View Full Version : EP3: Do they still sell the game?

Mar 28, 2006, 10:51 PM
I hope they do. I was doubtful before, but now I reeeeeeeally want it. It's so cool looking!

If they still do sell it, where can I find it?

Mar 28, 2006, 11:01 PM
On 2006-03-28 19:51, Vire wrote:
I hope they do. I was doubtful before, but now I reeeeeeeally want it. It's so cool looking!

If they still do sell it, where can I find it?

You should still be able to find it from your local retailers. I remember seeing it at a local Gamestop for $20.

Mar 29, 2006, 06:56 AM
On 2006-03-28 19:51, Vire wrote:
I hope they do. I was doubtful before, but now I reeeeeeeally want it. It's so cool looking!

If they still do sell it, where can I find it?

If you can't find it anywhere, you might want to check eBay. But, yeah, it's worth playing, even without online capability.

(w00t! 200th post!)

Mar 29, 2006, 01:19 PM
Yay! Somebody made their 200th post in a forum I created! That makes me feel good.

I'm going out in one month and nine days so I'm hoping I can still find it. *Imagines getting it and playing mulitplayer* Sweet! By the way, what's online play like?

Mar 29, 2006, 11:06 PM
On 2006-03-29 10:19, Vire wrote:
By the way, what's online play like?

It is pretty much like offline multiplayer, except your teammates/opponents are usually located in other countries.

Besides that, you can enter tournaments and find online-only cards. If you are really lucky, you may be able to attend a card auction.

Mar 30, 2006, 06:48 AM
On-line you can see how well you are doing against other players from the same geographical area (JP,US,EU) by comparing your on-line tournament earnings against theirs. Unfortunately hackers have given themselves the highest rankings (God 1 etc), but it is still fun trying to progress from Lord to King. The hardest league (because of the number of players) is the Japanese, followed by the US, and then EU.

Mar 30, 2006, 01:21 PM
Wow... That is so cool. I can't wait to get my friends to try it. If I manage to find it that is. I was skeptic at first because of the card battles, but now after 3 years, I actually want to play it.

Mar 30, 2006, 08:20 PM
I still have the tag on mine. (The person who bought it didn't take it off, and he had it since it came out before he gave it to me)

$64.99 CND...

If you go to EB Games, you may see it for 50$+.

Damn cheap-asses......>>

Mar 30, 2006, 10:14 PM
Where can you usually find EB Games in Canada? I've looked around a couple of malls before and I can't really find them.

Apr 6, 2006, 01:46 PM
You can probally find it cheap on Amazon.com that where im gonna by my own copy. Right now I have it on loan.