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May 7, 2006, 12:48 AM
no, it's not another 'which will you play on' board...but i'm just curious what other people consider high points of a different system...here's how i see it...

i will be playin on 360, because i get the option to sit back and chill and play in my bed on a big ass screen, and voice chat eliminates the keyboard, and plus, i'll be getting top of the line next generation graphics...just something to think about

now i'm not trashin the PC, but i'm lookin forward to tossin WoW because the game is old to me, and my chair is unbeleivably uncomfortable, not to mention my posture from hunching over and my eyesight from squinting at the small print....is there a strong point to the PC that i'm missing? i dont really favor the 360 over my pc...because my PC is quite capable of handing any new game on the highest graphic setting, and i'd love to get the game as soon as i can (IF the 360 date gets pushed back).

and again, not tryin to get flamed, and i aint trashin PS2 fans...but what need i say? no voice chat, old system, your gonna be replacing it with a ps3 soon anyways, no harddrive, no HD compatibility...my ps2 has been collecting dust ever since i got my 360, i dont beleive i've turned it on in the last 6 months... again , is there something that i'm missing?

anyways, i cant wait to play, i've been a pso fan ever since PSO first released on the dreamcast...i've played for years, but do not currently as i have played out all the points of it that interest me personally...love to hear feedback, thanks.

May 7, 2006, 01:00 AM
The main thing that PSU 360 has going against it is that it looks like they won't be connected to the same servers as the PS2 and PC versions. That, combined with the relatively small 360 population since Microsoft dropped the launch, will sharply decrease the population. However, if PSU is going to be as good as it looks, there should still be sufficient people with whom to play. I definitely love console gaming over PC and ST said that PSU is still a console-based game so, if you choose to play on 360, it will still be just as good.

May 7, 2006, 06:24 AM
The strong point on ps2 ( and maybe 360, no info yet ) is that you don't need an internet connection to play offline. I really don,t want it anymore for PC cuz I don,t wanna rely on SEGA to play both offline and online

May 7, 2006, 06:43 AM
Im all for the PC version ( i certainly sympahphise with the uncomfortable chair prob. ive got a metal one ) But simply for the reason all my friends are getting the PC version, Ill be able to play along PS2 users and PC's are always changing. Im due an upgrade soon and my new PC will blow any next gen consoles stats outta the window.

May 7, 2006, 08:34 AM
Im getting the Xbox 360 version becuase voice chat, (even tho i could use a phone for the PS2 or Skype on PC) i really want something to do on my 360 that is worth while (spent $400 on the thing and only got 3 games) i think the PS2 controler is the most unconftrabul thing ever created (thus is why i liked my xbox over my PS2 in the last gen and this time around i got wireless) on the game cube version i had the inported ASCII keyboard controler and i got so use typing with that when i got to my pc it felt like i had shrunk ohh sorry i got off topic...

well anyways on the xbox 360 version i can play in HD all 360 games microsoft requires at least 720p/i (might be wrong may be 420p) the PS2 version has alreays confermed that it wont be.... i only got the PS2 originaly for .hack and Everquest Online Adventers...

the PC version lets see i have a AMD 64 3400+ overclocked to 2.68 GHz with 3 gigs of ram and a nVidia 7800gs, witch could run half life 2 at full settings the only thing i dont like about it is that i would be bound to the Sega servers just to play off line ohh and i have back problems and i dont have the most comfratabul chair on the block...

ohh and another thing that may go well if the 360 version is being kept by its self maby they wont requirer a monthly fee (just maby) and another thing there is still no announcement that says that they wont work together...

ohh and in case your wondering the estamated release date for the game for the 360 is (gamestop) December 15th 2006 (this is estameted) and its on gamestops preorder list so i have my $5.00 down on it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

with every other version of PSO i haver all of them i have PSO v1 and v2 i have the xbox version of Ep 1 & 2 and i have both of the gamecube versions (regulear and pluse) so do ya think the version really maters to me in the long run lol i just typed this for nothing when all i could have just said is that im going to get them all lol i know im a geek that just likes to typ...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Neoistheone on 2006-05-07 06:36 ]</font>

