View Full Version : Funniest Pso Moment

Jun 23, 2006, 10:56 PM
I have seen scariest moment, and dumbest moment, but i have never seen funniest. At least im pretty sure i havn't.
Anyway, mine would probably be when me and a friend did ttf ultimate. I was level 178, and he was 164. We thought we could handle it. That was until the sinow room. We both ran in, but i ran out. He then got pwned when 2 sinow reds and 2 sinows both jumped on him. I never laughed so hard in my life. He got me back though, when i ran in the baranz room, and all 3 shot at me at once and killed me

Jun 23, 2006, 11:02 PM
pwahahah once me and my frends were playin offline battle mode, i was level 120, and my frends were level 42-45, we all went to the forest, and when they asked for help, i smashed them with my weapon(branch of pakupaku) omfg da noise and da way it sounded was so damn funny, i killed them in one hit, oh man good times good times...it was hilarious, after i killed them all, i said "yall so ugly yall got beat by da ugly stick" lmfao oh man hahahahhaa *dies laughing*

Jun 24, 2006, 12:09 AM
shoot, i meant to put this in general, can a mod move it?

Nitro Vordex
Jun 24, 2006, 08:18 PM
My favorite is when i told my bro about the challenge mode prizes.*offline*. I told him we could get a toy hammer....and he said,"What? Walk up to someone, SQUEAK!, Dead. Run up again,SQUEAK, owned.....i was dying lmfao.Their probably talkin in H.F.I.L goin,"all I heard was a SQUEAK and I woke up here....weak...lmfao

Jun 24, 2006, 11:45 PM
Once i let my friend(who doesn't know a lot about pso)play as my lvl 90 Humar in hard ruins,just for fun.I let him know that i had a lot of scape dolls in the bank just in case he died ONCE OR TWICE. *ahem*.It was during the night,and i fell asleep for about 3 hours.When i wake up,I tell my friend to let me play.I decided to do some Ultimate caves runs.I go to my bank to withdraw a couple scape dolls...Then i notice all 35 scape dolls are gone.I ask my friend"What did you do with my scape dolls?"And the reply is..."I used them all."Never again shall my friend play this game....

Jun 25, 2006, 05:59 AM
Daba's seabed run in normal. It was the most hilarious thing you can imagine. Everything....Just everything.

Jun 25, 2006, 09:04 AM
LOL, this one is easy.
Me and friend were just spamming in the lobby jingle bells ("lalala, lalala, lalala lala').
This one NOOBmar comes into the lobby, and starts screaming hysterically.
omg, we were laughing forever.

Jun 25, 2006, 04:44 PM
When i was a n00b and i had a mag w/ 50+ mind...

But i was a cast.


Jun 26, 2006, 03:24 PM
Me and two of my friends were playing ep 1&2 offline in battle. However, one of them didnt know it was battle and she didnt know much about the game at the time. So we took her to the ruins in hard mode and we told her that in hard mode there are bombs that can randomly kill you. (She had never been in hard mode before despite the fact that she was around level 30.) Me and my other friend were like level 108. Anyways, we took her in there and we would hit her with razonde and rafoie and we would blame it on the "bombs" lol. Omg it was soo funny. We kept saying to her that shes dying so much we're going to start charging her meseta because of all the moon atomizers we used. Eventually though she put on the map and noticed it said battle and she figured it out. I will never forget that day though http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 29, 2006, 11:32 AM
For me is when I just having a normal day. Iam fighting ..Till I run out of TP so lucky by me I killed all the enemys with physical attacks (I Had no weapon on and was level 10 T_T) lucky for me I had 10 HP left. About to use my telepipe I turned around and saw a goomba (I think this is how you spell it..) and I died. Alright I was very angry >.< however I changed the challenge to G4 and right on there it said

"You got Pwned!"

o_O I found it funny http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jun 29, 2006, 02:41 PM
ahh rember it well the ye old metal man, lv 99 last gmae before deleation got bitten by a mothmant.

Jun 30, 2006, 09:16 PM
Ohh! I was fighting Dark Falz and I said "this ends now!" <<whips out Varista and shoots one photon bullet>> Dark Falz died! Yay! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 1, 2006, 10:37 AM
Watching my FOnewm and RAmarl friends doing VH Ruins. Rania (The RA) picks up a Mind Material and Raziel (The FO) yells "Gimmie the Mind Material, bitch!" Rania's response is dropping it in that big room that always spawns 8 dimenians and a bringer. Raziel ran in, picked it up, and got bowled over.

Jul 1, 2006, 09:20 PM
I was having a luck week and was hunting H/pow with my foneweral...so I was talking to a friend on team chat saying I was gonna sell h/pow to the team for 5 pds each....he was so anxious...so seconds later I find a del rappy(virida ID) im like yes this is it well he is a ways away. So I kill all the emenies close and decided unlike normally I would hit it with zonde to make it run away then once more to make it drop the h/pow....usually I get close, kill it, then I wait for it to get up then grab the rare....so the first zonde hits...and I go to shoot another and the stupid targeting hits the boxes 10 feet to my90 degrees left side....so I am just shooting zonde hoping to hit it and finally it runs though a wall I and have to tell my friend I lost it! Before that I accidentally sold a h/pow in the shops too.....was so pissed!

Jul 2, 2006, 10:58 PM
Herm....one time in normal forest, back when I was a noob, my friends were spending the night and i was playing offline by myself. So, there was some glitch or something and a hildebear got caught on one of the corners and was moving back and forth at an unnormal rate. So, one of my friends was all 'Dun unnunuu dunnu dunnu CANT TOUCH THIS' I was laughing so hard, my face turned red. >.<

Jul 3, 2006, 05:20 PM
Lol, my personal favorite is when I was fighting VH Dark Flaz with my Force, Rynker. I pulled out my trusty draw-series handgun (Can't remember what it was specifically, since been rplaced by a Varista) But, anyway, I was shooting, and my PB Gauge charged, I switched menus, and Casted Golla. Right as I saw my character do the pose before He casted, I saw this little outline of me floating upward.....

For those of you who dont know, DF has an attack where he links his health to yours, if you damage him, you take the damage as well, you know when he uses it because you have an outline of yourself drift up...

Jul 6, 2006, 11:31 AM
i had a good one a few weeks ago. i was in my level 200 game (getting my hucast to 200). i had decided to get 200 off of a sinow beril. well, we were geting close to the end of cca and i still had about 10,000 exp to go. so i went to temple to whittle down my to next level to just the right amount (so that i had less than 360 exp to go). in one of the rooms, i finally got it to the right amount (302) and the very second i got it there, bam, a lily megids me. we all got a good laugh out of that one.

Jul 7, 2006, 10:53 PM
The funnest moment was that there was two rare items and me and my friend were deciding who gets what, so he a level 100 HUcast now level 111 choose and i a level 70 HUmar but now level 88 choose he got a DB's saber his third one but i got a Agito(1975) he was so mad at me.

Jul 7, 2006, 11:00 PM
In battle mode we went on the planet i was lvl 43 and my bros were 50+s and i chased them away to a horde of enemies in very hard mode and i foied him and he stood still until the hildabear hit him with a crit and killed my younger bro. Then the bear shot a foie and hit my big bro when he just stood up after i did grants on him which my grants almost insta killed him.