View Full Version : Change.

Feb 7, 2006, 04:59 PM
Has anyone realized that they're changing over the past few months? I've realized my personality, liked, and dislikes have greatly changed. Things that never pissed me off drive me up a wall. Thing that I had no trouble ignorning annoy me so much. If you all don't mind I'll tell you about it...

I sat on my arse all summer and played PSO, got lazy and...well got lazy. Then I started going to the gym again, started paying more attention in school, started playing baseball, stopped playing PSO, stopped skateboarding, and I havn't been snowboarding all winter, I don't even care about it anymore and it used to be the one thing I loved. I don't listen to music anymore, nothing sounds that great any more. I don't like certain people, a certain label..gothic people, no offense to any of you if you are but I just don't like being around generally depressing people.

I'm tired of trying to get the girls I like to like me so I've been just letting them come to me, it's been working pretty good too. I used to dress as a skater, I still do for the most part but I can garuntee by the beginning of next school year I'll be more of a preppy kind of guy. I'm getting rid of my skating stuff over the summer and having my cousin take me to where he gets his clothes. Wearing a skaters clothes is feeling less like...me every week and I kind of like it, I've been needing a change for quite some time but I don't know how it will effect my current friends. My cousin was blown away, she was like "omg wtf!!! your going to be a prep?!?!" but I don't really care. Why pretend to be something I'm not anymore? It only seems right to stop wearing what people are used to seeing me wear.

What do you all think? about my story and yours if you have one relating to mine?

Feb 7, 2006, 05:32 PM
Ive started listening to more mucis, I never used to be that into it but I dunno I like it now (rock mainly)
I barely play video games anymore. I used toplay hours a day but now I cant play half an hour without getting bored. And Ive started growing out my hair a bit,played guitar and I like it. Also I think girls are starting to notice me more.

Feb 7, 2006, 06:41 PM
You will constantly change throughout your life, traits, personality, likes/dislikes, interests, tastes(whether it be for food, music, culture, etc).

Feb 7, 2006, 06:52 PM
The step you just gave in was when you stopped wanting to satisfy others with your actions and self, and saw that you need only to satisty yourself. This isn't about being selfish, this is more like deciding that the approval of yourself needs only to be approved by yourself. When one tries to become someone else, one is lost: The world isn't meant for us to be mindless robots, all the same and with standard behaviour/traits.

There isn't an ultimate state of evolution, at least not on this life. It's like school: You'll keep evolving, learning, making mistakes and striving, until your lessons on this Earth are over, and you need to go study elsewhere.

Feb 7, 2006, 08:09 PM
I use to like doing gifts for people.

Guess i changed too.

Feb 7, 2006, 09:00 PM
I've changed very little, except for a better school work... work!

Feb 7, 2006, 11:23 PM
I've been changing recently.

I'm suddenly sucking less at both programming and drawing. Of course, that could have something to do with taking structured programming and drawing/storyboarding classes, this quarter.

Feb 7, 2006, 11:35 PM
I'm exceedingly happy and completely in love <3

Feb 10, 2006, 03:16 AM
second abdur's comments. with age comes wisdom, to be sure... lord knows i have my unfair share of it myself. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif oooh... my knee is throbbing, a storm's a comin'!

ps: this new you won't last either. also, learn to enjoy that which previously irks you, or at least grudgingly respect it. burn no bridges, you'll never know where you'll need to go next.