May 7, 2006, 08:49 AM
Posted: 2006-05-07 06:34 Im getting the Xbox 360 version becuase voice chat, (even tho i could use a phone for the PS2 or Skype on PC) i really want something to do on my 360 that is worth while (spent $400 on the thing and only got 3 games) i think the PS2 controler is the most unconftrabul thing ever created (thus is why i liked my xbox over my PS2 in the last gen and this time around i got wireless) on the game cube version i had the inported ASCII keyboard controler and i got so use typing with that when i got to my pc it felt like i had shrunk ohh sorry i got off topic...

well anyways on the xbox 360 version i can play in HD all 360 games microsoft requires at least 720p/i (might be wrong may be 420p) the PS2 version has alreays confermed that it wont be.... i only got the PS2 originaly for .hack and Everquest Online Adventers...

the PC version lets see i have a AMD 64 3400+ overclocked to 2.68 GHz with 3 gigs of ram and a nVidia 7800gs, witch could run half life 2 at full settings the only thing i dont like about it is that i would be bound to the Sega servers just to play off line ohh and i have back problems and i dont have the most comfratabul chair on the block...

ohh and another thing that may go well if the 360 version is being kept by its self maby they wont requirer a monthly fee (just maby) and another thing there is still no announcement that says that they wont work together...

ohh and in case your wondering the estamated release date for the game for the 360 is (gamestop) December 15th 2006 (this is estameted) and its on gamestops preorder list so i have my $5.00 down on it

with every other version of PSO i haver all of them i have PSO v1 and v2 i have the xbox version of Ep 1 & 2 and i have both of the gamecube versions (regulear and pluse) so do ya think the version really maters to me in the long run lol i just typed this for nothing when all i could have just said is that im going to get them all lol i know im a geek that just likes to typ...

What about Ep3?

On topic, the main reason I'll be getting the PC version is because of the amount of players opposed to the the 360 version.

May 7, 2006, 08:50 AM
I am in the same boat as neoistheone, i only got 3 games so i want to make my investment stretch as far as possible. I would get it on PC, but I don't have too many gaming buddies that would be getting this game on it, and I don't like the thought of K&M since i don't have a gamepad. Much rather play on my 360 for the console experience with the PC graphics and voice chat options. Not to mention most of my buddies are on there so i will always have a party for the most part.

Has there been any word on the monthly fee for 360? Just wondering, not trying to hyjack the thread.

May 7, 2006, 11:03 AM
im getting it on ps2 for the bigger community factor..and cuzz my cpu suckz....and i dont have a xbox360.....but i still hope at E3 they include the xbox 360 with same servers...so we all can play and enjoy a great game 2gether.

May 7, 2006, 11:24 AM
I'll be going for PC because it's the only of the three I own, but let's pretend I had all 3. Then PS2 becomes (no offense) a joke. The battle is between PC and XBOX 360. Having never even touched the XBOX 360 controller, I'll just have to assume that I find it comfortable. In which case overall, I'd say XBOX is better, because of the TV screen, less chance of crashes, probably better graphics than my PC will give, the voice-chat (I have a microphone, but who am I gonna find to talk to? Teamspeaks nice but it ain't perfect), and finally, I tend to prefer gamepads for consoles, so better control. I hate every gamepad I've gotten for the PC for some reason, but I like console gamepads in general, except the N64 that is...

May 7, 2006, 12:15 PM
I have all 3 and i have to say PC is the best choise for me
1. more people and for those who dissagree with me just think about it. PC- who doesnt have a PC. - PS2 most popular console system ever- xbox360 ... yea prob. the least sold system yet.(just because it only came out less than one year ago.)
2. best graphics are on teh PC more than likely the PC could go higher than Xbox on this
3. for those who dont know you can use a 360 controler on your PC with vibration...
4. Voice chat is the only thing that Xbox has over pc BUT there is team chat/aim/msn that offer chating with your friends. Its just alittle more work than most people are willing to do..(lazy)
and i have a nice moniter/5.1 surround for comp

I guess for a few of you just buy a new chair for your pc you can get a nice chair for under 100$ and use your already existing 360 controler. Or if you dont have one buy one from walmart or something n.n

You know this wouldnt be such a big debate if sega would just connect the servers....

