View Full Version : HP Special Against Bosses

May 2, 2006, 10:52 PM
You all know what the Heaven Punisher's special attack is, but I was wondering if it had use against bosses. BTW I put this here instead of Mag, Quest, Item discussion, because it's more about the boss battle strategy than the item.

I came up with several scenarios in which the HP's special could come in useful against the EP1/EP2 bosses. Tell me which ones are actually good and which ones might not work too nicely. Well, here goes.

(Sil) Dragon-
-When the dragon flies up into the air, out of normal reach, special hits it (all the parts too)

De Rol Le/Dal Ra Lie-
-When he puts the mines on the boat, and you want to get rid of them while still hitting him
-When he flies up to drop rocks on you (he spends quite a bit of time out of range before getting close to drop them)

Vol Opt-

-When the spinning things come out of the ground before he appears, and you have to get them
-Against his 1st form to hit all his parts, and the spinning things that he lets out
-Against his 2nd form when he does that thing when he moves at a rate that you can follow him or shoot him with a nomal weapon, and when he's at the opposite end of the stage
-Against his 3rd form when he becomes immune to normal attacks and only tech damage can hurt him, and when he is in the sky

Gol Dragon-
-When he's flying and normal weapons won't get him
-When he makes clones of himself, to hit all of them

Barba Ray-
-When the Pig-Ray things start to show up, stop them before they strike, while hitting him

Gal Griffon-
-When he's flying around or running around, or simply, when he's out of range which happens often

Olga Flow-
-Against his 1st form when he's flying around too much to get a good shot
-Against his 2nd form, to hit all his parts and his mags, while staying out of his Insta-kill range

-Then there's after you beat the boss and the boxes appear http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Someone should test these, and see if they work, and if there are better weapons for some of these strategies.

May 2, 2006, 10:59 PM
It's really only useful on the Dragons, and Gal Gryphon when they're in the air. Hitting multiple parts when they're in the air is really good, despite the low damage. When you can hit them with other stuff, the low damage isn't too useful. This for for Dal Ral Lie and Barba.

HP offline on Vol Opt was somewhat useful for me >.>;

May 2, 2006, 11:42 PM
Most of the situations are when they're out of range. And the De Rol Le/Barba Ray ones are for when their "drones" climb onto the boat. And when those dozens of spinning things come out before you fight Falz, it could probably save you a lot of HP when you kill a bunch of them with the special.

May 3, 2006, 01:54 AM
The special doesn't have as great of a range as I think you think it does..less than rifle definitely. And it doesn't hit all around your character, only in front. (Sorry if you already knew, just want to make sure it's clear.)

I did just try it on offline sil dragon though. Was doing 171dmg per hit (890mst) x 7 different body part hits x 3 shots in a combo = 3591 total damage done in one combo. >.> So not bad.

Vol opt has 24 screens btw (big screen with 3 smaller screens under it, x6 total), but you can only hit 4 of them at any one time.

I'd only suggest using it in the same places Saiffy mentioned.
But at the same time I'd suggest using a bazooka weapon or FS special in the same instances.
Bazooka's have great vertical range and can hit many parts. FS special can also hit enemies way up in the air for some reason, and it combos.

May 3, 2006, 12:33 PM
I tried HP on the dragon for the first time yesterday and it only hit one spot. I dont know how you guys were doing it. It was hard to tell at first because there was so much other damagefrom the othe players There were multiple beams so i thought it was working at first, but there was only damage in the center. It did hit in the air which was nice.

I am refering to HP from striker too.. just fyi,

I didnt get to try it on del ra lei yet, but i think it has high light resistance, so im not sure, I plan on going thru a ttf with it tonight tho.

May 3, 2006, 12:35 PM
Only one number shows up, but it hits multiple parts. Like Gizonde.

May 3, 2006, 12:46 PM
so the real damage is that number multiplied by the amount of spots the light hits?
that seems strange.

When i did it on Shamby last night it showed damage for each crystal

May 3, 2006, 03:19 PM
On 2006-05-02 20:59, Saiffy wrote:
It's really only useful on the Dragons, and Gal Gryphon when they're in the air. Hitting multiple parts when they're in the air is really good, despite the low damage. When you can hit them with other stuff, the low damage isn't too useful. This for for Dal Ral Lie and Barba.

HP offline on Vol Opt was somewhat useful for me >.>;

Racast MST = 0. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif