View Full Version : It is pathetic

Feb 26, 2006, 02:01 AM
How the human mind works. I mean, people think they are helping and even when it may be the most patheticly obvious thing that they are not, they still continue. Why? I dunno. I've experienced this phenomena many times, even here on PSOW.

I've even told some of these people that they are being of no use, repeating the same thing over and over again (baring in mind that repetition makes perfection).

I won't mention names due to the fact that I don't like being an a$$ hole, but I'm sure you people know who you are. And if you happen to be reading this, please, just please, TAKE A HINT.

hmm, wrote this with my eyes closed

Feb 26, 2006, 02:15 AM
Chirst, this again? It is called constructive criticism. You are supposed to learn from it, not throw a tantrum because of it... again.

You said it best.

On 2006-02-25 23:01, Dre_o wrote:

Now if only you listened to your own advice. When people keep telling you the same thing over and over again, it isn't just for shits and giggles. For once, at least try to absorb some of the information that is being thrown your way. Stop making the same mistakes over and over again. You will never get better this way. Learn from these people. They know what is best for you. They have been there and done that. They know more and can do more than you can. That is a fucking fact. It is not up for discussion.

And remember, kids, if it looks like shit, feels like shit and smells like shit... then hey, guess what? It's probably shit.

Feb 26, 2006, 02:27 AM
If you can't take the constructive criticism, then you're not asking to better yourself, you're expecting a pat on the back for whatever you're doing, no matter it's quality.

Atleast you're getting honest opinions and help on how to better yourself. If you can't deal with that, then only share your work with an inner-circle of friends that will 'oooo' and 'aaaah' over it, but where you'll also most likely not improve at all.

Feb 26, 2006, 02:31 AM

What I find "pathetic" is how you post your artwork, and people try to help you out only getting your bullcrap in return. They take the time out to look at your stuff, see what can be improved upon, and actually type out a whole post for you. All you do is read it, get whiney, and rant about it.

Please, get over yourself.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2006-02-25 23:40 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2006, 02:37 AM
On 2006-02-25 23:31, Skorpius wrote:

Yep. Look, I've sat on the sidelines and watched you draw, and post, and the posts that followed, and the rants, and the criticisms and everything, observing quietly. But this is ridiculous. You aren't making much improvement, and it doesn't look like you even want to, as you just throw hissy fits and feel as though when someone gives you criticism, they're out to attack you. They aren't saying "Your picture sucks!" they're saying "Your picture could use a bit of work, here's some things you might want to consider!"

I know it's all been said before, but oh my god, how old are you? Grow up, either take the criticism and learn from it, or friggin quit drawing and be quiet. I've had it.

Feb 26, 2006, 04:23 AM
Damn, talk about roasted.

Feb 26, 2006, 04:25 AM
Really, I agree with them. I mean, if you're not looking to improve your craft, why are you posting your work on PSOW? The Fan Works community has, for as long as I can remember, been one of constructive critisism and gradual improvement--none of us here are professionals (I think), and it's not like this is an art show where people simply show off what they've created. Be greatful that there are extremely skilled artists who post on this forum and are willing to give you some tips, or, as Maridia said, don't post your work where it's likely to recieve them.

Feb 26, 2006, 11:20 AM
Alright, time for me to get this over with, again.

Behold. Your newest work here

Compare it to this image you did alittle before you "quitted and angstsed" last time

Disregarding color, (which you have yet to finish shading by the way) you can clearly still see the exact same problems, that I, or any other replier has said, Over and over and over.

Here. 4 Images all of different times, All of them sporting simular (if not the exact same) problem.

If you keep on doing the same mistake over and over again, you'll get the same kind of reply over and over again until you finally get it through your head to fix it.

I said it once, I'll say it again, and i do not care if this upsets you; the truth hurts and if you want to improve at all in this field of art I'd seriously recommend you follow up.

1. Learn your basics of art, Line/Shape/Composition/Modeling (Light/Dark)

2. If you wish to continue only doing figures:
a. Take the advice i said in your recent thread

On 2006-02-25 19:51, Tingle wrote:
If you want to learn quick and easy anatomy skill, find pictures of peoples at beaches, or look in clothing catalouge. (Probably best to aim for the swimsuit/least amount of big poofy clothing)

b. Find someone to model for you.
c. Take actual classes to help you get your figure (among other aspects) better.
4.Get this book (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0671530771?v=glance) for its one of the cheapest and simplist renditions of teaching human anatomy without getting into too much detail about heavy anatomy (genititalia, unnecessary muscle..etc.)

I, among other members here are not afraid to break your little "bubble" when giving you the cold hard facts. If your tush can't cash the check, then don't write it.

In otherwords,
If you can handle it, forget it.

Also: Think of it in us, the audiences aspect. We don't want to see the exact same mistakes over and over again, we want to see you grow and get better. By you not doing short to anything we've suggested is downright hope shattering for us.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tingle on 2006-02-26 08:24 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2006, 04:33 PM
He is an artist in pain. Let us join hands and pray for Brother Dre.

Feb 26, 2006, 05:13 PM
To be an artist you must have thick skin. The world will not stop and begin commenting how you want them to ! You have to learn to take constructive criticism, or at the very least not freak out about it when it offends you (which it shouldn't !) !

Feb 28, 2006, 12:48 AM
Hey. I posted in the last thread.
I am repeating myself by posting it here.
Read what everyone is saying here. There is a reason for repeating. Like you keep bumping into a door. Until you learn to open that door before trying to walk through it, you will keep on bumping into that door.

Learn to open that door and quit whining about how the door is purposely trying to make you hurt.

Feb 28, 2006, 03:26 AM
Wow, someone put their foot in it... =)

Well...uh...everyone's said it already. You're making art, and think its amazing, and everyone else in the community thinks it needs vast improvement (let's not be modest) and you're not prepared to take the comments because of what? You dont like people talking ill of your "wonderful piece of art"? I'm betting you're not wanting to be an artist...but nevertheless, people have given their time to write constructive criticism for you to learn from, and you should accept it gracefully instead of throwing it back in their faces and refusing it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Antimony on 2006-02-28 00:28 ]</font>

Mar 1, 2006, 12:52 PM
a. don't create drama where there is none

b. don't flatter yourself

c- criticism is usually a good thing. usually.