View Full Version : Poetry anone??? *nervous laugh*

Jun 18, 2006, 04:02 PM
A poem about my and my friend's characters...

Lost Phantasy

We mastered the ruins
Defeated the entity
Slain the beast
It’s gone completely
At least we hope
It’s not like the things
Those little pests
With transparent wings
Returning again
Stronger than last
Creepy around
More quiet and fast
Getting bulky
With more power
Before they return
Destroy the tower
That governs machines
And makes them mad
Losing control
Just a tad
The two must hurry
And Whose-It
Will be to blame
If this last strike
Fails to work
But now is best
Do not let it lurk
The mechanical thing
They call Mother
They will destroy
May there be another?
There is not time
Got here, you two
After this rhyme
Remove that monster
From the controls
Defeat the program
Assume your roles

Jun 19, 2006, 10:01 PM
I liked it alot Wottar! I liked how (well i read it this way) it seemed very fast paced and you could almost....(feel?) the urgency of it all...

Jun 20, 2006, 02:09 PM
beyond the cheesey-ness of writing a poem about a game...it is pretty darn good.

Jun 20, 2006, 03:52 PM
I liked it a lot, you could feel that what they were doing was important.