View Full Version : I don't know about you

Mar 17, 2006, 03:55 PM
I think the show Boondocks (the show with the black people)... sucks.

Let me break it down for you... African Americans... comedy... marketing... poor humor. I went through that whole show without laughing. It's a poor attempt to get the african american into japanese-esque style cartoons.

I'm into a lot of old material from Japan because I grew up around it. I am a part of it. I don't mind the otaku. I like new stuff, too. Recently I moved back into Chinese and Japanese Cinema after taking a 1-year break from Television. I believe in Buddhist Philosophy. I am born Catholic, raised by my mother who is Baptist. A few of you know my background.

I grew up reading and accepting Black history. I know a LOT but not everything. I know the streets here in America, what half of me go through and what the rest of me go through. I know what half of my family go through. I know what my elders go through.

I just know.

OKAY Back to the Boondocks. It has nothing to do with really making us better. Okay I saw the R. Kelly tape where he peepee'd on a little girl. I noticed it as R. Kelly... and said to myself... It was 'him, R. Kels'.

Dave Chappelle already did enough damaged to R. Kelly. Jamie Foxx did enough with Mike Tyson, OJ Simpson... OKAY it was funny...

Now what I don't get is the fact someone thinks that the mind of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior would be portrayed as boring by his own people. Okay most of us might not listen to what he have to say at first but, the King of the South took a bullet for what he believed in. To preach and move us, and open our eyes a whole lot more than they were. Today we still don't have true equality. I can still be hanged in Mississippi, or Alabama.

I can still be a slave for somebody... I can't get much people to help me out or easily get a job as the white man or white woman who can do the same things as me. Even if I can do better? I really don't care about the current prejudices only because it's also about working the hardest. Yet, it's true... we are looked at ... because the color of our skin.

In China and Korea there are still people who don't trust me because I am not what they are. I can only read all korean script or speak little Korean. Even in my place in Japan I would be looked on as... foreign or strange. In America, same way. *edit though Spanish is my first language I speak Japanese.

America is known for it's diverse set of people. There were blacks as slaves, and discrimination against minorities.

What my grandmother said... "That show is stupid, MARTIN LUTHER KING WOULD NEVER SAY THE WORD NIGGA" I used the "N" word to tell you and show you. Bleep it out if you wish, but Boondocks is not created by 'all blacks'.

This is not my Grandmother in Mexico, but my Grandmother I grew up with. She is a Black American. He never used the word against another man. I asked her.. "If MLKJr was never born, would there ever be the rquality we have today?"

She says

"No, because God meant for him to do this."

Now I'm not all big on religion like she is, but when she says something like that... you just have to believe it. It's not all about what she says? Well let me punch you in the mouth real quick and trust me... When she use words... they are of wisdom. She speaks with truth and love. So I'm letting you know with truth and love that MLK would not have done something the way he did on Boondocks. MADTv have already did the same thing back in 1998. I've watch that skit. It's only funny if you don't truely understand. I watched a few episodes of Boondocks without laughing.

I know it's degrading Blacks... soon all colors of skin will be able to use the "N" word and it wont be as offensive anymore... Is that how we should think?

Sure you guys like Boondocks because it's the newest thing, I'm not trying to play you all out like that. I just think the show is really stupid. It's trash and I can go on without having to watch the show. Sure it's cool to watch black people get high and all that and you get a funny look on how black people act... and how ghetto a kid can be. I have kids more ghetto and entertaining in my family that I see everyday. I know not all kids are like that.

It's just wierd. Michael Jackson I understand... but not Martin Luther King Jr.

I won't go on a spree of destruction because they did MLK like that, and I know a lot of people in my community that didn't approve of the picture.. all blacks. I only notice the other races talking about it... few africans and anti-social black kids who speak up to try and be cool with people... only they mention the show and "how funny it is, or quote the show"

I opened the topic up with my statement and I will say it again. Boondocks suck.

