View Full Version : Need help with a food issue.

Jul 23, 2006, 11:45 AM
Okay. All I have left in my house to eat is water, flour, honey, salt and pepper.

Is there ANYTHING I can make with this so I don't starve to death?

I'd go to the store, but my car's in the shop and I have a sprained ankle atm.

(I got t boned, the dude was DRYUNK)

Jul 23, 2006, 11:51 AM
No bread? Was gonna say you could put honey on some bread, thats good. Though you've got flour and water, I doubt you've got yeast to make the bread.

..you're fucked..but not just fucked, you're proper fucked.

Just eat some honey, or phone a friend or family to bring you some food.

Jul 23, 2006, 12:02 PM
I'll probably just live on honey for a few days..

I've got the good, natural kind, that's grown localy and comes with a piece of the comb.

Jul 23, 2006, 12:08 PM
You don't need yeast to make flat breads. p;
I would suggest you follow Abdur's advice and call someone, though.
Talk about a bare pantry!

Jul 23, 2006, 12:12 PM
honey with the comb in it, my gramps loves that stuff. I'm not saying it's possible, but what about making flatbread, but drying out and then crushing the comb up to mix in with the flower and water to create a sweet honey bread. Not positive but maybe you could use the honey to help thicken it. Then again, not to sure how honey will react cooked in the oven.

Jul 23, 2006, 12:16 PM
Gimem a flatbread recipe, and I'll.... photoshop a beard for you.. or... something

Jul 23, 2006, 12:32 PM

all hail wiki

Jul 23, 2006, 12:54 PM
Or take look if those Safeway.com or online supermarkets deliver to your area, how fast they can get you some food, call a pizza place?

Are you short of funds/out in an area where there's no delivery possible?

Jul 23, 2006, 03:58 PM
Take some of the Flour and put it in a bowl - add water to make it kinda pasty/liquidy. Toss in some honey as a substitute for sugar. Voila - honey pancakes.

I had a little more to work with than you... chocolate pudding mix, Cherry Jello, sugar packets stolen from McDonalds, and ocassionally some fish breadding. You can get some flavoring for fairly cheap.

It's not going to taste very good - but it'll keep you from starving. The only problem is that after you turn that stuff into food - it'll soon be gone as well, and then you won't have anything to eat.

Jul 23, 2006, 04:10 PM
Well, you could make fried dumplings with the flour and water (pinch o' salt, too), and honey if you feel so inclined. My mom usually puts milk in it, so that there's at least some nutritional value to them, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary. But, you would need baking soda, as well, unfortunately. But, I agree with abdur; isn't there anyone you can call to bring you something?

At any rate, good luck with the food problem!

Jul 23, 2006, 05:16 PM
I just made 200 little flatbread cookie thingies <3

Jul 23, 2006, 09:30 PM
On 2006-07-23 15:16, Soinkus wrote:
I just made 200 little flatbread cookie thingies <3

Wow. o.O

Well, I guess that takes care of that for a bit. XD

Jul 24, 2006, 10:30 AM
dip em in honey and you've got... ... ... hardtack dipped in honey... oh well they'll fill you up. (or make good frisbees)