View Full Version : The Vegetarian's Directive

Oct 12, 2002, 06:11 PM
First off, let em say I respect all points of view in this subject. I have yet to really decide. I do avoid meat when I feel like it(every other day). I do however have one main question.

Is the vegetarian directive to avoid meat, or avoid meat because of the jungle like cutting floors of meat/poultry factories? What it comes down to is, if some, SOME of you don't eat meat because they once lived and someone had to kill it for you to eat, and you don't want to eat something that once lived, wouldn't you be kind of hypocritical if you eat vegetables and fruits?

While you're offering your thoughts and info on the subject, tell us whether you're vegetarian or not, if so, which type?

Oct 12, 2002, 06:14 PM
I have a friend who is Vegetarian becuase he believes an animal should'nt have to die to feed him...but he wears a lot of leather

Oct 12, 2002, 06:37 PM
Some people are vegetarian due to health conditions, so they really are avoiding meat.

Most vegetarians are vegetarians because they're against cruelty to animals. Which is fine. Yes, the vast majority of meat processing facilities are hideously cruel and unsanitary. I personally don't care, so I eat meat anyway.

But oh, I can't tell you how much I'd just love to strangle those fucking PETA dipshits... every single one of them. Yes indeedy. It'd make me smile to see them bludgeoned to death.

If you really believe in something, then that's great, but you can TELL that these are the kind of people who "dedicate" themselves to a cause just so they have something to bitch and moan about, and to pathetically try to make themselves feel superior to everyone else.

Oct 12, 2002, 06:42 PM
ive often wondered about this myself but being a lesbian and all im really in no place to talk >_>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Alisha on 2002-10-13 12:44 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2002, 06:45 PM
On 2002-10-12 16:11, amoralist wrote:

While you're offering your thoughts and info on the subject, tell us whether you're vegetarian or not, if so, which type?

In between, I lean more towards vegetables (especially when potatoes are placed on la mesa!).

Oct 12, 2002, 07:04 PM
I eat everything. My wife complains that I don't eat enough fruit. I eat jujubes shaped like pears and grapes....so what's the deal?

I eat meat. As a guy who was once a fanatical cyclist I know that a body NEEDS the proteins found in meats in order to repair micro-tears in muscle fibre caused by stressful levels of performance. (Ask my shot knees...lol)

Once I was told to eat a diet of only vegetables, fruit and fish and turkey. I will admit that I probably never felt better in my life. I remember my energy level being higher and I felt more alert. I used to go to a sports doctor that specializes in athletes and he told me to get my ass back on the red meats.

I dunno. Nowadays I've been letting my body slip BIG TIME. I think that I'm just about to smarten up and get back to it. Maybe look into some Tai Chi for relaxation. Anybody here into that?

Oct 12, 2002, 08:00 PM
I stay away from red meat because of it's overall negative effects on your body. And I also keep away from pork 'cause I can't stomach it. But everything else is mighty tasty.

I don't have many ethics about killing animals for food, just don't fuck 'em up too badly before and when they get slaughtered.

Oct 13, 2002, 07:52 AM
I don't kill animals to please my stomach. And that's it. I don't force my beliefs on anybody, and don't care what others eat. And no, I don't feel superior to anybody else.

Oct 13, 2002, 11:06 AM
I eat meat if it looks normal and isn't red or green or has anything growing on it.

I can see why people would avoid meat for medical reasons, and for the fact that something has to die and be gibbed to supply your own person with nutrients to survive.

I try to avoid beef, seeing as I'm allergic to it, but pork or chicken are fine by me.

Oct 13, 2002, 11:25 AM
I only eat meat if its for dinner. I mostly eat fruit or cereal.

Oct 13, 2002, 12:28 PM
On 2002-10-12 16:42, Alisha wrote:
ive often wondered about this myself but being a lesbian and all im really in place to talk >_>

Am I the only one who understood this?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Oct 13, 2002, 02:45 PM
On 2002-10-13 10:28, haterade wrote:

On 2002-10-12 16:42, Alisha wrote:
ive often wondered about this myself but being a lesbian and all im really in no place to talk >_>

Am I the only one who understood this?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

it appears so http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Oct 13, 2002, 02:47 PM
Haterade: From my P.O.V., sure. Enlighten me, I honestly get it.

On-Topic: I'm not a vegetarian. In my opinion, one can eat meat without ethical implications, because animals (especially cows) aren't nearly close to being our intellectual equals. They don't have that same perception of "rights," form an intelligible language, or have such traits that are attributed to humans, hence it's okay to kill and eat them because they're inferior. However, that doesn't give us the right to, say, torture them. They do deserve some amount of respect as living creatures... just not the same respect as one would give a human.

Oct 13, 2002, 02:53 PM
I try to avoid eating other dead animals sometimes. But it's hard. I eat meat but I'm not proud of it.