May 7, 2006, 12:20 PM
I don't have a 360 or PS2. My computer can handle whatever I can put up to it and I can run graphics pretty good. The main problem is the controls but that can be fixed...

The 360 will have excellent graphics in comparison to some computers. Not trying to diss the 360 but I hope people can see it is overrated. Again, it is rally good but computer can usually out perform it.

PC will be really good because of the community, good graphics (for good PCs anyway) and you can at least use taem speak.

PS2 will have the upside of being linked to the PC so that will be cool since my friends are getting the PS2 version cause their computers suck. PS2, not to be rude, will be the worst system for PSU. It will have a large community but worst graphics among other features.

May 7, 2006, 12:33 PM
Actually i see 360 and PC(if you have a decent one) being exactly the same in this game, seeing as how it is no where near a top of the line game graphics wise, the best PC will run it exactly the same as a 360 because the game can only look SO good, normally a PC would outpace the 360 if it was any good, but not with a game like PSU.

360's biggest flaw and maybe the only major one is the community in this game.

So really between 360 and PC it is preference, the PC is versatile enough to overcome controls, communication, and graphics problems, just depends how much money you want to put into it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Roffkaiser on 2006-05-07 14:01 ]</font>

May 7, 2006, 03:46 PM
I think the strong point with both PC and 360 is ofcourse, Power. For PS2, I can't really see much of a strong point, other than the fact that you can use a controller, lol.

Weak point for the 360 IMHO is the fact that the servers will not be linked with PC and PS2 players.

May 8, 2006, 05:46 AM
ohh yes i have EP 3 i got lost when i was typing...
and the reason i get them all is because i kinda collect them all....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Neoistheone on 2006-05-08 03:47 ]</font>

May 8, 2006, 07:08 AM
i'm going with 360, i don't see why having millions of ppl to play with on pc or ps2 will better than thousands on the 360, not everyone can play in the same game anyways. thousands is good enough for me.

May 8, 2006, 07:49 AM
I am gonna buy a ps2 (price drop is anounced) so i can play without upgrading my pc and without using any consoles with microsoft behind it...anyway its cheaper to buy a ps2 then upgrading my pc i guess. plus ps2 has better controls then a pc (or u need to have a controller for pc)

btw i was wondering, how will updates work on ps2. or are they just leaving this game after they released again..?

May 8, 2006, 07:50 AM
At this point it's believed that updates will be saved to the PS2's memory card.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MasterChuck on 2006-05-08 05:50 ]</font>

May 8, 2006, 09:53 AM
On 2006-05-08 05:08, Evan101 wrote:
i'm going with 360, i don't see why having millions of ppl to play with on pc or ps2 will better than thousands on the 360, not everyone can play in the same game anyways. thousands is good enough for me.

i agree with him, you really dont need millions of people to play. most of the time i play alone so jerks dont run over and "hahah i stole your rare." but anyway that and i dont have another 500 dollars to upgrade my pc, for that much i might as well buy another 360 or ps3 later in the year...

May 8, 2006, 04:58 PM
Yeah it's kinda sad that the 360 community is getting separated, but hopefully Sonic Team will be in full control of the server so there won't be any of the problems that PSO on Xbox had.

At least there's official voice chat then, which is fine by me http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

May 8, 2006, 05:44 PM
I read somewhere that the Xbox 360 version will be on its own individual server seperated from the rest. Will PC and PS2 versions be linked or seperated?

May 8, 2006, 07:28 PM
they will be linked, only the 360 is seperated.

May 8, 2006, 07:35 PM
On 2006-05-08 05:08, Evan101 wrote:
i'm going with 360, i don't see why having millions of ppl to play with on pc or ps2 will better than thousands on the 360, not everyone can play in the same game anyways. thousands is good enough for me.

It is called support and timely updates. The version with the largest player-base will inevitably receive the most content updates.

