View Full Version : Another Question I Haven't Asked in Quite a While...

Oct 1, 2002, 03:59 PM
What was one thing any of you have done that made you so proud of yourself, you threw a party and started having dreams of you winning awards?
Me? Well, I've done some pretty nice things...
1. Writing over 57 stories and creating 4 books.
2. Not crying when Aeris got killed in final Fantasy Seven (I really am a heartless jerk!)
3. Studying Japanese Culture and Language (Thanks to that, I'm the 3rd most popular girl in High School!)
4. Learning how to work a computer to perfection.
5. Creating my first play entiled, "Saotome Blues", and performed it at my school (last year).
6. Learning how to cook (I can make over 12 varietys of steak!)
7. Creating my first videogame (Using some computer program my mom got for my graduation.)
8. Playing Marvel vs Capcom and Grand Theft Auto (1, 2, and 3) It brought out a whole new me!
9. Going gothic (a lot more attention for me! *well 85% of the kids in my school are gothic*)
10. The time I was the "World Destruction" Spaz...
11. My intro to video games have saved my life in many instances.

Ian D
Oct 1, 2002, 04:03 PM
Wow Washu, I can't really compare with any of that... I've had a very uneventful life so far. I guess the only thing I am glad/thankful of (I already forgot what this topic was about) is when I decided to quit using drugs. I gotta work on that cooking thing though, but I can make macaroni and cheese!

[Edit: I decided to edit out one thing for personal reasons.]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Y0SHI on 2002-10-01 14:06 ]</font>

Oct 1, 2002, 04:16 PM
1. Studying religions at age 12 for quite afew years which opened my mind to new concepts

2. Staying away from people that were idiotic influences and not giving into the vast majority of peer pressure

3. Being alone through most of my childhood with only a game console as company

4. Being in an advanced computer class for 6th grade which was the first step to knowing as much as I do now about the inner-workings of a comp and the various pitfalls I've had over the years which required me to learn new things in order to help myself and others

5. Getting a job and working full-time to afford my own things instead of asking others for money

6. Getting to know everyone I've known over the years, the vast majority of people being online.

Oct 1, 2002, 04:21 PM
1) Completed the first part of TFFOMP: The Half-Naked Mind with my buddies.
2) Passed maths 536 with 87% average.
3) Got my private pilot's license.

That is freakin' all.

You say you wrote four books? Did you get published? What are their names? What's the story?

Oct 1, 2002, 04:22 PM

Oct 1, 2002, 04:31 PM
Well, the books are in my school's library for now, (when I get older, I'll publish them...)
The first book is called "Deep Within the Mind of That Evil Girl" (Nov 2000), which is a colection of stories from the past years.
My next book is "The Kink in the Wind and the Way", which is my autobiography.
The last book, in which I recently completed, "The Sephiroth Hour", is a pretty strange humor story about his daily life.
The total pages of each book, as I just noticed, is about 712 pages long..I spent most of my life(okay...three years) making these stories up...And I love myself for doing so. of course the storys are completely original, but the characters are from most of the video games I played, such as Final Fantasy and Evolution. I've made some new characters that are paper copys of some real people. *whistles*
That is all!

Oct 1, 2002, 04:33 PM
Oh! The last book, which was finished in 1999, was "The Many Misadventures in Midgar"...It's just a bunch of short stories put together...It's pretty long though...

Oct 1, 2002, 07:31 PM
I was toilet trained at the age of 19.


I guess I'm proud that I'm reading more and more. And I'm glad I've gone through everything I have.

Oct 1, 2002, 08:56 PM
On 2002-10-01 14:21, KodiaX987 wrote:

2) Passed maths 536 with 87% average.

Not to break your dream but, God maths 536 is so fucking easy o_O Wait for maths integral in College (you'll have to do it if you go in sciences, human sciences with maths, tech info and some other techs), 536 is "de la ptite biere" compared to that ;P

Edit : Stupid crappy board not taking french accents X_x

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mrs_Rohrbach on 2002-10-01 18:57 ]</font>

Oct 1, 2002, 09:09 PM
On 2002-10-01 13:59, WashuSaotome2 wrote:
Learning how to work a computer to perfection.

Really? Think you could help me make a GIF thing?

1.Memorizing the poem "If" in seventh grade.
2.Beating my friend at most any game

Oct 1, 2002, 09:40 PM
I hit puberty and realized that sex isn't so nasty after all.

I also became more popular. That's about it.

Oct 1, 2002, 10:33 PM
On 2002-10-01 14:31, WashuSaotome2 wrote:
of course the storys are completely original, but the characters are from most of the video games I played, such as Final Fantasy and Evolution. I've made some new characters that are paper copys of some real people. *whistles*
That is all!

Isn't that just called fanfiction? Good luck getting it published.

