View Full Version : EB Confirms GCPSO Release date

Oct 1, 2002, 04:46 PM
I called Electronics Boutique at 3:12 pm est today. The sales manager said they will be recieving the broadband adapter on 10/29 (October 29). As well they said that the game itself is supposed to be released alongside it. So hopefully this is true =). I can't wait. =)

Oct 1, 2002, 04:50 PM
On 2002-10-01 14:46, SedyneX930 wrote:
I called Electronics Boutique at 3:12 pm est today. The sales manager said they will be recieving the broadband adapter on 10/29 (October 29). As well they said that the game itself is supposed to be released alongside it. So hopefully this is true =). I can't wait. =)

Funny you should mention it, I just looked earlier at their webpage to check on the dates and see if they had changed. Same date for the game as you mentioned but the bba / modem are both scheduled to come out on the 22nd.

Makes me wonder..

Ian D
Oct 1, 2002, 05:31 PM
On 2002-10-01 14:50, Kenks23 wrote:

Funny you should mention it, I just looked earlier at their webpage to check on the dates and see if they had changed. Same date for the game as you mentioned but the bba / modem are both scheduled to come out on the 22nd.

Makes me wonder..

A week or two difference doesn't really matter to me, just as long as we get it around that time and NOT over a month later.

Oct 1, 2002, 05:37 PM
Well, I went down to Software Etc. and reserved the game and BBA. According to them the dates were Oct 22 for BBA and Oct. 29 for the game. Let's hope these dates are correct!

Oct 1, 2002, 06:06 PM
Im pretty sure theres a 2 month delay to fix bugs no?

Oct 1, 2002, 06:34 PM
The Amazon.com link on the front page of this website still has it coming out on the 18th. What's the deal, is it coming out then?

Oct 1, 2002, 07:02 PM
I can't wait ^_^ Putting mine on reserve tommarow.....

Oct 1, 2002, 07:19 PM
Every place has a different date, youll know the release date on the day you go buy it.

Oct 1, 2002, 08:04 PM
Only a month. I cant wait

Oct 1, 2002, 09:05 PM
Only 17 days, if the Amazon.com link is right.

Oct 1, 2002, 09:14 PM
I doubt it, everywhere else says the 30th.....

Oct 1, 2002, 09:52 PM
The 2 month delay refers to the Japanese version. Fixing the bug itself doesn't take very long; it's the process of recalling and re-releasing that takes up the bulk of that time. Since the North American version hasn't even been pressed yet, the delay doesn't apply here. Besides that, SoA and NoA just recently put up a release date on their websites, and all the major game stores have the same date. SoA and NoA are probably well aware of the situation, so I doubt they'd put such a definite release date up if it would be a two-month process here as well. So, if I don't see the date change in the next week or so, then I'm going to assume that it's coming out on the 29th.

However, I won't keep my hopes up too high, just in case something crazy happens. Knocking on wood here.

Anyhow, Larkin and I have preordered our modem/BBA today. They'll be out the 22nd; yay!

Oct 2, 2002, 12:00 AM
The week kinda makes a difference to me but it doesn't really matter regardless b/c the game that I'd be needing it for comes out the next week.

It matters to me b/c there are jerks at my Babbages who always think they know everything about games and they don't know jack .. they just know what the need to know to basically sell the game and I'm a person who would love to work at Babbages / EB and they know less than me about that stuff... ok sorry, my vent for the day.

Oct 2, 2002, 12:44 AM
If you are waiting for the US release then of course you must be optimistic and "knock on wood."

The more you feel you believe the game is coming soon than the earlier the release date you will believe.

So surpreme optimists would wish and wish that Amazon 18th date is correct.

I am wishing it comes in October so I can stand in the store and watch other people buy it. Sad face http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif No money/no happiness.

Sega's site says October So I believe that more than a retailer or even worse an online-only retailer.

Oct 2, 2002, 03:33 AM
Aren't any of you taking the dupe bug in the Japanese version into consideration?

You seriously think you'll receive a superior game in a few weeks, while the Japanese wait for upto, or more than 2 months?

Come on..

