View Full Version : PSOX-US: Hunter's License problem

Apr 10, 2006, 10:48 PM
Hi, this is my first time on the boards and I've had a problem with renewing my Hunter's License. I have Xbox Live and it is connected. When I go to the options screen on PSO and click to order a Hunter's License it says that I can order one. But after that it just says an error occured it was Error Number 406 if that helps anyone. I was just wondering what I could do to fix this and what it means.

Apr 11, 2006, 12:29 AM
can you tell us what the error directly says?; it is possible that if you had a hunters license before that it was never really canceled, it has happened to me before. if all else fails call up microsoft support, theyll know what to do.

Apr 11, 2006, 01:51 AM
Could be that the card you are using isn't good anymore. Check to see if the card is good. Have you got a new one since you cancelled you account? This same type of problem happened to a buddy of mine and that was the answer.

Apr 11, 2006, 10:30 AM
The error says:
Cannot continue due to an unexpected error
Press A to restart game

I'm fairly sure that the Hunter's License was cancelled before. If it wasn't, I would be able to just log in now, wouldn't I? Besides, I haven't gotten billed for it.

I actually do think I changed the card for the xbox live account some time after I cancelled the license for the first time. If it's still a valid card but just different, would it not work? If it doesn't because I changed it, how would I go about fixing that?