Oct 1, 2002, 11:52 PM
On 2002-10-01 20:33, Alielle wrote:

Isn't that just called fanfiction? Good luck getting it published.

Published isn't the problem. The pirahna-esque lawyers however, are http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 2, 2002, 07:35 AM
On 2002-10-01 18:56, Mrs_Rohrbach wrote:
Not to break your dream but, God maths 536 is so fucking easy o_O Wait for maths integral in College (you'll have to do it if you go in sciences, human sciences with maths, tech info and some other techs), 536 is "de la ptite biere" compared to that ;P

I'm doing Pure Sciences. Worked like a friggin' dog and only managed to hit 68% on my first Calculus test.

School is a bitch. ;_;

Oct 2, 2002, 07:48 AM
1. I'm still breathing!!!

Oct 2, 2002, 01:21 PM
On 2002-10-02 05:35, KodiaX987 wrote:

I'm doing Pure Sciences. Worked like a friggin' dog and only managed to hit 68% on my first Calculus test.

School is a bitch. ;_;

Same for me =/ You know when the E.C.C. teacher was telling you college is so much harder than secondary, well HE/SHE WAS RIGHT!!! X_x My average was like 88% in secondary, and now in college I'm freaking happy when I get a 75 in a sciences course =/ If you have right now only 68% in "math differentiel", well work harder, cause it was like the easiest course of sciences for me! Integral is was much harder, optic and electric physics are the bitchs and god that bio is boring! Really I only have one good advice for you, study, study and STUDY! And go to all your courses! (something I tend to not do! XD) BTW, if you need help, PM me, maths is like the only course I'm rly good at! >_< Btw, calculus 1, is it vectorial and linear algebra for you or it's differentiel calculus?!

On topic, I guess I'm proud of my 90% in biology 1 from my summer course, the average was only 71%! Though I followed the course at a crappier college than my actual one during the school year! Really the only course in college I got really good =/ Go pure sciences go! X_x
Oh and I'm proud of the guy I "catched"! He's sexy, he's funny, he's romantic, he's bitch (loves this one! XD), in other words he's perfect and HE'S MINE! =O

Oct 2, 2002, 01:37 PM
On 2002-10-02 05:48, neko-chan wrote:
1. I'm still breathing!!!

i'll go with neko on this one

Oct 2, 2002, 01:56 PM
1.) Taking Sweepstakes in Marching band.
2.) Earned almost everything in all of my DC games.
3.) No longer being able to cry. (Im probably the most cold-hearted member here)

Oct 2, 2002, 02:01 PM
Both teachers and students here say differential calculus is the toughest course at this CEGEP. My 68% mark was on a exam with a 62% average.

I also have a linear algebra/vector geometry course. This one I got 84 on a 79 average. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif We just finished matrices and moved on to vectors, and right now it's a piece of cake.

Chemistry is much harder since the teacher is bent on failing each and every one of us. >.< On exams, he asks only a few high-mark questions, and if you do only one calculation error, expect to get lots of points taken off. He doesn't give points for the procedure. You can know the entire step-by-step process and do it clearly in front of him, but if you write one number wrong, you go down, just because of one number. Sucks ass.

Oct 2, 2002, 06:15 PM
1. Getting all 5 of my highers and getting to Uni.
2. Finding out I'm one of the best god-damned sculpters in town! People are in awe at my creative genius and masterful hands.

Oct 3, 2002, 09:09 AM
On 2002-10-02 11:56, Robert_Garcia wrote:
3.) No longer being able to cry. (Im probably the most cold-hearted member here)

I bet you fifty bucks I am more cold-hearted than you are. Just ask Watashiwa, Greg, Serendipity, and Breezblok. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Oct 3, 2002, 10:25 AM
1. Finally fullfilling all my duties in life (education, job, etc.)

2. Finally realising that I have to confess my feeling to the woman I love after 10 years of being crippled by my own fear.

3. Having been able to experience so many things in only 22 years (Rugby team, choir, acting, dancing, playing an instrument, etc.)

4. Having good friends.

*Looks at what he's written*

Ack! Got a little too sentimental there...here have some lighter ones to mix it up...

5. PSO and PSO Ver.2

6. Anime

7. Fan fictions

8. Books

9. Er...hmmm...nope can't think of a 9

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SS_Death on 2002-10-03 08:28 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2002, 11:39 AM
1)Discovering masturbation.

2)Re-discovering masturbation.

3)Being able to survive some of the things I've been through.

Oct 3, 2002, 05:24 PM
"Being able to survive some of the things I've been through"...?

Could that be excessive masturbation?

Oct 3, 2002, 05:27 PM

Oct 3, 2002, 05:45 PM
When I look back on my short life thus far, I don't really have anything to feel proud of.

Honestly, even the whole "still breathing" thing doesn't have much weight, considering that it'd probably be harder for me to get killed/kill myself than it is to continue being a waste of space.