View Full Version : So You Had A Crush On Him? So He's Now Dead? So His Body Has

Jun 6, 2006, 03:45 PM
well... this is definatly a wierd topic name... >_>

to put everything very simpley, My sister had a TaeKwonDo insturctor named Keith Black, now she was around 18 at the time, and he was 30+ with a wife and a kid or two >_>

one day he up and vanished,gone for good http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif wife took a week or so to report him missing

well a few years later they found his body, and his wife is being charged with his murder, and one of her close friends, an accomplice

so now, another few years later, it's released to the public that his head, arms and legs were chopped off as well...

well of course when I get home, my gramma tells me about this and I literally said "oh shit..." -.-;; I knew exactly how my sister would be

I go upstairs to find her and of course, she's sitting at the computer, crying, opening and closing her email, waiting for a reply form anyone -.-;;; she's freaking out about how he was chopped up and stuff... do I feel sorry for her...? no.

I don't mean any offense or anything, but this was multiple years ago. in fact like I said, she took the attention of being a good student and thought of it as affection, and developed a major crush on him...

in fact, whenever anybody is nice to her, she thinks it's love. She has big breasts, healthy body, and dresses like she's 18. every guy she's been with ( except for one, but that comes later ) has only been with her, so they can fuck her.

Every. Single. Time. it's basically they go out for a month or so, she moves out and in with him, then a few months later she comes crying back home -.-;;;

in fact right now she ha sher eyes on this mechanic she knows. she gets upset and mopey whenever he doesn't phone her back right away, respond on MSN right away, text message her back right away... -.-;;; in fact, she got so upset that she went onto some dating chat on yahoo, and met some guy form england http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

about one week into her talkgin with him on microphone, I decided to read an email because of how she was acting, and what I read, was alogn the lines of
"I love you, when have kids, they'd be half canadian, half english. I can't wait to meet you, I should be able to come visit in a few weeks"

well jesus... one week and they are already talkign about kids? -.-;;; so like usual, I decided to let her go her own merry fucking way, and guess what happens? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

the mechanic, who just finished goign through his divorce, phoned her ;p so then they did something, and my sister, "broke up" with the england guy

as she was writting an email to him she was sittgn there bawling her eyes out -.-;;;

now she is acting so damned idioticly -.-;;; she's now worried because she's afraid the england guy doesn't love her anymore, the mechanic, again has stopped callign her, and now she's upset because black was cut into pieces -.-;;

seriously... I either want ti kill, or be killed -.-;;;;;

Jun 6, 2006, 03:50 PM
Your sister has issues. Deep issues. But thats not a surprise, considering the stuff I've heard about your mom in previous rants.

Run away, run away and never look back, yo. Sink or Swim and they don't know how to dog-paddle.

Jun 6, 2006, 03:51 PM
wow, your sister is tarding out.

Jun 6, 2006, 03:52 PM
Slap some sense into her.

Jun 6, 2006, 03:53 PM
Yeah, your sister needs help. I feel sorry about the whole Karate Instructor incident though.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Equinux on 2006-06-06 13:54 ]</font>

Jun 6, 2006, 03:58 PM
On 2006-06-06 13:50, ABDUR101 wrote:
Your sister has issues. Deep issues. But thats not a surprise, considering the stuff I've heard about your mom in previous rants.

I hate to say that she should go to a therapist. But the thing is I don't think anyone in your family can help. In fact I think your entire family is negative influence to each other. ._.

Issues like that are really common within not the happiest of families. Women, and prolly men too, keep looking for the wrong person to be with and create yet another negative cycle.

Ya. I agree with Abdur. You need to get the hell outta there. Before it corrodes you!

Jun 6, 2006, 04:42 PM
It seems like she has some serious psychological issues. She needs to see a therapist or psychologist or something. I hope everything "somehow" work out for yall.

Jun 7, 2006, 11:49 AM
Have your sister call me. You know me, kind of, and that I wouldn't drop her or anything. I'm looking for somebody to talk to, anyway.

Hey, I'm not joking there. PM me or something.

Jun 8, 2006, 02:48 AM
Fuck you guys !!!!

Jun 8, 2006, 12:44 PM
I want pics of this sister. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jun 8, 2006, 05:22 PM
hmm... unexpected comment tryp >_>

and PIT, what's with the comment?

Dangerous, maybe when I stop being lazy

anyway, this england guy is now gonna be visiting soon http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sister already bought a bus ticket to mee thim in Van, and he already has a plane ticket to van >.>

Jun 8, 2006, 10:21 PM
On 2006-06-08 15:22, Kuea wrote:

Dangerous, maybe when I stop being lazy

Sweet, put in a good word. I have curly hair and radical views on the government.

Jun 9, 2006, 03:26 AM
oh my. PSOW dating service.

Jun 9, 2006, 09:35 AM
Oh damn it... Just talk to her, thats all you have to do if that dosn't work, I don't know what will... My mind is blank at the moment buddy...

Jun 9, 2006, 09:40 AM
On 2006-06-08 00:48, PIT wrote:
Fuck you guys !!!!


Anywho, try talkin' this English guy into taking her to a therapist.

Jun 9, 2006, 09:47 AM
I guess Dr.Phil is out of the question...

Jun 9, 2006, 03:43 PM
I can't help but feel sorry for your sister. I suggest you try talking a littele sense into her, but it probably won't work.
I hope things get better.

Jun 10, 2006, 01:56 AM

Seriously though, I agree with Abdur. Get ze hell out of there.