View Full Version : A Sad Tale...

Feb 23, 2006, 10:20 PM
A sad tale I have to tell everyone...
Not sure if this goes here, but whatever...
A girl (Cindy, my sis) and a guy(Alex) were in a rickety relationship, but somehow, they got along. I was happy for them. Recently, conflict between the two was constant. She would come to me and I would do my best to console and advise her. They had problems indeed, for Alex wanted to do something he established in the relationship a while ago, and wanted to go back on it because it was his senior year... unfair and selfish, yes... Cindy was saddened and cried, and yet he still didn't change his mind about it!

This is where I realized something was going on with Alex... I'm a very observant person sometimes. Well, anyways, they went on in their relationship. The conflict was still present. I could not understand as why Alex would go back on his own rule if he was the one who made it in the first place... selfish without consideration I suppose... but that's not it.

They have had worse conflicts before, but Alex called the relationship off, for supposedly having too much bad stuff going on. Cindy was sad of course, but there was hope yet, for Alex said that he might want to get back together again. Cindy told me this, and instantly, everything clicked together... I'll explain later...

Well, things between the two were awkward. They still talked of course, but I could see the pain in Cindy. I was shocked to know that he told her that he wouldn't go into a relationship right afterwards, but I doubted it. One day she tells me that he is talking and hanging out with some other girl (Alyssa) and completly ignoring Cindy. That much added up in my mind. He was confused about Cindy and Alyssa. Or so I thought at first.

He told Cindy that he had a problem 2 days before they broke up, but would not tell her. This was the problem: Her or Alyssa.

Well, Cindy comes to me later on today, and tells me that she saw Alex and Alyssa kissing... and it broke Cindy inside. She was so enraged, she wanted to injure Alyssa. Cindy's friends helped calm her... she was thankful of that. I knew the whole story at once.

Alyssa liked Alex when he was in the relationship, but Alyssa left to another school. Alyssa comes back and a few days later, problems start. Oh, and Alyssa's caused problems before. One of my friends and a girl who liked her was where it might have started. The girl (Becky) was infatuated with my friend, and out of nowhere, Alyssa likes him too. Becky was heartbroken by this... and she decided not to go with my friend. Alyssa practically stole him because she and my friend got together...

Well I guess Alyssa has a profession for falling for ones who are marked. I couldn't bear to see Cindy so sad... it ate me up...

So here is the summary of this tale:

Alex has a conflict of whether he can hug his friends because it's his last year. He established the rule that Cindy and himself can't hug anyone else other than each other, so in a way, he went back on possesiveness and switched to selfishness. It started because Cindy gave a side hug to one of her good friends (was a guy) and he got angry and retaliated by hugging someone else. Childish. Well, Alex wouldn't change his mind, Cindy even cried and no deal to him... Later, he tells her he has a problem, but can't tell her. The problem is picking between her and Alyssa. I'm supposing he wanted to hug Alyssa or something before... Cindy lost a good friend (Becky) because he didn't want Cindy to talk to her... and she abided. He was arrogant and possesive of her, he would break the rules he set for them without a care (ex. He would be able to ditch 6th period, but she couldn't), and he would get really edgy of her talking to any guys. The problems all started when Alyssa comes back to the school... Cindy notices that he's spending a lot more time with Alyssa after they break up. They break up because he says there is too much conflict, when it wasn't much. And they've been through tougher times, but they stayed together. Doesn't make sense unless you put Alyssa into the factor. He breaks up because he likes Alyssa, selfishly leaving Cindy under an illusion of hope of restoration of their relationship. And Cindy has been observing, noticing that they were in fact having a secret relationship! It tore Cindy more, because he went back on his word of not going into another relationship so quickly. He lied to her. Well, Cindy sees him kissing Alyssa, and that is all the evidence she needed. He did in fact break up with her because he liked Alyssa! Such utter crap!!! Such stupid selfish acts piss the hell out of me! I couldn't believe my ears when she told me her story, even though I knew something was going on and I told her. It breaks my heart to have to see this happen to anyone, but someone of my family? I don't know what to do, but fuck (sorry!), that's one of the worst things you could do to your significant other than cheating on them! This is practically cheating but not technically because he broke up with her so that he could go with Alyssa. I think it's all selfishness. I wonder how Alyssa must feel repeating her acts again? Alyssa knew he was in a relationship... so maybe he suggested the idea? Maybe he told Alyssa his idea of breaking up with Her? Or maybe Alyssa didn't care and still wanted him as her's? Maybe... And all along, this was going on in secret somewhere. I think it is unfaithful, it is unloyal, it is sinful, it is unforgivable, and it is bullshit (sry). Would you not be angry and hurt if it happened to you? Obviously, he didn't take that thought into consideration. There is more, but this is all that is required to tell this tale of sorrow, upon the hand of Alex, who deserves to rot in an eternity...