Are you familiar with the sorry state-of-affairs on the XBox version of PSO in the United States?

May 8, 2006, 07:39 PM
after pso v1 &2 i stopped playing...i played thousands of hours, and didnt see point in playing the C.A.R.D thing...seemed lame to me anyways

May 8, 2006, 08:14 PM
episode 3 is C.A.R.D. right? that never even sounded interesting to me personally...

May 8, 2006, 11:30 PM
Yes Ep3 is C.A.R.D. Although it may not be as popular and exciting as Ep1&2, it still has its unique qualities. (I myself got somewhat burnt out on it too XD)

May 9, 2006, 01:03 AM
Well you can forget about PSU for the PS3 for all you fanboys that wanted to believe it would come out. After announcing the system will cost $600 which I said it would in another topic I would be truly amazed if they made PSU for the PS3.

May 9, 2006, 05:28 AM
On 2006-05-08 23:03, Eclypse wrote:
Well you can forget about PSU for the PS3 for all you fanboys that wanted to believe it would come out. After announcing the system will cost $600 which I said it would in another topic I would be truly amazed if they made PSU for the PS3.

Your info is a bit off the mark Eclypse. It will actually cost $500. The $600 price tag is for an optional boost to the hard drive.

"The machine will be sold with a built-in hard drive and consumers will be able to choose between a 20-gigabyte version for $499 and a 60-gigabyte version that will cost $599. "-ABC News

May 9, 2006, 07:13 AM
so your saying xbox won't have as many new updates! thats not fair at all.. who cares if there are more ppl playin on ps2 or pc! thats retarded. we will be payin a monthly fee just the same as ps2 owners, but they get more! that's ******* retarded!!!

May 9, 2006, 01:05 PM
On 2006-05-09 05:13, Evan101 wrote:
so your saying xbox won't have as many new updates! thats not fair at all.. who cares if there are more ppl playin on ps2 or pc! thats retarded. we will be payin a monthly fee just the same as ps2 owners, but they get more! that's ******* retarded!!!

Actually, it is not retarded ^_^. If you think about it makes sense. PRIORITY goes to the LARGEST userbase because that is where the MAJORITY of the MONEY/PROFIT is coming from. So that would leave SEGA with less resources to deal with the smallest userbase.

May 9, 2006, 02:11 PM
1)And thats why I wouldnt get it for 360, even if I had one... after how things were done in PSO XBox, I'd rather play safe and go PC.

2)"The 20GB version, priced at $499, will not have Memory Stick, SD, or Compact Flash inputs, Wi-Fi capabilities, or any HDMI output."
It's not just 40GB less of HDD.

May 9, 2006, 02:27 PM
On 2006-05-09 12:11, RFB wrote:
1)And thats why I wouldnt get it for 360, even if I had one... after how things were done in PSO XBox, I'd rather play safe and go PC.

2)"The 20GB version, priced at $499, will not have Memory Stick, SD, or Compact Flash inputs, Wi-Fi capabilities, or any HDMI output."
It's not just 40GB less of HDD.

Looks like I was a bit off the mark too. ^_^

May 9, 2006, 03:09 PM
yeah when i heard the ps3 is gonna cost 600$ i'm glad i'm not a playstation enthusiast....i'd rather have, say Gold plating as a paint job on my car, or maybe a Private Jet....maybe even my own Private Island....

May 9, 2006, 03:50 PM
I think the cost will be worth it. It has a high price for a reason. I mean it is technically superior to the 360.

May 9, 2006, 04:15 PM
I still think it's retarded, i'm going to pay good money on that monthly fee and i want the most of it, and you can not convince otherwise, the only ppl denying that it's retarded are ps2 or pc owners. sega shouldn't be so lazy that they can't add updates to all consoles, and i don't really want to here about how it probably costs sega money, or how they give updates to the consoles with the largest communities, cause i don't care, thats just plain out lazynous.

May 9, 2006, 04:40 PM
Noone's saying it's right. Noone's saying it's not lazyness.

Just telling you how things were with PSO XBox, which sets a precedent about how things maybe for PSU 360.

