View Full Version : lmao...end bilingual teachings

Oct 13, 2002, 10:56 AM
well this morning I was watching television and an add campaign came across supporting some dumbass for some goverment position. in his add it said

"wants to end bilingual teachings inschool"

i thought that a was a fucking riot. i mean in a way it makes sense, but it's completely ilogical. i mean, i'd actually love it if those imgrants wold just learn enlgish but you know. and well i mean most other contries DO IN FACT know english rpetty well. more so than our country knows any other langauge. i just thoughtn that was afunny add campaign. "ending bilingual teachings in public schools" but well lol. just had to tell ya

Oct 13, 2002, 11:08 AM
If anything, you'd want to support multilingual teachings in schools, and yes, I agree, that guy is a dumbass.

Oct 13, 2002, 05:15 PM
where I went to school, every student had to study english and one other language from grade school til uni, and if you had to pass both languages per year or you would be held back. it worked there, and it has one of the toughest education system.

Oct 13, 2002, 05:45 PM
Yeah you have to take a language here too. Start in 8th grade.

Oct 13, 2002, 05:55 PM
Being forced into taking a second language around here is un-heard of =

Some people take french, german, spanish, etc. I'd of taken arabic, Japanese or Mandarin, but nope..weren't available when I was in school.

The melting pot of the world closing it's schools to other languages...what the hell did that guy buy from Bush Senior when he was running for office?

Oct 13, 2002, 05:56 PM
Pheh. Everyone's going to have to learn english. The U.S. is already starting it's quest for global supremecy. Today Iraq. Tomorrow Africa. And then, Wednesday, China.

Soon everyone's only going to need to be able to say "Uh, my greencard is in my other pair of pants." in english only.

Oct 13, 2002, 11:54 PM
On 2002-10-13 15:56, Spy wrote:
Pheh. Everyone's going to have to learn english. The U.S. is already starting it's quest for global supremecy. Today Iraq. Tomorrow Africa. And then, Wednesday, China.

Soon everyone's only going to need to be able to say "Uh, my greencard is in my other pair of pants." in english only.

laughs at off at that comment =P because its so true. america is the center of all earth

Oct 14, 2002, 01:19 AM
I LOVED Pat Buchanan's campain commercial in 2000.

It was a man choking on his breakfast after reading the headline, "ENGLISH NO LONGER NATIONAL LANGUAGE"(or something like that.) He procedes to call 911, to only get a recorded message saying, "Welcome to 911. For Spanish, press 1. For French, press 2. For German, press 3..." The now dying man looks @ the phone in disbeleif, and falls over. A narrorator then pipes over the scene saying, "Tired of imigration getting out of control? It's time to close up our borders, and work on the problems that effect us most. Our own."

Oct 14, 2002, 02:11 AM

Pat Buchanon needs to be shot.