All I know is, it will happen again, this relationship might not last as it did with my friend and Alyssa. If it does, it means unworthy people are meant for each other. I want Alyssa to feel ashamed, as well as him. They should feel dirty, embarrassed, ashamed, and abashed at what they have done. For some reason, I don't think they even feel guilt! I haven't seen Alex sad or anything. HE EVEN WAVED TO CINDY AND SMILED! Oh, but Alyssa fears Cindy. And she should. He and Alyssa have gone against morals of society, and they don't deserve to be considered human. They are subhuman and unworthy. I hope they live the rest of their lives in utter guilt and shame.

Feb 23, 2006, 10:38 PM
I am not sure how i can reply to this. They are forgiveable (as everyone is) but this is truly a terrible thing to do. You are probably right about Alex talking with Alyssa about breaking up with Cindy to go out with her. i can't really say to much about this though since it is not really open ended.

Feb 23, 2006, 11:08 PM
Ah, maybe I missed something, but... "sounds like high school to me." I mean really, is it that big a deal? Kids do stuff like that all the time, don't they? Put yourself in Alex's shoes--you're dating someone whom your feelings for no longer equal those you feel for someone else. Since you're still a naive high schooler, what do you do? Of course you switch to the one you currently like more. At that age everyone is experimenting and making stupid mistakes and being inconsiderate and anti-social, and not half the time on purpose.

Plus, it sounds to me like Cindy is better off without Alex anyhow. He can skip sixth hour, but won't let her? Freaks out when she hugs her male friends? I wouldn't want to jump to any rash conclusions, but those are two classic earmarks of the beginning of an abusive relationship. Maybe she should view her "loss" of Alex as a blessing in disguise? I would.

Feb 23, 2006, 11:17 PM
Cup-o-coffee got it to the point really.

Welcome to Highschool, where pity-parties and teeny-boppers delight in such things. I'm sure they told each other they loved one another as well, all the time.

In two weeks, it'll be old news, and some other 'calamity' will have befallen everyone.

Feb 23, 2006, 11:42 PM
Get over it, its going to happen again next month.

Feb 24, 2006, 01:02 AM
Welcome to MTV's Maury Povich.

Feb 24, 2006, 03:41 PM
I've seen things like this happen before, and they're never fun. When one person is trying to control the other, it usually means that they do not trust the other, and it just gets worse from that point on. I've watched these things happen to my female friends, and every single time they suspected my friend of cheating on them with me, so I get cut off for up to 3 months, and then they come back saying things did not work out, and just got worse. Though there was 1 case where I was cut off to this day, because all her other friends hate me too.

I hope that lessons were learned from this unfortunate occurance, and that it does not happen again.

Feb 24, 2006, 08:36 PM
The break up was going to happen anyways. It's a highschool relationship, they aren't meant to last. Actually Alex seems like a good guy. Atleast he broke up with cindy first eh? and the thing with alyssa isn't going to last. she'll soon loose interest in Alex. You can tell because she has a thing for marked guys. There's alot of girls like this. She's attracted to the unavailibility(sp?) The last time Alyssa did this did the relationshiup last a long time? Anyways like cup-of -coffee said it seems more of a blessing.

edit: you already said it was in a rickety relationship. Why prolong the inevitable?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: darkgunner on 2006-02-24 17:37 ]</font>