View Full Version : pso love of the game

Oct 16, 2002, 11:17 PM
hello all im new here onley been here for a few days well i have to say that ever since a year and a half ago my dc broke and when i found out that sega was going to go out of bisness i thout to myself ill never get to play eny more that was the sadess day of my initre life thou im 19 know im still having withdrawls from not being able to play im going to get the xbox pso and it is so close i am drooling and at the same time im depressed becouse thinking about all my friends that i miss and all that all the fellings that this game will give you is just unreal i never thoput that just one game would make a diffrence in my life but look at me know in fact my feelings are just over welmed every time a read a post that you guys make just makes me even more depresed and happy at same time knowing that there are ppl out there that share my pasion is just good to know and that i have others that i can share my feelings and remors and joy with thank you all for giving me hope for the futer of pso and for my futer of being able to have all those who care for me and i care for to be able to under stand one another thank you all
sorry about the endless sentance im not a good speller im just a lonley roffer

Oct 16, 2002, 11:45 PM
Hey, thats great to hear. I hope you meet alot of people at this site, make some new friends and get to enjoy time with them on the new releases of PSO.

Thats why this site and community are here, for everyone to get together and have some fun =)

Oct 17, 2002, 12:04 AM
thank you

this site is #1 in my book

and also id like to add that pso is not just an rpg it is more of a way of life what i mean by that is that you get to make relation ships eg friends and in some cases more than that but the hilight of it is that no matter what you do or say or how ever your feel the ppl you play with and the friends you make will be by your side and help you thrue the dificult times as i have always done and my friends have done we (we stick together to the end and help our friends in the time of need as such is the creed of the true pso player) no matter what we shail always be true to each other in the time of need

man i tell yea i am not ashaimed to say iot but righting in this thred is bringing tears to my eyes nowing even that no all of you will get the xbox to play pso i still believ that in truye esence of the game that we will be able to injoy the game without being able to play with onanother as this site will allow us to ijoy our time online together and build bonds that can and most definatly not be able to be broken thrue the time of gaming history

Oct 17, 2002, 12:28 AM
Yeah, thats what it's all about. You sign up to be a member of the community, make friends, meet new people, and learn new things from them in the process that you never thought you'd learn on a gaming forum.

Doesn't matter what platform you play on, you're still playing PSO, and thats the point of the site, where everyone who plays PSO can post and have some fun.

Take care mav, I'm going to get some sleep before work. =)

Oct 17, 2002, 05:34 AM
Welcome aboard! PSO is definately going to be a cool game, but since it's going to be on both systems, I doubt there will be as many people in the lobbies.