Thank you Martin Luther King.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BogusKun on 2006-03-17 13:00 ]</font>

Mar 17, 2006, 04:25 PM
i think you are taking it too seriously. it is a cartoon after all. it's not supposed to be an accurate portayal, it's a portrayal of stereotypes. some are funny just because they are a funny and some are funny because it's true and we know people like that.
i personally like the boondocks. the anime stle animation is just a plus, i don't think they are trying to expose black people to anime. it was a comic strip before it was a cartoon.
some things are funny becuase it's absurd, it shouldn't be said(MLKjr), but that is what alot of comdey and comedians are all about- saying things that the majority find offensive or inappropriate.
i'm not black but i watch this show with black people and we all laugh. there are some big name voice actors as well.

anyhoo this was long, but i like the boondocks

Mar 17, 2006, 04:49 PM
It's a matter of looking for the Devil and finding him where you thought he'd be.

Honestly, I've had alot of racial slurs and offenses thrown against me, not to mention quite ignorant comments about my family, my mother, my sisters. It's all in how you react to it. If you blow it off, it has no power.

In the same sense, try and find the humor in things for what they are. Some things are trash, and if you see it as trash, thats fine, but not everything thats trash is meant to offend.

Maybe you just have a different sense of humor, thus the show has no appeal to you. Again, not a problem. But I always prefer comedians of ethnicity to get up and say what they feel, whether it's about themselves, other people, people of any ethnicity(expecially white people). There's nothing wrong with laughing at ourselves, as people, and as how we interact with each other.

As for getting hung in Alabama and so on. Happens to homosexuals all the same, all over the US. Racism and prejudices go beyond skin color, right down to where you are killed for your own beleifs and ways of life. Hate crimes are hate crimes, you don't need a skin color to be a recipient.

Wanna get rid of hate-crimes? Wipe the earth clean.

Mar 17, 2006, 06:19 PM
SAY WHAT? Homey, you got it all wrong, G. You ain't feelin' the vibe cause you ain't one of the brothas. You can't understand the soul-tickling comedy that is dah boondocks. You can't recognize this proud afro-american heritage and joy of rhythm and laughter.

Just kidding.

I really did like Boondocks as a sunday morning comic much more. They did their best though, and the art is the same. It's just not the same thing.

Im not kidding about this. Im not digging the way you describe the show. "With the black people."
Some respect, man.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dreadlock on 2006-03-17 15:21 ]</font>

Mar 17, 2006, 06:35 PM
I'm black and I like the boondocks but at sometimes I do "cringe" up at certain things that are in the show. I also admit that there are certain things that I think should be left out.

I think the main reason I like it is because I'm a fan of Aaron Mcgruder and his style has influenced mine but in the African American community theres been a lot of backlash for his CARTOON. I caps lock "cartoon" because most black people loved the "comic strip" but the "cartoon" has gained mixed feelings amongst black fans and viewers.

I read your post, and then I thought and something did hit me. The differences of the cartoon and the comic are VERY great. I've noticed, that the comic strip usually poke fun at politics and various other topic in america but the cartoon seems to only poke fun at african american culture.

Which I can kinda understand Aaron's frustration with certain things in the black community.(gangs, sell outs, black churches, BET, etc) but you kinda think, why he keeps dwelling on it. Its funny the first episodes but after awhile you start to wonder "when is he gonna stop talking about us and talk about something else".

For the N word. When Aaron first mentioned the show will use the n word I didn't think that much of it and when I first saw the boondocks I thought the word was overused(I think he was doing it for shock value) but I didn't realy complain about it but then I watched a TV show called "Thats What I''m talking about".

It was a talk show that talked about issues among blacks and the N word came up. People of the younger generation were ok with the word.(as long as other races didn't say it) BUT people of the older generaiton(many living through the civil rights movement) hated the word and hated that it still exists and that people use it. They said that we, of the younger generation are foolish for using a word that caused so much hurt, pain, and death.

After seeing that show I rarely use the N word(unless I'm very mad) and certain episodes of the Boondocks that overuse the n word make me sick. I'm also not very fond of certain Chapelle skits due to this.

To be honest, Dave Chapelle admitted that some of his elder family members and younger ones have "torn him a new asshole" over using the N word and that now he'll try to stop using it so much.

As for the Martin Luther King episode. I, personally, wasn't outraged by the episode. To me it hit a point but if I was related to the King family I would be mad and I can understand why people like Al sharpton were mad.

