View Full Version : And So, Saotome is Pissed

Apr 28, 2006, 10:08 PM
For those who may or may not know my stance on the world as we know it, I would just like to let you know that you’re missing out on absolutely nothing. That’s right. I have nothing else to offer to the opinions and views of the politicians and big wig reporters and even those in the community who think they own the city. I have nothing for you, so leave me alone.

If you personally think I give a hoot about the immigration laws and the new bill that will be passed, then by all means… You are sadly mistaken. Not only are you mistaken, but you would absolutely make a fool of yourself if you attempt to attack me with your finger pointing, racist accusing, whiny toned, bordering-on-overprovided asses shoved in my face. I will remain calm.

If I am attacked verbally—or god forbid, physically—I will calmly tell you the following.

“Go suck on some teets.”

That’s all. I don’t need to offer my opinion, because no matter what I say about illegal immigrants, all of you do-gooders will hoot and holler about how I’m a Nazi. (A Caribbean-African American Nazi at that, and dammit, I’d be proud.)

I shouldn’t have to be afraid of being labeled a racist (isn’t that the word of the day) tightwad, just because I don’t agree with the immigrant population who refuses to become legal simply because “they don’t want to”. I’m serious. They should all take a look at themselves; those with growing privileges should be the last to complain. Our neighbors to the south are getting better treatment than those who come from other parts of the world. People who come from Cuba or Haiti are sent back with people dying on their boats. However, our wonderful Latino brethren are able to “take their land back” and whatnot.

By all means, America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. It doesn’t seem that way! So much aid for our border jumping friends… Why, for those of you who may or may not know (and this applies to a *certain* set immigrants, as they are a close knit community in and of their own), all illegal immigrants need to buy a home…

A HOME, mind you…

…Is a cell phone bill and a couple of other bills.

Is that not the most disgraceful thing that could be done, when you have native citizens of the United States of America who are struggling to pay off their mortgage or to even find a home to buy… (NOTE: This may just be within my area / state.)

It’s nuts! Why cater to one set of immigrants when you can cater to them all! There are people from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe…

The list is endless.

Yet our lovely neighbors from the south get to willy-nilly about with their heads up high, thinking that they MUST be legal citizens of the USA just because they can!

Just because they exist!

However, other immigrants, who choose to do so, have to go through the paperwork to become legal citizens…

No perks.

It’s not fair. It’s not fair, and I can’t believe I was in support of those rallying against the H.R. 4437 bill. I know my father is illegal also, but still… There is no excuse. Either you become a citizen or get out! They have no right to complain!

And for everyone to be rallying, where are the other Non-Latino groups?

Hm. You know, I don’t care if they pass the bill or not. All that I know is that the economy won’t die because a bunch of illegal immigrants decide to stop working. Trust me.

Scare tactics. Hmph.

Apr 28, 2006, 10:57 PM
Amen, sistah! If you're gonna be hard on one group, be hard on them all! No unfair treatment!

And who cares what those people say to you? They sound like a bunch of jerks.

Apr 28, 2006, 11:36 PM
hee hee, you should see the perks Cubans get in our "wet foot, dry foot" amnesty policy... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif then we can talk unfair. especially after the long list of terrorism we've had to endure in our borders from hardliner right-wing Cubanos. but i say too much; i doubt even 1/4 here even know what i'm talking about.

either way, the oligarchy of Mexico and USA are laughing their asses off. this topic is always a winner for them. rally bigots, play on fear, threaten middle class by devaluing their labor (for neo-slave labor http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif), coax people to vote against their best interests. you'd think some diplomatic pressure on our part to get Mexico gov't off its ass and attempt to fix the ills that plague their poor people would be forthcoming, and cheaper, than stupid fences, or convoluted amnesty. but no, such leadership and foresight will never come from those with the political reins now. there's too much money making the "peasants" fight amongst themselves for the scraps. how easily manipulatable humans are -- the only real threat of waking the masses up is high gas prices. it'll be an interesting, long, hot summer! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/pandaroll.gif

Apr 28, 2006, 11:36 PM
A pity most people don't (at least that I know) see things your way, though one thing I would add would be the group of lazy SOBs in
Americans that complain their jobs are being taken my illegal immigrants. Well, you know why you fat tub of lard on the couch, it's because they are willing to work much harder than you, for less pay, because they are more dedicated and willing to do a little extra if it means getting by. The rest of hard working America can complain all they want, I don't really care, it's just the fat lazy SOBs that complain that I have a prob with.

(Note that this is not being directed to anyone in here, I just prefered to type it as if I was speaking to a lazy SOB)

Apr 29, 2006, 07:06 PM
I don't like how some people are trying to use the race card for this issue.

Apr 29, 2006, 07:34 PM
I'd like to say something about the issue, but, I just don't have time to become educated about it enough to make an argument/defense.

I'll just say this much.

I don't like politics.

People need to be civilized, wherever they are.

May 1, 2006, 10:15 AM
I think the Mexican and other South American countried should try to make their countries liveable. Something is wrong when hordes of people are trying to leave.

Also, if Mexico and Mexicans are claiming they are "recovering lost land". Well then the war is back on! Call in the military and let's finish the job. Might as well take over the rest of the country then they don't gotta run North. Hell, if our way of living and Government is so great well you all should just become the 51st, 52nd, 53rdm etc state.

Just some serious and not so serious thoughts to intice your brain.

May 1, 2006, 11:12 AM
On 2006-04-29 17:06, InfinityXXX wrote:
I don't like how some people are trying to use the race card for this issue.

Would you like to explain this statement?

May 1, 2006, 06:53 PM
I really don't have a problem with illegal immigrants who work and contribute to American society, but those that jump the borders illegally and demand welfare compensation are the same people that take away from hard working, moral, and legal citizens of this country by hiking taxes up to rediculous levels.

May 1, 2006, 09:43 PM
On 2006-05-01 09:12, Jehosaphaty wrote:

On 2006-04-29 17:06, InfinityXXX wrote:
I don't like how some people are trying to use the race card for this issue.

Would you like to explain this statement?

Not really(I'm tired lol) but I'll give you a brief summary of what I meant. I apologize for not going into detail.

Lots of illegal immigrants are claiming that some people that support tightning the borders are being racist and discriminating against them.

I do believe that there are people that are truely being racist (a bunch of people protesting aginst the hispanics in our town was using racial slurs and hate threats) but I feel that theres an equal amount or more,that support tightinging,are just looking at it through an economic view.(Sorry for being too blunt, I was also tired when I made that statement) Maybe i should've said it should be partially played.(if that makes sense >.<)

May 2, 2006, 09:08 PM
Illegal. Not legal. What part of that is hard to understand? This is all about economics, not even really about migration laws. Certain companies feel fit to pay below the minimum wage and no citizen in their right mind will accept that. So come in the few that will. A simple case of supplly and demand. People want to pay less, and there are those that will accept that. All I have to say is that if we go to a foreign country and make demands they would laugh at our faces as they deport us back.

May 3, 2006, 09:12 AM
On 2006-05-02 19:08, Scejntjynahl wrote:
All I have to say is that if we go to a foreign country and make demands they would laugh at our faces as they deport us back.

Exactly. I say make Mexico the 51st state. No more problems. Our Government is clearly better then whatever they are doing. From there we can take the rest of the Americas.