Oct 14, 2002, 12:17 PM
On 2002-10-13 10:28, haterade wrote:

Am I the only one who understood this?! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif


Anyway, I'm not a vegetarian... veggies will never ever be able to sustain my protien consumption, so I will prob'ly never ever become a vegetarian. Celery just lacks substance, and tofu makes me gag.

Side note, you know they used to (not too long ago, really... maybe up 'til the 50's) slaughter cows by letting them, 3 at a time, into a pen with 10 sledgehammer-toting cowboys. After dispatching the cows, they'd have to discard a lot of the meat because it'd be liquified. Then they'd dress/clean them right on the corral floor. Makes ya hungry, eh?

The process is far better these days. The cows feel like they're going to sleep, and the cleaning rooms are cleaner than a maternity ward. Especially in kosher plants.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlackRose on 2002-10-14 10:19 ]</font>

Oct 14, 2002, 05:44 PM
On 2002-10-12 16:37, Rotis wrote:
But oh, I can't tell you how much I'd just love to strangle those fucking PETA dipshits... every single one of them. Yes indeedy. It'd make me smile to see them bludgeoned to death.

oh my god rotis, i would like to join you in a peta killing spree.

other than that, i understood alisha too

Oct 14, 2002, 06:00 PM
Yes Alisha, easily understood =o

I like fish and beef myself =X

Salmon, steak, hotdogs, chicken strips...it's all goooood =D

I can understand if someone doesn't want to eat meat, as long as they can understand why I want to eat meat.

Oct 14, 2002, 06:12 PM
amoralist wrote:
SOME of you don't eat meat because they once lived and someone had to kill it for you to eat, and you don't want to eat something that once lived, wouldn't you be kind of hypocritical if you eat vegetables and fruits?

None of you have answered that question really. But the most troubling point I've read so far is this:

Kupi wrote:
On-Topic: I'm not a vegetarian. In my opinion, one can eat meat without ethical implications, because animals (especially cows) aren't nearly close to being our intellectual equals. They don't have that same perception of "rights," form an intelligible language, or have such traits that are attributed to humans, hence it's okay to kill and eat them because they're inferior. However, that doesn't give us the right to, say, torture them. They do deserve some amount of respect as living creatures... just not the same respect as one would give a human.

Make up your mind Kupi, which are you saying? Cows have rights, cows don't have as many rights as we do, or cows don't have rights at all. Also, you mentioned that their intellect is not equal to that of a human. What about the mentally ill? They are human, if not, what do you define as human?

Oct 14, 2002, 06:21 PM
Some people don't want to kill animals for food because it's painful. Yeah, in alot of cases it is painful, but I'd imagine when done right, it's better than being torn into strands and shredded and eaten alive like predators do to their prey.

Come on, you ever see a tiger or lion take down prey? They eat it right then and there, as it lays dieing.

Fruits and vegetables don't scream when you pick them, and they smell so damn good.

Anyone ever shoot a deer and clean it? Ever accidently cut into the intestines? Doesn't exactly smell like roses.

Animals have rights. There are laws which protect animals against abuse and mistreatment. I'm not sure how that goes when it comes time to slaughter.

Animals aren't capable of advanced thinking processes as humans. Remember, we're talking about cattle and so on, used as meat products.

A human is defined by species, not thinking ability.

Oct 14, 2002, 06:31 PM
You don't have to eat purely meat or some funky tasting health food like soy products to get complete protein. Beans and rice give a complete protein as well. BRC's for everyone!

Fruits and veggies don't squeal when you hack them up. You can't really feel too guilty about 'em.

Oct 14, 2002, 08:12 PM
I stopped eating meat mainly from getting sick after eating hamburgers =>_>=; There was also this disturbing feeling of chewing a bit of fat and making my teeth grind.

Mmmm, I like soy stuff and tofu, so I'll survive without meat.

Oct 15, 2002, 03:30 PM
'k, I'll make up my mind: I like meat, and so long as the animal wasn't tortured to death it's okay.

I pretty much knew that I'd start going in circles if I went on too long.


Oct 18, 2002, 03:10 PM
I'm a member of PETA..... People who Eat Tasty Animals Yeah! What did you think I mean? :P

I eat meat daily, I can't go one day without eating some kind of meat product. There is nothing like eating a nice big juicy steak with a baked potato on the side. Nummers. And I really don't care how the animal was treated, they taste too damn good to worry about it :D.

And I'll have to line up with Rotis and Lolita, I hate PETA, I think they are knuckleheads. I have no problem with people being vegetarians, just don't go telling me I'm wrong for choosing to eat meat.

Oct 18, 2002, 04:29 PM
im a meat and potatos kind of girl and i must say peta is the lamest of lame i mean they tried to ban fishing.................