I think the main reason why people were outraged were the fact that they represented MLK in not necessarily a negative light but not in a positive light either.

When you do something, dealing with a very well respected leader,a civil rights activist that was peaceful and that was a revolutionary but not only that...but WELL respected amongst blacks and other minorities....your treading in dangerous waters.

To have Marting Luther King say the N word was not that funny to me and to be honest, that episode is the only boondocks episode I think should never be aired again. I'm not angry at it but it disrespected a lot of my "ELDERS".

The MLK episode along with the raical slurs used and excessive stereotyping are the main reason its being turned down by a lot of blacks. We, of the younger generation might not like it but we tolerate it but we and older generation blacks(30+) become outraged for its a slap in our elders face.

I like Aaron mcgruder a lot, but I question his position a lot. When he first got started, he was a very pro-black semi afrocentric man but as he gained popularity he started going focusing a lot on exaggerating stereotypes or black people, satire of black culture and using the N word.

To sum this up, ask yourself this question....If Aaron Mcgruder was white or any other race but black,how would this show do? How would you feel about the MLK episode if Aaron Mcgruder was a different race?

Race shouldn't matter though. No race, not even our own, have the right to use the N word or make fun of Rosa Parks or MLk. But we younger people do it even though we know its wrong. It's like a cuss word. Your parents don't want you to say it because its a bad word but you say it anyway

Reading this, many of you are like "whos side are you own" I will tell you that I am................................................ .....................confused as hell.lol

I like the show but there are certain things that I think should be left out. Theres a way Aaron Mcgruder could make this show funny without having to overexagerate the stereotypes or use the N word. Just look at 2 other black shows/movies. The Proud Family and Bebe's Kids are VERY FUNNY movies and shows. Both of these are considered masterpieces and classis amongst blacks BUT the Proud Family and Bebe's Kids are not very popular amongst whites.

Bebe and Proud never used the N word and don't really focus on stereotypes but the Boondocks does. Being politically correct, Aaron Mcgruder sells himself out using the stereotypes of blacks and heavy usage of the N word to make the show funny. Theres other ways to make it funny.

In conclusion, I will continue to watch "new episodes" of the boondocks and I do have a liking for it but I fully understand your frustation BogusKun and many other peoples frustrations and dislikes about the show and I have complaints about it myself.

If you want, I suggest you try looking at the comic. The comic version is way better than the cartoon in my opinion. The comic still follow the roots that it had when it first came out in The Source magazines.And is funnier and more genuine than the cartoon.

Mar 17, 2006, 09:58 PM
On 2006-03-17 15:35, InfinityXXX wrote:
I'm black

Believe me. We know.

Mar 17, 2006, 11:45 PM
Whether or not I mixed... or whole. I am black, too.

I pretty much grew up black but I know who I am and where I come from... and where I am and want to be now.

How about you? I know Inf.XXX is black.

Don't get me wrong.

Boondocks sucks and my sense of humor is sky high.

Mar 18, 2006, 04:49 AM
On 2006-03-17 18:58, Dangerous55 wrote:

On 2006-03-17 15:35, InfinityXXX wrote:
I'm black

Believe me. We know.

On 2006-03-17 15:35, InfinityXXX wrote:
Race shouldn't matter though. No race, not even our own, have the right to use the N word or make fun of Rosa Parks or MLk. But we younger people do it even though we know its wrong. It's like a cuss word. Your parents don't want you to say it because its a bad word but you say it anyway

He stated his race then stated opinions about a show, that deals with races and race jokes and issues.

Is there something wrong with that?
Don't answer, nobody cares or likes stupid flame offs on the internet.

There's a huge difference between a cartoon/comic strip like The Boondocks and Curtis for instance. Curtis is an African American kid living in an inner city. He goes to school, church, the barbershop, has a friend who's white, tries to get a girl named Michelle, hangs out with his younger bro, etc.

The issue that this kid is black is never brought up, ever. Its not about him being black, or his friend being white for that matter either. The comedy might have things to do with his dad smoking or him playing his music too loud at home. Its also well known that Curtis is gonna sit in church and laugh at the crazy hats the women wear into church with his little brother at his side.

