View Full Version : To buy or not to buy (a 360)...

Feb 20, 2006, 12:51 AM
I've debated with myself over the past few days about dropping 400 bones to get a 360 (because if I got one, I would get the 400)...

It just doesn't seem worth it right now.

I'm excited for games like Oblivion and a few others, but as the 360 sits right now, I would only for sure buy Call of Duty 2 and possibly PDZ (which, after playing, doesn't terribly impress me, online and especially off).

I guess this thread is a shout out to anyone who does own a 360 and has some dark secret to tell me about why the 360 is worth the price of admission.

Feb 20, 2006, 01:19 AM
I don't really play mine at the moment. Call of Duty every so often, check around LIVE for any demos and content.

Waiting for Oblivion as well. For right now, there really isn't much reason to get one.

Also, I bought the SE of PDZ, and really, it's crap. Goldeneye on the N64 has better gameplay.

Feb 20, 2006, 01:24 AM
I've got Dead or Alive 4 and Perfect Dark Zero so far, and am very satisfied with my purchase. Kameo is great, Zelda-esque fun, but I don't own a copy.

The Arcade has really great potential, too, as well as the backwards compatibility... Though, I do wish the system was released later, so these features could be in better shape, at launch. A big update for backwards compatibility is said to be coming around March (according to rumor, which doesn't seem to far out), and more games are being added to the Arcade gradually.

But yeah, I'd say it's worth the purchase. I don't see a price drop coming any time soon (maybe when the PS3 launches, at the very earliest), and there are some very intriguing titles on the way (Ninety-Nine Nights is also getting a playable demo in March).

Feb 20, 2006, 01:26 PM
I dont like Xbox its to piky a tiny smugh and dosnt play a small scrach dosnt play or frezzes if the 360 is like this i wont get it... the games have to be in perfect condition and that diosnt happen w/ kids >.>

Feb 20, 2006, 01:46 PM
On 2006-02-20 10:26, XredX wrote:
I dont like Xbox its to piky a tiny smugh and dosnt play a small scrach dosnt play or frezzes if the 360 is like this i wont get it... the games have to be in perfect condition and that diosnt happen w/ kids >.>

Wow. I think I'll ignore the lack of spelling ability and sentence structure, and just say, where are you hearing that from?

Kids aren't the problem, not keeping your shit out of their reach is.

Feb 20, 2006, 03:43 PM
I basically came to the decision I'm not going to get one...

Hell, the PS2 has more upcoming titles I'm interested in than the 360, or atleast, enough to keep me occupied until the PS3.

But I have a feeling Oblivion is going to be really special...makes me kind of sad they took away the PS3 version.

Feb 20, 2006, 05:39 PM
Just wait until some better games come out, then get it.

I mean my friend got one then it broke, he got it to work but he still never plays it.

Feb 20, 2006, 07:43 PM
Yes my spelling sucks and kids need to play there games as well not the reaching part makes no dif all they need is a chair but i didnt hear it from no where its experinced from using the Xbox

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: XredX on 2006-02-20 16:46 ]</font>

Feb 21, 2006, 02:33 AM
Getting a 360 would be an individual opinion. Personally, I'm waiting for the PS3 to come out and for the price drop because it has more promising games I prefer than those on the 360. Maybe in future I'd get a 360... But like I said, it varies with individuals.

Feb 22, 2006, 04:08 PM
I'm still waiting on news of interesting PS3 games other than MGS4. :/