May 9, 2006, 04:50 PM

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KaiNova7 on 2006-05-09 15:01 ]</font>

May 9, 2006, 04:58 PM
Um, Currently I have Ps2, but I originally planned to get PSU fo xbox360...But seeong that the servers is disconnected...I will probably stick wit Ps2.....

Even though Ps2 will have the worst graphics...How much better will the game look on Pc and 360?...Its not like it will be next gen and Ps2 will be current gen graphics....
If anything, better lighting, and a rich quality of color, g but I dont think it will be a "big" difference...Ofcourse I prefer the best of the best graphics, but at the sametime aslong as the Ps2 is up to par...
Dont forget you can also play ps2 on surround sound and a big screen tv..
And you dont have to pay 300-400 dollars for your game system...

Just for the record:Im not a Ps2 fan boy_Im an psox player at heart

May 9, 2006, 05:55 PM
Thank goodness for this thread. I had completely forgotten that I'll need to buy a keyboard for my PS2 if I wish you be able to communicate decently online. It was a bit of a hassle though, back in the DC days, balancing the keyboard on my lap while playing with the controller.
I might need to look into the PC version....

May 9, 2006, 06:31 PM
On 2006-05-09 03:28, Oji_Retta wrote:

On 2006-05-08 23:03, Eclypse wrote:
Well you can forget about PSU for the PS3 for all you fanboys that wanted to believe it would come out. After announcing the system will cost $600 which I said it would in another topic I would be truly amazed if they made PSU for the PS3.

Your info is a bit off the mark Eclypse. It will actually cost $500. The $600 price tag is for an optional boost to the hard drive.

"The machine will be sold with a built-in hard drive and consumers will be able to choose between a 20-gigabyte version for $499 and a 60-gigabyte version that will cost $599. "-ABC News

How can that be considered off the mark when the $500 or $600 still pertains to the PS3. If you said the 360 costs $299 you would be correct just as if I were to say the 360 costed $399, you're just being very anal.

May 9, 2006, 06:58 PM
On 2006-05-09 13:50, Oji_Retta wrote:
I think the cost will be worth it. It has a high price for a reason. I mean it is technically superior to the 360.

Yeah...it also took a YEAR longer to come out...the technology gets old, and thus less expensive...if they have a working ps3 the technology is just going to depreciate for the next 6mo.

also, the on every premium bundle xbox sells, they lost approx. 153$ USD, they lower the price, and actually LOSE money on the system, because they are confident that the return on peripherals and game disks will make up the markup% in the longrun.

i'm guessing that sony is just trying to STILL make a profit off of thier fanbase...which is messed up IMO...they need to be competitive if they want thier business to survive...

The technology will most probably be superior than that of the 360, but not by much, not by a noticeable amount, and furthermore, the ps3 will not be capable of anything the 360 isnt, or wont be in the near future...you need to understand that sony has the edge here of going into the battle with a birds-eye view, microsoft went in blindly as they pushed to release thier system first, which is noble imo.

i dont favor any console...i only play MMOs and i play them on the best system for the game IMO at the time...i'm not biased against the ps3...but just take a look at the facts...i think sony is cowardly for not being competetive, and they rely too much on thier reputation for success, they dont feel they have anything to prove.

i can tell you in any cutting edge business, change, innovation, and dedication to your customer, is what keeps you successful, and sony doesnt look like is changing much (look at the controller ffs), thier innovation is copying all of the aspects of the 360 with minor improvements, and charging 600$ for a friggin game system is just ludacrous...i bought my nintendo for 119.99$ only 17 years ago...and i can tell you, money isnt worth SIX TIMES what it was back then...

May 9, 2006, 07:32 PM
I find it funny that people hawk the premium one when they have a cheaper one. XD
And as for the PS3 and 360 being close, E3 shows that the PS3 has an edge and considering hte whole phsyics engine the PS3 is far better than it at that. While they might both have pretty games, the PS3 can push far more than that.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ShinMaruku on 2006-05-09 18:34 ]</font>

May 9, 2006, 11:16 PM
Man, I'm so glad I got a 360. I wouldn't have gotten the PS3 regardless of the price, but now I'm really glad I got the 360 instead. PSU, and now GTA4 on day one and Halo 3.

