View Full Version : C-Mode Competition on Blueburst, BB item prizes

May 16, 2006, 06:40 AM

c/p follows

The Competition
The goal is to achieve the best overall c-mode time on a fresh character. We will be competing in one episode only. I favour Episode 2 personally, and unless the poll (on the blue burst forum) shows an overwhelming preference for Episode 1 then that's where we'll be competing. Don't worry if you're new - there'll be lots of help available!

Read the rules and post to the blueburst thread to register your character(s). Alternatively you may register here if you don't have a blueburst boards account. Detail character name and class. DO NOT START PLAYING YET! I'll announce an official start shortly.

The Rules
1 ) This is my baby, so what I say goes. I will do my upmost to remain fair at all times, but I reserve the right to change anything or to kick anyone out for whatever reasons I see fit.
2 ) All competitors must register any characters they wish to compete on BEFORE playing any c-mode stages on them.
3 ) Ideally competitors should create a new character with a name starting CM. For example "CM CHARLIE" or "CM-DAVE". In the event that this is not possible, existing characters are allowed if accompanied with a screenshot of blank cmode times sheet before starting.
4 ) Competitors may register any number of characters, but are only eligible for one prize. Late registrations are fine.
5 ) Competitors may replay stages as many times as they like.
6 ) The competition will run about a month - an official closing date will be announced once we are underway.
7 ) The competition may be pulled if at least 20 players do not compete - so get your friends involved! Remember this is far less random than hunting the rares yourself - you just need to outdo the other players here!
8 ) Whilst I am not competing myself, I will help players as and when I feel like it.

The Prize Pool:
The player with the best time at the end of the competition gets first pick from the prize pool. The player with the second best time gets second pick, and so on. All prizes are legit and many come with drop/tek pics or at least histories. Additional donations are welcome, but nothing trashy please - only really good stuff.

Lame D'Argent 0/10/10/0 (untekked)
Vivienne 20/0/0/0
Daylight Scar 0/0/25/35/15
Twin Blaze 0/0/0/0
Sacred Duster 0/0/0/0 (untekked)
Standstill Shield (163def 184evp)
Holy Ray 0/25/20/0/35


May 16, 2006, 11:43 AM
sounds awsome i registered.

May 19, 2006, 04:02 PM
C'mon Gecki - let's do this. I call fonewearl to your hucast. Anyone else want in on this?

Shooting to break 2:30 - Rawr!!!!