View Full Version : GC NTSC vs PAL Memory Cards

Mar 1, 2006, 10:19 PM
Hello, I've recently recived an offline trade offer from someone in London. It's a great offer, but I have one concern.

Are NTSC formatted memory cards compatible with a PAL Gamecube?

Any advice would be appreciated!

Mar 1, 2006, 10:20 PM
Well, I can't play my JP PSO Save with my US PSO save. Maybe it's different for PAL.

Mar 2, 2006, 10:58 AM
Well I have american game saves on my pal memory card and have no problem playing them, one thing I found was that when I tried to play my american version pso character it didnt work with the pal version of the game so I had to start from scratch so I dont think you will be trading with anyone with a pal version unless you want to waste alot of time money and effort unfortunately.

Mar 2, 2006, 04:50 PM
i'm the trade guy yeah nut what is ntsc formatted mem card? kari mia i could send you mine instead if you want or if it is easier

Mar 2, 2006, 06:17 PM
Hm... does anybody have an idea on how to work this out?

Mar 3, 2006, 02:59 AM
I dont know if this is accurate because i do not have the mentioned items but i have friends who do, and im not sure this is available for the GC cos we have XBOX but if you use something like action replay( or wotever it is called where you are) with the xbox version you get a usb thingy you can plug into your pc, and then you plug your mem card into the other end of it and it enables you to tra1nsfer your items and perhaps character(not too sure) onto your pc, then all you would have to do is switch memory cards and transfer the data back from the pc onto the other memory card.