May 9, 2006, 11:40 PM
the most annoying thing in a technical discussion is a 2line post that says 'nah nah we're still better than you'

PS3 is GOING to be more technologically advanced,that's a given. it had another year to design and build.

but graphics engines arent what makes the system.

if i was playing for graphics i wouldnt be playing PSU...beacuse it's going to look similar on all platforms.

a good comparison would be the n64 and the playstation... the n64 graphics looked cleaner, but the psx had all my favorite titles...ff7, metal gear solid, resident evil, silent hill...just to name a few. and even though i had much more fun in any multiplayer game on the 64 than i ever did on the psx, i still liked the psx better, beacuse that's what i prefered...

now, comparing the ps2 to the xbox is no contest...who cares which one is more powerful... the 360 has the games that i am anticipating more than the ps3...and you know bill gates is going to do everything in his power to make all titles ps3 has available , for the 360, whenever possible.
I look at how the PS2 stacked up to the xbox, xbox was ALOT more user friendly, you needed alot less after market peripherals (sony trying to break ur wallet again...) and IMO the xbox controller was more comfortable...

bottom line...it all comes down to personal preference...so please, i really dont wanna hear 'which ones better' because it really doesnt matter.

May 10, 2006, 12:21 AM
ZOMg my wii R 73h best!!!!!!

lol, sony just took elements from the other consoles and souped the hardware up a bit. i mean they will have the EXACT same online as xbox live and theres also the whole gyoscpoic controller thing.

but that could be good if you want to take 2 consoles and combine them into an uber console that happens to cost as much as both together.

xbox 360=user friendly+graphics
wii= innovative and wider range of games (more variety and larger age range)
ps3=uber graphics and some elements from other consoles

its ALL opinion.
i had more fun with my n64 than my ps (exept for ff7) when i was little. but everyone still liked playstation
i have a ds and a psp, i like my ds for its multiplayer games and i mostly use my psp for gta and watching advent children or other movies.

and now back to.... on topic:
if i had a 360 i would get psu for that, but i dont, so PC is my best option.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: vitius137 on 2006-05-09 22:23 ]</font>

May 10, 2006, 07:22 PM
OK now I am mad. Whoever told me to go buy a PS2/USB connector... I don't like you. I went to radio shack and saw a sign over the label "PS2/USB adpater" which read: Please consult employee, currently out of stock.

I talked to the employee, he checked the internet stocks and replied: They discontinued those in all of osuth-eastern Wisconsin.

I was irratated for a minute and then realized that a PS2 controller wasn't that good. I just got the ultimate solution to my problem!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get this, I found an XBOX 360 PC Controller! I am very pleased. I have the best controller, perfect system (PC) and don't ahve to worry about a decision anymore.

May 10, 2006, 09:55 PM
yea when it comes down to it all it is all preference... honestly though i think the PS3 just copied everyone but not everything... I personally think that sony's Blue-Ray player (not the one in the PS3, completely) wont last to long. One reason being the disks will cost a lot to make increasing manufacturing costs... so everyone has to buy new DVDs at a higher price. When you could get a HD DVD player and not have to worry about higer costs and it does the same thing basically. thats king of off topin though... The PS3 has some cool games but i like the 360 community on LIVE. I think that the reason why PSO didnt get a lot of updates was because it was on the Sega servers so they had to give updates for 3 different consoles. Now that PSU is only on the 360 side who knows maybe MS will give us MORE updates cause they dont have to worry about the PC and PS players. Just a thought. Also wth the release of Windows Vista you will be able to play your 360 games on your PC with your keyboard and mouse.... so both PC gamers and 360 gamers are pretty much on the same level if you are a LIVE member and not to mention being able to access your stuff on your 360 through your cell phone and play arcade games.... im not sure what the PS3 has in terms of a online service but i dont think it will be able to compete with LIVE. its all my opinion though.