View Full Version : Holiday Season Approaching, What's Your Focus?

Oct 7, 2002, 06:48 PM
Since it's approaching, it can mean a couple of things. Emptying your wallets, profitable New Years Eve (for those of you that actually make money off the holidays), and holiday gaming rush.

This years highlights lots of online console games premiering this holiday season. But it also sports a couple of highly anticipated sequels (Metroid, Shinobi, Orta, Biohazard, PSo http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif )

So, what's your main focus this season of rush OTHER than PSOepI&II and its related accesories?

Oct 7, 2002, 06:52 PM
I'm focusing on Biohazard Zero, Orta, and Crimson Sea.

Oct 7, 2002, 06:53 PM
Thats east GTA Vice city Nuff said

Oct 7, 2002, 07:29 PM
For Halloween, Thanks Giving and Christmas, it always reminds me of my family get togethers.

For Halloween my oldest sister would always have a big party get together, lots of food and fun stuff for the kids. Even taking hay-bail rides with a tractor during the cold night.

Thanks Giving, because each year it would be decided which sisters house to goto, or to just have it here at home. Everyone not cooking would usually go outside, play games or watch TV until the food was ready, and if you doddled in the kitchen for too long where my mom and all my sisters were cooking, you got booted out XD

The smells of ham, turkey, stuffing, corn, peas and potatoes on the stove and in the oven, so welcoming to the extent you were starving 10 minutes before everything was totally done and you'd go out to nab afew bites of what was done a while.

Christmas, because it was just one of the few holidays(or days in general throughout the year) that everyone got together and smiled together, no family feuds, no major offenses. We'd make visits to my sisters, relatives and family friends houses that we hadn't seen all year, or hadn't really heard from and play catch-up. Tell them to enjoy the holiday and talk about the impending blizzard or snow storm.

I used to just think about how it was just a time to get those expensive gifts no one could afford any other time of the year, or a last ditch effort to get that one console or game. Those days are long gone.

Last Christmas I stayed at my oldest sister's house. I got up in the morning just to see my oldest brother in law, sister, nephew and neice opening their gifts and getting along. It was worth it.

For the past two or three years, I would'nt accept any christmas gifts. Family had all asked what I wanted, and I just said I did'nt want anything.

Yesterday mom, out of the blue asked, "What do you want for christmas? You have to tell me, it's getting close.". I just kept shrugging, but after she left the room I was sad, because it reminded me of when I was younger.

Also saddened me because I've been working, and make more than her. If I want something, I'll save up and buy it. ;_;

..what am I waiting for these up-coming holidays? You just found out. =)

Oct 7, 2002, 07:47 PM
I'm sure my mom will want to buy me Metroid Prime, since she's the better Metroid player in the family (although she still can't beat the boss, while I can).

Oct 7, 2002, 07:57 PM
This Halloween (like every Halloween) my sister is going to don some bizarre costume and go to a theater downtown and watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show with a bunch of other people. If I had a picture of her last year, I'd post it, because she looked exactly like Alice from American McGee's Alice.

And on Thanksgiving, everybody on my mother's side of the family gathers at my grandparent's house and feast, talk, and just have fun, especially my brother, two of my cousins, and me. I brought my Xbox last year, and we played Halo and DOA3 all day long, taking a short break for some turkey and pie. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

And at Christmas, we pretty much do the same thing except we get togather the day after, which usually happens to be the same day I'm at the airport going to visit my dad.

Of course, nobody really buys me much for Christmas (I wonder why), but just give me money, which I don't mind recieving. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 7, 2002, 08:18 PM
Holidays = The family Walt Disney World vacation. Always a quality thing. Most likely we will stay in the one hotel that still has Surge in the infinite refill machine, so I'll get loaded and not sleep for about four days, keep myself going with some good ol' fashioned ska and almost-flat Surge left over in the cup, and close it all out with a PSO GC marathon when we get home. Thanksgiving, well, it's never a REALLY big deal, except my brother makes like the BEST pumpkin pie I have ever tasted, and Ben & Jerry's re-releases the deathly addictive cinnamon ice cream in honor of Jerry Seinfeld's "Festivus." Halloween will be spent sealed in my room, rockin' out to ska and playing as much PSO as possible. It's a quality thing!

Oct 8, 2002, 09:47 AM
For me, the holiday season means I can ba found hoping and praying that my uncle takes me to Vail yet again. Family gatherings and seeing friends I rarely see... those are things I look forward to during the holiday season. My family has never been much for gift-giving.

Oct 8, 2002, 10:37 AM
Halloween: Hopefully going to Disney World for a week with the family(older brother has been in the hospital for a month & finally home). My wife & I will be dressing up and walking around the park on Halloween. ohhhhh should be fun.

Thanksgiving: The usual. Arguing with my wife over which set of parents to go visit first or making our own dinner. Two to three Turkey dinners in a day is a lot of food, but ohhh so good.

Christmas: Presents!!!!!!! Watching my daughter open presents this year should be fun. Also visting friends and family is always fun. Playing with all my new toys. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Usually the best day of the year for me.

In between all that will be game time!!!! Oh so many to play.

Oct 9, 2002, 08:43 PM
My focuses are food, money, and family. The family provides those two latter things so all is well and good around the holidays. Last year I had PSO v1 for Christmas and am hoping for PSO ep. 1 & 2 this Christmas, or the money to buy it myself.(crosses fingers because of low # of modems/BBA's being shipped compared to PSO ep.1 & 2games)

Oct 9, 2002, 09:15 PM
Thanksgiving means hanging up the belt and stuffing yourself senseless with all those tasty turkey treats!

Christmas means that come January am I poor poor man.

Oct 9, 2002, 09:21 PM
This Christmas I'm trading my GBC for a GBA, and investing in some GC stuff. I may pick up a controller and memory card. Well, those and some old skool cds I've had my eyes on.....