View Full Version : Popups on PSO? That isn't right.

Apr 25, 2006, 02:31 PM
Righto. Every single freaking ad on PSOW right now is for that Mobile 24 game.

And, it uses java script to expand the image when you roll over it.

And that javascript overwrites the java scripting that the PSOW Chat room uses.

Which means effectively if your mouse is in the wrong spot, you have no chat.

Thats not right.

And also I don't care about grammar right now.


Apr 25, 2006, 10:20 PM
Hi Logical2u,

Most of the ads run on PSOW utilize flash and they do tend to expand on mouseover, sometimes temporarily covering content on the site (some are worse than others). The ads are run by Gamespy and allow us to continue running the site without great personal expense to the staff members (other than the time that is already being invested). Unfortunately, they are out of our control, as they run across the entire Gamespy/IGN network. We can, of course, contact Gamespy with ads that are a particular problem and appear to be violating Gamespy ad standards (such as the Xmods ad that some people may remember, which auto-expanded on page load). However, this doesn't appear to be one of those ads and it's actually a lot harder to accidentally trigger than most of the ones we've seen.

I'm aware of the problem with some of PSOW's content menus being a little too close to the banners, causing accidental expanding/clicking of ads and we're going to look into some type of solution for this in the future. In the meantime, we're sorry for any inconvenience. It's a neccessary evil that we have to put up with in order to provide PSOW with the bandwidth and resources needed to run a site of this magnitude.