Even before it was aired The Boondocks got a bad rap, for being racist. Why? Hell if I know.

Some people don't like the fact it uses the N word alot, the fact that its even a cartoon with black people in it, etc. etc.

Everyone has a reason, and I for one, wouldn't want to be in Aaron McGruder's position. Whether or not he's above the criticisms, is on a vendetta, is using this as an outlet to his frustration, whatever, I wouldn't know either.

Cartoon Network/Adult Swim themselves with thier little commercial white text/black background "bumps" threw one on there about meeting Aaron's parents and saying they're super nice and they don't understand where all his hate came from, then said "Oh yeah, America."

Then the show started.

Well the thing with it is that its his cartoon. He might go over the edge and have enough bad response by any person of any race and get it taken down one day, or maybe not. We're all gonna have opinions on what we'd like to see changed about it, but tough luck changing it immediately for our liking.

You have to get a majority type opinion going, some censoring groups involved maybe, and then proceed from there. Its not going to be just one person changing a whole TV program, for better or worse.

Comedians such as Steve Harvey will never use the N word to make a joke. That's not his style, not his thing, and is probably considered an old timer for it. But his fellow King of comedy friend Cedric the Entertainer will use it without a second thought. It gets a laugh if used one way, it still got a laugh either way right?

Dave Chappelle supposedly stopped production on his third season over the white individual who laughed too long, too hard over a racially motivated joke. Went to Africa on a trip to clear his mind, etc. etc.

But wait a minute, like Infinity said, he still uses the N word and still makes race jokes.

Its all just preference and opinions in the end, so people need to just keep them to themselves lest its something worth speaking out upon to right a wrong.

Take things for what they are, and don't get riled up about it? Its not for you its not for you, and of course you're never the only one. Ditto to people who do like the show, the comedian, the joke.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2006-03-18 01:52 ]</font>

Mar 18, 2006, 08:10 AM
On 2006-03-17 18:58, Dangerous55 wrote:

On 2006-03-17 15:35, InfinityXXX wrote:
I'm black

Believe me. We know.

I don't know if I ever lol'd so hard in my life. <_<

But seriously, I've heard a lot of things about this show. I ought to tape it a few times and give it a watch. All that I know is what I heard of it from you all, what I see in the commercials for it (which isn't much), and that my friend don, who has a GREAT sense of humor, and is white, thinks the show is HILARIOUS, while my other good friend Skorp, who is white, thinks the show is stupid.

I guess it's all about not taking things personally.

Mar 18, 2006, 10:46 AM
On 2006-03-17 18:58, Dangerous55 wrote:

On 2006-03-17 15:35, InfinityXXX wrote:
I'm black

Believe me. We know.

*sigh, rolls eyes*lol

I was gonna post somethin. but then I realized, I shouldn't have to justify why I said something as simple as "i'm black".

But it kind of warms my heart that dangerous loves reading and scanning my posts.(for hes almost always the first to respond when race is brought up)

BogusKun: Lol, yeah, I know where I come from. I plan on being a civil rights activist when I'm older. i'm also a NAACP member and my uncle is the president of the NAACP'S Houston,Texas branch.

I come from a family that were very active during the civil rights era so that has rubbed off on me thus why I have such mixed feelings about the Boondocks. I like it but I know Aaron is really wrong for doing certain things he do. You know what I'm saying?

At school the african american club had a debate over Dave Chapelle. We debated over him using the N word and the way he was acting like on the show.

(some people would say....,and even Dave says this jokingly, that the way he acted on Chapelle show was buffonery.)

In the end, people agreed it wasn't "really" the way chappele acted that angered them nor him using the n word (Dave was just trying to get paid) but that it was more of that he had made his skit characters and the N words very popular and soo popular that people of other races(young folks) started using it. Some of them knew the N word was wrong and some of them didn't know about it.

Like Hayabusa said, this started getting to Dave, his family starting pressuring him on it, plus he barely had enough time with his family thus why he went to Africa and and quit the show.

