondering what the stats (ie. HP, TP, EXP) are for that are under everyones name.

I have been trying to look for a topic that talks about it, but I haven't found one yet.

I thought it would explain it here, but it didn't.

Sep 23, 2002, 10:55 AM
On 2002-09-23 08:51, Whatley wrote:
I haven't been to the forums for a quite a while and was wondering what the stats (ie. HP, TP, EXP) are for that are under everyones name.


Sep 23, 2002, 01:37 PM
Dammit, it always has to be the best dudes who have to leave!! >.< I feel like I'm watching Survivor. =P

Oh well. One PHP wh0re gone. eRUPT, know what that means? Yessir. Double work!!!

*evil laugh*

Uhh... Yah. *scratches head* Oh and since everyone puts in his two cents about Abdur being a mod, I will give my opinion too (since I fear people will kill me if I don't. o.O;;):

No farking idea. -.-

Sep 25, 2002, 11:24 AM
In the end Watashiwa was fired simply for his attitude. To me, him making his own site had nothing to do with it. We've had several problems in the past with his perspective of what PSOW is, and what his place is within it. If anyone recalls he has been fired once before, and hired back on a ..... wait and see status. I am very sad it had to come with this, as Wata was one of the first members of the site, and the first big contributor, he did help make PSOW what it is today. In the end, it wasnt a conflict of interests that resulted in his dismissal, but rather in his treatment of other moderators/admins/members.

PSOW owes him alot of gratitude, which will not change. And while he will no longer be a functioning admin, I hope he is never a stranger to PSOW.

He deserves our respect for his dedication over such time, keeping dedicated to an entity such as PSOW is a draining experience, and it is to his credit he maintained for as long as he did.

I wish him the best of luck with his website ventures. When it comes down to it, his place just isn't at the head of PSOW. But no matter what anyone here feels about him, his efforts here will always be appreciated.

Sep 25, 2002, 12:00 PM
Did he ask to have the bars removed or is it someone else's idea BTW?

Sep 25, 2002, 12:03 PM
My idea to remove them. First off they were a ripped idea from another forum. Second they were a very unefficient chunk of code run for each post in the viewtopic code. And third, did many people actually understand them at all or care enough to try?

Sep 25, 2002, 12:47 PM
Ask Lolita and Saladwood; they're the experts in telling us how many threads about bars they've locked.

Who thought of making an explicit explanation thread, huh? Who did? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

*Gives himself medal of honor. Ego tank was empty* http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif