View Full Version : A familiar ...?

Feb 16, 2006, 11:39 PM
This is more of contemplation/thought then an omgemo rant.

Have you ever had a time, where you saw some random stranger, but you had an impending feeling that you've seen them before?

Wednesday, waiting to get to class, ran into a girl, whom reminded me of someone i knew 8 years ago, and haven't seen for said 8 years (moved etc). I was never directly sure, since the girl i knew, was red head and sorta larger, this girl was blond and not large.

I did notask, since i hate to be wrong *whoops* but it sorta bugged me for the entire day. <_<

Cuz it would of been sweet if it were her after that long.

In any case, can you relate?

Feb 16, 2006, 11:43 PM
I've had several situations where I've stopped dead in my tracks and took a double take. Most of them were because I saw someone who looked EXACTLY like my best friend. But they were on completely different occasions. Which is freaky.

Feb 17, 2006, 11:29 AM
Some people bear identical traits, either physical or not. That's why you get that feeling, even if you may not have met that someone.

Feb 17, 2006, 11:25 PM
Maybe your souls have met somewhere else before.

(<_< lolz)

But seriously (OR IS IT), I've gotten that feeling before, Ting. It's eerie, isn't it? You just want to say something, but can't. I can relate.