I think this situation is very similar to that of the Boondocks. Many people don't like it because in a sense, its airing out dirty laundry and Aaron knows this.(Listen to what Huey says in the beginning of the R.Kelly episodes)

I only watch new episodes for I can;t really sit by myself through an episode I've seen a second time but lately I haven't been laughing a lot at the newer episodes Adult Swim has been showing.

I guess I watch because I was a huge fan of the comic strip. Its like when your favorite manga turns into an anime.

*sigh* I hope I don't sound to confused on this topic, lol.

Mar 18, 2006, 01:12 PM
On 2006-03-18 07:46, InfinityXXX wrote:

On 2006-03-17 18:58, Dangerous55 wrote:

On 2006-03-17 15:35, InfinityXXX wrote:
I'm black

Believe me. We know.

*sigh, rolls eyes*lol

I was gonna post somethin. but then I realized, I shouldn't have to justify why I said something as simple as "i'm black".

But it kind of warms my heart that dangerous loves reading and scanning my posts.(for hes almost always the first to respond when race is brought up)

It was the first thing you said...I didn't scan. And I'm just being a friendly jerk.

Mar 18, 2006, 02:34 PM
On 2006-03-17 15:19, Dreadlock wrote:

I really did like Boondocks as a sunday morning comic much more. They did their best though, and the art is the same. It's just not the same thing.

Tell me about it. I watch the show because I've been a fan of the comic but the comic is just waay more better. The whole feel of the comic is completely different than that of the TV show. I like the show but I think one thing that kind of saves it(for me) are the numerous popular voice actors.

-John Witherspoon, Mike Epps, Charlie Murphy, Samuel Jackson, Regina King(huey and rileys voice),Katt Williams, Ed Asner, Adam West, Mos Def,Cedric Yarbrough(the male black cop from reno 911 he plays Tom's voice)

One other complaint that I have about the show and that if a lot of people knew about this, the show will REALLY be protested is that....

There is an episode in which Grandad fights a blind guy named Colonel Stinkmeaner. Colonel Stinkmeaner shoutss and yells a lot of racial slurs (the n word and other degrading words towards blacks) but few people know that the voice actor for Colonel Stinkmeaner is Jim Meskimen, a white guy who use to be on that show Whos Line is it anyways.
But the boondocks focus on a lot of stereotypes and uses the N words but if you look at it, it has a lot of hidden points.

-Like the Ed Wuncler the third and his friend. They both are rich and white and they can rob banks and shoot up convenience stores and no one will care.

-In the R Kelly trial how it looked like R Kelly would be going jail UP UNTIL they found out he recieved an award from the NAACP.

-In the martin luther king episode. Martin Luther King is a Christian and Christianity believes in turning the other cheek. When Martin Luther King was asked by a a Tucker Carson look alike(hes a real right-wing guy) about whether or not to respond to the 9/11 attacks MLK said that we should turn the othr cheek(a christian belief) BUT he was shunned away by many people because of this.

Also, in that episode. When MLK awakes from his coma he is displeased in the way his people are.

Theres ,many other points in the Boondocks but I feel Aaron Mcgruder could make these points w/o using the N word that much or over emphasizing stereotypes.

Mar 18, 2006, 09:27 PM
On 2006-03-18 11:34, InfinityXXX wrote:
-Like the Ed Wuncler the third and his friend. They both are rich and white and they can rob banks and shoot up convenience stores and no one will care.

When I see those portions I see the parts about their family member or a employee of their dad's letting them do that stuff as a routine. The bank robbery part for one.

But the convenience store thing made no sense.

Mar 18, 2006, 11:24 PM
Lol.I think a lot of things that happen in the show are kinda experimental. Like Huey's and Riley's fight in the Lets nab Oprah episode. Then, in the same episode, the fight with the man with the afro in which Huey used that stun fist AND Hueys dream in which he fight Colonel stinkmeaner

I think the whole animation team might be experimenting/testing with the anmation because the scenes I listed, and the convenience store shooting you were talking about Hayabusa, aren't really necessary and doesn't really help the plot.

I kinda think Aaron Mcgruder might do an action cartoon in the future. He said that Samurai Champloo was one of his favorite shows. So he might do a more serious series.(The fight scenes in The boondocks are not the best I've seen but they're really neat)