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Mar 1, 2006, 12:53 AM
The next big thing (http://gear.ign.com/articles/691/691935p1.html)

Literally. Look at the size of that thing. Here's to power tripping abuse.

That kinda reminds me...
I didn't think of it at first, but now that I do...

It -does- bear a striking resemblance to Sony's Type U Vaio (http://www.vaio.sony.co.jp/Products/VGN-U50/). Same features, right down to the 6 inch or so touch screen. Oh, and except the Type U has been around for at least two years (original release 2004)

Albeit, the U has much less processing power, and seems quite pitiful compared to today's standards. But the concept was coined back then, only to be ripped by Microsoft, and revealed a few days ago.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firocket1690 on 2006-03-01 19:44 ]</font>

Mar 1, 2006, 01:42 AM
ORIGAMI IS HUEG http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

This looks interesting. Perhaps it will be like a Pocket PC, and have full games released for it. So, kinda like something new in the PC market, I guess?

Mar 1, 2006, 01:48 AM
It seems Mircosoft is trying to compete with apple more than PSP and DS, seriously that thing is huge for a protable handheld system.

Mar 1, 2006, 01:59 AM
Might as well get a friggin' laptop, if you wanna do all the bells and whistles shit.

Mar 1, 2006, 02:04 AM
Seems like a hoax.

Or some stupid "new" product.

Mar 1, 2006, 04:12 AM
Except it's not a portable console. It's a computer.

So either it'll be really expensive (and sold at a profit) or it'll be really restrictive (and sold at a loss).

The former assumes you can take compactflash or some type of memory and load whatever windows programs on it and go from there. Maybe even connect wirelessly (or just via USB) to your PC to transfer files or stream audio or video.

The latter assumes MS would release their own games and license other developers to do the same. It might take mini-DVDs or be like Valve's Steam program.

In either case, I doubt it'll have any sort of meaningful battery life. At best, probably around the PSP range.

Mar 1, 2006, 04:27 AM
Keep in mind that the movie is a year old, and is purely video concept art at this point, reported the Seattle Post Intelligencer. We could be seeing confirmation of the project with all the details as early as March 2, according to Origamiproject.com, a site that is accessible through Microsoft.com.

Origami is such a bad name for a handheld. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Read about this thing the other day. ORIGAMI By Microsoft!

As for it playing Halo?

Hmm. PC version stripped down with bad RAM/video?

Or is it added on in the video editing process?

A more expensive version of a tablet or what?
If they release all the internet software and gaming apps off the bat(unlike SONY), it will compete with that PSP market, but not come close to the Nintendo handheld dominance of course.

Mar 1, 2006, 05:22 PM
It's called Origami... but Microsoft is an american-based company that makes a machine that can't fold?


Mar 1, 2006, 06:14 PM
I hope/think they'll probably change the name to something more fitting. Like "The bigger-than-you-mother" machine or something.

Mar 1, 2006, 06:25 PM

Mar 1, 2006, 06:39 PM
It's hideous and blocky. I object. Sleek, portable, and black is the new sexy. Albeit PSP. (Bad ana stick, though)

Mar 1, 2006, 06:59 PM

Yeah, thats more like a Palm, for what I saw on the promo video, but, due its size, its not a "PALM" but a "FOOT"

Lets wait for its realease

Mar 1, 2006, 09:46 PM
dont forget to mention that VIAO did use some of windows components.

Mar 2, 2006, 06:12 PM
Okay... So they made a laptop... With a touchscreen... That doesn't Fold... And it called Origami.

...My laptop gets a better framerate on Halo than that thing did. :/

If Microsoft is serious about penetrating the handheld/iPod market, that thing better be shooting missiles and controlling giant robots.

Mar 2, 2006, 07:14 PM
This just in, you won't be playing Halo (lol) on it.


Mar 2, 2006, 10:20 PM
Well there goes 75% of its sales right there.

Mar 2, 2006, 10:29 PM
Seems like just a brand name of something we already have

But am I the only one who thinks Origami is a cool name for a handheld? Not for Microsoft, sounds more Sega/Nitendoish, but I still like how it's used.

Mar 3, 2006, 11:06 AM
Just an idea, but I reckon it's called Origami to appeal to the Japanese market? Microsoft haven't seemed to have broken the Japanese market yet, maybe this is an attempt.

Looks like a brick though. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Mar 3, 2006, 04:23 PM
The thing dosnt look half-bad, but my opinion is biased cuz i love Halo.

Mar 3, 2006, 04:33 PM
maybe if it really does whats shown in the vid (and a litte more), and dont exceed the price of a core 360, maybe, MAYBE I'll get one, if I dont have a laptop first (but just cuz I'm a gadget freak)

Mar 3, 2006, 04:46 PM
Origami would be a cool name if it folded or had design qualities like origami paper and didn't look like a $400-$600 Windows Media Player currently on the market.

Mar 3, 2006, 04:51 PM
that brick is pointless.