View Full Version : Berserk Anime 25 or 26 episodes?

Oct 23, 2002, 05:03 PM
Well after i downloaded and watched all the non-released us episodes, i got to 25 and it was the worst cliffhangar. Are there any more episodes, or do i need to get the manga?

Oct 24, 2002, 07:05 AM
From what i've read, the beginning episode is the end, and all the 24-25 episodes after that leads up to that. i remember reading about it on a fan page. i'll try and find the link again for you.

Oct 24, 2002, 07:08 AM
Pitty I would love to view the rest of Berserk I got to about 16 and was drooling at the mouth. I'm sure its no better at 25 a definite great series.

Perhaps Cloud's FF7 sword idea was from that? I always think so.

Oct 24, 2002, 07:15 AM
According to this site there is 25 episodes:


By the way, don't tell me if its awful. i've been dying to see the anime and i will get my hands on it in as soon as i can.

Oct 24, 2002, 07:22 AM
I thought that too, about cloud's sword.
I saw the trailer of berserk btw and i'm drooling. i want to get my hands on it.

as for the manga, you'll probably find that it coveres different (if not more) events and detail that the anime does it. Face it, all manga/anime series are like that. look at Oh my Goddess for instance -_-.

anyhow, this site has a lot of stuff about the manga and anime, as i said in my first post.


enjoy http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oct 24, 2002, 08:24 AM
Yes, Berserk ends at episode 25 and it's the worst place a series has EVER left off at. You want to just scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" when the screen goes black.

That being said, it's one of the best series in recent memory and you owe it to yourself to see it.

The good news is that they are working on a second season of the show. I have no idea when It's due out though.


Oct 24, 2002, 11:38 AM
The ending to that episode made really mad...

I really would like to know more, but that is explained in the manga, which is not availible in the US. Shame too, it was one of the best anime series I have seen...
