View Full Version : Item: Meteor Cudgle Finding

May 8, 2006, 09:43 PM
I believe I have found another "interesting" little tweek in the game. I'll make a long story short: I think the Meteor Cudgle increases the power of Shifta on itself.

Just so you know, Shifta was LV 12

I will provide screen shots to back up my hypothesis:
First weapon: Asuka (normally stronger than Meteor Cudgle)
Asuka with Shifta

Then: Metoer Cudgle
Meteor Cudgle with Shifta

And finally, the difference:

And finally my conclusion, the Meteor Cudgle has some kind of Shifta powerup. Either that, or Asuka has some kind of Shifta downing ability. (which would suck)

(Please pardon the need to scroll, I forgot to fully resize)

But for a little math, Shifta increase in both weapons:
270 point increase (Asuka)
331 point increase (Meteor Cudgle)

Now, I forget my algebra of how to calculate percentages so now I feel stupid.

May 8, 2006, 09:59 PM
Does Shifta effect variable ATP?
Yes. When casting a level 30 Shifta, a weapon with a variable ATP will gain roughly 47% of the variable difference on the maximum (Y) value. Lets assume a weapon has a default variable ATP of 90-100, which gives us a 10 ATP variance. If level 30 Shifta is cast on that character this weapon will gain an ATP bonus equal to roughly 47% of 10, or roughly a 5 ATP bonus. However, this bonus is only added to the maximum (Y) value of variable ATP. And thus our 90-100 variable ATP weapon will now do 90-105 variable ATP. I also assume this works in reverse with Jellen by reducing the maximum (Y) value, but not changing the minimum (X) value. However, I have not fully tested that as of yet. Also remember that different levels of Shifta will have a different resulting bonus.


May 8, 2006, 10:01 PM
The Meteor Cudgel has a more variable ATP than the Asuka, so it looks like it has more of an increase. The Asuka is still better than Meteor Cudgel when they both have Shifta.

May 8, 2006, 11:09 PM
Ahh I see now Skorp..Indeed thank you, I was confused about that.