Oct 2, 2002, 06:37 AM
If the US version is coming out this month, it will most likely have the glitches.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zio on 2002-10-02 04:37 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2002, 10:31 AM
I think there is a 50/50 chance that the game will have or not have the bug in it. Most games are not put on the discs until about a week or two before the release date. As such there is a possibilty that ST was able to go back in and fix the problem. As for why the Japanese version gets a 2 month delay is just like what others have said. Recalling, remaking the disc, repackaging and sending them to the dealers. Also not to forget the fdact that ST needs to decide what to do with the players who already own the game. Offer them a trade in or let them play on closed servers or let them mingle with eveyone.

I have seen on ebworld that the ship date has been 10/29 for awhile now. As always time will tell. Hope it's soner for the GC players, cause it stinks to wait.

Oct 2, 2002, 11:02 AM
On 2002-10-02 08:31, Nidarrock wrote:
I think there is a 50/50 chance that the game will have or not have the bug in it. Most games are not put on the discs until about a week or two before the release date. As such there is a possibilty that ST was able to go back in and fix the problem. As for why the Japanese version gets a 2 month delay is just like what others have said. Recalling, remaking the disc, repackaging and sending them to the dealers. Also not to forget the fdact that ST needs to decide what to do with the players who already own the game. Offer them a trade in or let them play on closed servers or let them mingle with eveyone.

I have seen on ebworld that the ship date has been 10/29 for awhile now. As always time will tell. Hope it's soner for the GC players, cause it stinks to wait.

Exactly my thoughts.

I try to reason out either getting a fixed copy or getting the bugged version (when the game comes out stateside) and it's hard to tell what will be in the stores.

Oct 2, 2002, 12:26 PM
Why would they release a bugged version of a game stateside? That makes no sense. The same thing that happened in Japan will happen here if they do that, and that's obviously not very profitable on their part. They wouldn't risk having to go through the hassle again. And like I said, it doesn't take two months to fix a bug, especially when ST already know what's causing it.

Oct 2, 2002, 12:49 PM
Personally I wouldn't doubt the posiblity that ST releases the bugged version here and doesn't fix it ever. They have already proven, that they are willing to screw US buyers of the game, with their "fast and timely" addition of quests for US users in V2. Maybe I am jaded, but I can't believe that ST would give US gamers a fixed version before JP gamers got it. Also seeing as they are not recalling JP version, ("First of all, the possibility of all copies of the game being replaced with this corrected one is very low" Naka's own words) it wouldn't make sense that the US would get a version of the game that is taking that long to produce for JP, so soon. So if the release date holds, I wouldn't hold your breath for a fixed version.

Hey, but hopefully I am wrong.

Oct 2, 2002, 01:53 PM
On 2002-10-02 10:49, WeaponX3523 wrote:
Personally I wouldn't doubt the posiblity that ST releases the bugged version here and doesn't fix it ever. They have already proven, that they are willing to screw US buyers of the game, with their "fast and timely" addition of quests for US users in V2. Maybe I am jaded, but I can't believe that ST would give US gamers a fixed version before JP gamers got it. Also seeing as they are not recalling JP version, ("First of all, the possibility of all copies of the game being replaced with this corrected one is very low" Naka's own words) it wouldn't make sense that the US would get a version of the game that is taking that long to produce for JP, so soon. So if the release date holds, I wouldn't hold your breath for a fixed version.

Hey, but hopefully I am wrong.

Why would SEGA release the bugged copy AGAIN? It simply makes no sense... It's an easy thing to correct and since the US version copies have not been burned yet it won't require any legwork. Also, if they KNOW the game is "buggy" they can't legally release it as it is defective software and hence would not get the Nintendo (or anyone elses) seal of approval.

Oct 2, 2002, 02:57 PM
look, they didnt know it had a bug in it by the time it was released in japan. They said it would take 2 months to fix it. They are NOT recalling it, they are simply fixing it and rereleasing it. Fixing it will require fixing that glitch plus debugging the rest of the game which will take time going through all the lines of code, plus they may do further testing. This may take a while. I do not believe they already fixed the US version, but I could be wrong.

Oct 3, 2002, 06:03 AM
imho they let the japanese keep their buggy version and give them the option to change it to an updated version later to give those japanese who dont like nonjapanese (=are offended by nonjapanese) the choice to stay almost J-only on the buggy servers.
ergo the US- and the EU-version both will be the updated one (i dont dare to speak about "debugged").

well, thats my opinion about that. may be unpopular but may be true as well.