View Full Version : How much ATP does a HUcast gain at level 200?

Feb 1, 2006, 01:28 PM
Is it +5, +4, +???? I poked around in the guides and didn't find my answer.

Also, do they get an ATA point? That would rule if so.

Feb 1, 2006, 01:53 PM
Is there something wrong with your cast?
Well, I assumed that you have seen

Compare the base with your char. & see which stat is not right. Besides materials, units & equipment can also affect your stats.

Feb 1, 2006, 02:00 PM
Nono, nothing's wrong at all... Except he'll be hitting 200 soon and I sunno, I just want a FRESH HUcast with levels ahead of him once Mj is done. I wanted to see what I did to Mj so I can do it again. I somehow lost his mat record, so I don't have that to go off of. I'm -pretty sure- I'll be getting a +5 since his naked base atp is 1333 right now. That'd mean I used 96 pow mats on him. Which would make sense, I think. +4 would leave 95.5 which is impossible, and +3 and +7 don't seem to fit the later level stat progression trend...

P.O.E. leaves +5 as the most likely candidate. NowI just need to figure out why the hell I fed him 96 pow mats. Hehe.

Thanks for your reply. :j