View Full Version : Need some opinions on Scythe design

May 15, 2006, 12:05 AM
I just started working on this like 30 mins ago and was wondering what I can do to make it better since I got stuck after this part :/

It's a double edge scythe but this is as far I got since I can't think of anything.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: EJ on 2006-05-14 23:11 ]</font>

May 15, 2006, 02:04 AM
Its ornate, but I cant imagine this being used for any real purpose. @.@

Theres beauty to be had in practicality, If I were you I would try basing it off of a real design first. Right now it seems kinda flimsy.

May 15, 2006, 02:19 AM
hmm... I would say that the handle is not ornate enough for the blade http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

May 15, 2006, 03:04 AM
Right now, the blade is curving so much that, functionally, it would be an axe.
Also, the way the blade gets smaller as it attaches to the handle gives it an overall flimsy look. Generally blades get larger as they reach the hilt for more stability and power. Remember, weapons arnt just for lookin cool, they're for doing some serious wet work.
That said, big sythes are alway cool, and I like the idea of the riveted plating covering the top of the main blade.

May 15, 2006, 03:19 AM
You should look towards Imperial Pick for some ideas.

May 15, 2006, 07:26 AM
I agree with what most say, the blade has so much of a curve, it couldn't really be used correctly.

Other then that, I can't really help you much with design.

May 15, 2006, 10:58 AM
like said above it's to curvy to be usefull, looks good though..

what program did you use to make it? and is this the final texture or a random texture?

May 20, 2006, 04:34 PM
Your typical farm scythe would look like this.


But here's a pic of one most used for Grim Reaperish things.


You have something going here, but in my opinion the tips of the blades are curving a bit too far downward. A scythe, used in combat purposes, is supposed to pierce as well as slash. As Ancient mentioned, it would function more as an Axe the way it is right now.

I'll be waiting to see the finished product, so keep at it!

May 20, 2006, 07:15 PM
The blade is curving too much. It wouldn't serve as much of an effective scythe. :

Work on that, because that's the main problem I see. Other than that, good work.

May 20, 2006, 07:50 PM
like everyone else said, it curves to much. It's actually pointing towards the staff, a definite don't for a usable scyth. The furthest angle is should be at is pointing directly at the ground, and I wouldn't even recomend going that far.

Also, the layers/texure in the steel blades make it look week. When a smith is creating a blade he continously hammers the steel out, then folds it up and hammers it again. A good smith will always have a smooth blade, if not it creates unequal densities within the blade and will make it more likely to shatter since force won't be distrubuted within the steal properly. Any decorative added afterwards is very light if the weapon is intended for practical purposes. Once again to much incision would make the blade more likely to fall apart.

Another problem is the blades apear to be equally dense from the base to the staff. This will also cause it to break, you need more steel at the base of the blade if you want it to hold on to the staff. Granted, the extra thickness should not be to strong, but it should still be visible. If you swung that and hit something hard I can almost guarantee you the blades would be knocked off.

It really doesn't make to well for an ornate weapon either. Your staff is plainer than a tree branch. If all it's going to do is sit around and look pretty then you can afford to mess with the staff. Have some snakes or vines or something going up it, maybe have some figures sort of coming out. Or even incise a pattern in it of some sort. The color is also really drab.

So yeah, I give it a 1/5, but I guess I'm kind of a hard critique. I used to really be into smithing. I've actually been trying to figure out a mechanism for a Scythe to Halberd weapon. Both top and bottom of the blade will be sharpened, the shape will be circular ate it's base and curve out into a blade. The staff will be a straight pole, but will still have the handles like a farmers scythe. Whenever you pull down on the top handle it pulls either a chord or series of chords and cogs within the staph to pull the blade from a scythe position to a halberd position in a semi-cirular motion. The main problem I have is thinking up an auto-lock system to hold the blade and handle in place so they don't move when the blade hits something. Right now I'm thinking about various spring mechanisms, but one with everything I want has yet to come to mind. Plus the spring would take up even more room inside the staff. There are still a lot of kinks to work out.

However, you can do 3D artwork, so be glad for that. All I have is MS paint, my thoughts, and math skills. If I ever figure it out I might design it with an auto-CAD program at school, but none of that requires 3D imaging. The weapon itself may suck, but your imaging doesn't.