View Full Version : PSOBB: Glide Divine's Extra Ability

Apr 3, 2006, 04:04 AM
This has been talked about on PSOBB.com, but I want to bring the discussion here so there's less "noise" I need to filter through.

The Glide Divine has a second use. Not only is it an uber powerful and awesome support weapon, but it also gives the FO who's doing the supporting an ability to maintain their TP. Every once in awhile, if you bring up the Items menu through the Main Menu and select the Glide, the Glide will have a "use" option. This option allows you to trade all your hp for a FULL tp bar.

All but 1 hp of course, have to keep you alive. And obviously, you want to use this when there are "lulls" in your fights. But as soon as you get that tp back, a resta or two and you're back in business.

Now the question - we all think that the trigger for the "use" function is random, but has anyone figured out possibly other triggers for it? The only trigger I can think of for the Glide is something related to the beat time, but I honestly can't figure out when you'd be able to use it. Perhaps you can take a 'shot' at the Use trigger just by repeatedly opening up the items menu... or something.

Anyone got any speculations as to how "random" the Use function for the Glide is? Have the JP PSOBB players been able to figure it out?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BahnKnakyu on 2006-04-03 02:07 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BahnKnakyu on 2006-04-03 05:07 ]</font>

Apr 3, 2006, 05:32 AM
I was talking to someone about this earlier, and someone in their team chat was saying every 3 beats that you've kept it equipped or rather 3 beats after using it, the 'use' option will come up. I tried keeping a count but if anything, I'd guess it's 5 beats. But I'd still leave this as theory rather than fact until more people test.

Apr 3, 2006, 06:34 AM
It's about once every 10 minutes as far as I have heard.

Apr 3, 2006, 10:06 AM
Wow, that's awesome, I really should make a FO to use this now XD

It also increases Resistances by 15 so I've heard?

Edit: Ah, that's been confirmed, nevermind.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: UrikoBB3 on 2006-04-03 08:28 ]</font>

Apr 3, 2006, 02:45 PM
So is it once every 10 minutes or every 5 beats? D:

Apr 3, 2006, 06:38 PM
Says every ten minutes.

lol..I can't spell today..

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: psobsesser on 2006-04-03 16:41 ]</font>

Apr 3, 2006, 07:10 PM
Tycho brought this effect to my attention early this morning. I've updated the description for the Glide Divine in the PSOW database. I wonder if this weapon has any other side-effects?

Apr 3, 2006, 07:48 PM
ST was able to make super cheap HU and RA weps. I didn't think they could do it for FO weps, as in, along the same lines.

But they did. A+ ST? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Does it have to be equipped for 10 minutes, or just on you? Casting Forces would use all their TP in that time, but melee Forces would be very good for this.

Apr 3, 2006, 09:38 PM
My god, i thought it was more "revival" like and not BOOM have some TP.

HOLY tried that last night through an entire run of desert and the use button didnt come up once. perhaps it he unequipped it.

Regardless, thats some wild stuff.

Apr 3, 2006, 11:57 PM
You have to have it equipped for it to work. I used it several times tonight, but I probably won't use it a whole lot in the future; always switching to summit moon for that extra damage boost. ;x

Apr 4, 2006, 11:08 AM
Yeah, I was equipping chao for the boost of s/d when I wanted to cast it so I probably wont use the Glide's special 'use' ability at all.

Apr 5, 2006, 09:45 AM
Glide Divine ********** (... only 10 stars... and it does all this? >_> )
ATP: + 185-400
ATA: + 34
MST: + 55
DFP: + 50
Special: Anti; Doubles the range of Zalure and Jellen
Class: Rod
Required MST: 900
---Doubles the range of Zalure and Jellen and raises elemental resistances by 15. Has a "USE" option that fully restores your TP and reduces your HP to one. The USE option can only be used once every 10 minutes.

So let me get this straight...
MST +55, +50 DFP, Doubles the range of J/Z...., can fully restore TP with use function after 10 minutes while equiped, All resists +15, and casts Anti as it's special? ... or does it Double the range of Anti as well... and if it does cast it, what level Anti? >_>
This weapon is insane... it sounds like a good weapon to compare to even the top force weapons...
Psycho Wand has an apprentice now <_<

Apr 5, 2006, 01:18 PM
It doesn't boost anti's range, but its special uses anti lv3.
I notice it isn't mentioned that the weapon doesn't combo..that pretty much nulls any melee capability.

Apr 5, 2006, 01:30 PM
This easilly beats Psycho Wand if you consider rarity :/

This is probably the one thing about the new drops I don't like, how easy a drop this is.

Apr 5, 2006, 01:49 PM
This weapon is nowhere similar to Psycho Wand.

It's good, but not great. It's pretty much useless in most situations.

First of all, Glide Divine is only usefull in areas where enemy spawns are spread out. Otherwise, the force can use a weapon with better boosts, such as Gift Parasol. Secondly, it's nearly useless for melee/tech Forces, it does no combo and has no other boosts. Because of that, the TP restoration special will never be used. Tech Forces will be equipping different weapons.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2006-04-05 11:50 ]</font>

Apr 5, 2006, 01:56 PM
Still, in most areas, greater Jellen/Zalure range owns, and +15 to all resistances is priceless (not to mention free TP refill).

Apr 5, 2006, 02:01 PM
On 2006-04-05 11:30, Saiffy wrote:
This easilly beats Psycho Wand if you consider rarity :/

This is probably the one thing about the new drops I don't like, how easy a drop this is.

Well its better than nothing if you have it, and considering the supposed drop rate, even if you don't have it yet, chances are the guy next to you will!

Win win situation.

Kinda hard to compare it to another force "uber rare" in the way of stats and boosts, but you'll surely able to put it into the same group of weapons considered good or great.

Apr 5, 2006, 05:17 PM
I don't know if it easily beats Psycho Wand, but Glide Divine sounds like a very useful addition to any FOrce's arsenal, for sure.