View Full Version : Ult mode mines

Feb 14, 2006, 09:15 AM
Can anybody tell me the best way to get through ult mode mines with my Humar

Feb 14, 2006, 09:57 AM
On 2006-02-14 06:15, Maximus21 wrote:
Can anybody tell me the best way to get through ult mode mines with my Humar

There are a few other topics about the ultimate mines and how to beat them, probably because they are one of the hardest areas on episode 1 and 2, try reading some of them for more information.

The general guidelines for offline, dont know if you are offline or online, are to make sure you keep your health high enough to survive, make sure you are a high enough level, go back and repeat forest and caves a couple of times or parts of episode 2 to help you level, this will make the enemies die easier and you will survive easier.
Also have you tried shooting the enemies with a gun froma doorway with mechguns or a handgun, this will keep some distance between you allowing you to not be able to be hit as easily.
Make sure that you can get a photon blast for Mylla and Youlla as these will make it a lot simpler.
Cecil liceC

Feb 14, 2006, 11:28 AM
Ranged weapons and high HP. Chich shots are very strong and quite fast. Defense will do nothing for you against those. Twins PB is of course always a great HUmar must have. Preferably Mechguns or Red Handgun as weapons. The gilchich/dubchich attacks are randomly interupted, unlike Gilchic/Dubchic attacks which can be haulted apon your first strike.
Baranz can be a pain, another reason you might want HP units on you. Cure/Freeze or Cure/Shock would be nice for Vol Opt ver.2... and high elemental resistences... so maybe Attribute Plate and/or Wall would be a good idea (if you can).
Melee weapons are not a good idea in most cases for Ultimate Mines. But since you're a hunter, you have the ATP to make better use of ranged weapons.
If you really need to, you can use some type of Demon special gun with hit.
That's all I can really think of.

Feb 14, 2006, 12:23 PM
You need cure/slow to get through the mines with little annoyance. Other than that stick with guns/mechs for mid-range fighting. Best to have some good ATA too, since they are like the "temple" of EP1.

Feb 14, 2006, 12:28 PM
go with the mechgun type weapons, my humar uses twin psychoguns. of course i am working on raising a mag with shifta deband because a power mag just doesnt quite cut it.

Feb 14, 2006, 01:51 PM
Mechguns against pretty much everything. Slicers against Canabin rings (I find it works well), Handgun against Baranz- Mechs if you get knocked over by Baranz.

Against Sinows- if they knock you over, don't Jellen them. If they don't knock you over, Jellen them.

Cure/Slow isn't really needed- since mechs are my weapon of choice against Mines, I'm usually at a safe distance anyway.

Feb 16, 2006, 11:09 AM
On 2006-02-14 10:51, UrikoBB3 wrote:
Mechguns against pretty much everything. Slicers against Canabin rings (I find it works well), Handgun against Baranz- Mechs if you get knocked over by Baranz.

Against Sinows- if they knock you over, don't Jellen them. If they don't knock you over, Jellen them.Cure/Slow isn't really needed- since mechs are my weapon of choice against Mines, I'm usually at a safe distance anyway.

If you're wondering why, it's because if it knocks you down originaly, it can't decimate you with combos due to you being on the ground having that invulnerablilty until you get back up, and when you get back up, the Sinow has already leaped back.
Using Jellen would probably lower it's damage just enough so it still hurts pretty good... but not enough to knock you down, thus a 2 hit combo would do more than him knocking you down with one, and if he isn't the only enemy, you will probably die.

If you don't get knocked down in the first place, Jellen on the Sinow(s) would be the smart thing, seeing you're not going to get knocked down in any way shape or form (maybe a critical) but if he can't inflict enough originally, he's going to do very little with Jellen, so you should be fine.