View Full Version : Question on deleted items.....

Jun 3, 2006, 12:09 AM
Alright, I know this is gonna sound completely obsurd but I would not waste the time to make a new account and type all this out if I were trying to lie about something stupid. Anyways, I created a game in Ep4 on BB. I'm level 40 and went to Northern route and there were 4 rappies, one of which was a del rappy. So, I ran back, hit rafoie, and 3 ran, including the del. I hit the del again and watched a rare get dropped. I run over to grab it and as I do, I'm smacked by the remaining Sand Rappy. Once I get up, I start attacking it and notice that I'm unequipped. So I ctrl+end it and try to equip my blade dance and it's not in there. I hit HOME and go to items and sure enough, my mag, my sheild, my armor, and anything that was above my monomates and monofluids is missing. Just completely whiped away. Can anyone give me some sort of explanation towards this at all or know how I can possibly get this stuff back. I figure that I'm completely screwed and there's no hope but I just spent so much time and effort into feeding that mag and I'm honestly getting a little sad about this.

Jun 5, 2006, 07:58 AM
Unfortunately, this is one of the issues that BB suffered from - items just disappeared for no reason. I heard it's rare, but it happens. You just happen to be the one unlucky enough.