View Full Version : Volkswagon and their new slew of perverse ads...

Aug 3, 2006, 07:58 PM
Well it does take quite a bit to shake me up, but the VW commercials for their Jetta that I've been seeing on and off since spring are really getting to me. Anyone who has ever been in a MAJOR car accident will probably agree with me that trash like this does NOT deserve to be on the air.

I'm currently sending a not so nice message to volkswagon concerning their new commercials. It's a VERY, VERY disgusting card to play while advertising and they should know better than to put sick sh*t like that on the televisions of homes across the country. Sure, some may say that "Oh it's just advertising" but it just pokes the sores and wounds of those with memories fresh in their minds and can't walk the halls of their house without smelling the battery acid.

I'm not exploding in the email that I'm sending, but if this goes unanswered I'll go to a higher athority.

I've already posted these pics once before, but let me just refresh some peoples memories...


Aug 3, 2006, 08:05 PM
It doesn't require a major car accident to agree with you.

I'm not quite sure about which commercials you're talking about, so I don't really know what VW publicized, but if it turns out to be false advertising you can take legal action. This has to be pretty distinct, though, or most people will just brush it off.

Now I'm trusting that you've taking all factors into account. From what I see, you have every right to be angry with VW. They gave you a piece of equipment that failed to perform to the standard that they have advertised to the rest of the world. And what's up with the battery acid? Did it explode in your driveway?

Oh, and if it's not too invasive, would you mind posting that e-mail you're sending VW http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif. You can censor whatever parts you'd rathe not have the PSOW community see. It's up to you though no obligation.

Aug 3, 2006, 08:17 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:05, TheyCallMeJoe wrote:
And what's up with the battery acid? Did it explode in your driveway?

No. the battery did not explode in my driveway. The battery was crushed on impact. And anyone who has smelled car battery acid, knows that that's a piercing smell you DO NOT forget.

Aug 3, 2006, 08:21 PM
VW is advertising that their cars are the safest on the road. The ads in question show friends talking while driving and out of no where bamm an accident. The next scene is the people in the car standing outside their car looking shocked. Basically it's saying you will walk away from an accident while in their cars. Nothing really offensive about the advertisements at all.

I'm sorry you've been in a bad accident, but there is a way to get around these ads..........turn the channel. Don't buy a VW.

ps...BTW I've been in not one, but two bad accidents. For a time I couldn't even get on the freeway because of the feeling I got. I find nothing offensive about these ads.

Aug 3, 2006, 08:23 PM
How about a link to the commercials and how it relates to the car accident? I'm really missing the connection here..?

Aug 3, 2006, 08:25 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:21, Shigecki wrote:

I'm sorry you've been in a bad accident, but there is a way to get around these ads..........turn the channel. Don't buy a VW.

It's not my fault that I didn't know what was coming the first time I saw these ads. You expect it to be an average everyday advertisment and it ends in a collision.

And I've been in two incedents where myself and cars were involved. I was hit and ran over when I was 9. And this one when I was 18.

Aug 3, 2006, 08:28 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:23, ABDUR101 wrote:
How about a link to the commercials and how it relates to the car accident? I'm really missing the connection here..?

Have you ever been in a colision resulting in a total?

This was the one I saw tonight for the first time.

This is the one I saw earlier this spring

Aug 3, 2006, 08:29 PM
Wow, I compeltely misinterpreted the message of this thread.

Here's a summary of one of the commercials:

-People talking.
-Headlights approaching rapidly from side of the window
-Shows car on platform with a dent, but no major damage. Where are the people? Who knows.

Originally I thought you were complaining about false advertisement, and that your vehicle didn't perform to the standard that they advertised. My intelligence has outdone itself http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_redface.gif. Well...I don't think that's really much of an adequate reason to take it off the air, honestly. Did all the Katrina victims demand that the news stations stop playing footage? Maybe they did, but nothing happened about it.

While I am sorry about your accidents, I don't think that VW can be held responsible for showing the safety of their vehicles in a realistic manner.

No need for summary, vids already posted.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TheyCallMeJoe on 2006-08-03 18:29 ]</font>

Aug 3, 2006, 08:36 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:29, TheyCallMeJoe wrote:

Originally I thought you were complaining about false advertisement, and that your vehicle didn't perform to the standard that they advertised. My intelligence has outdone itself http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_redface.gif. Well...I don't think that's really much of an adequate reason to take it off the air, honestly. Did all the Katrina victims demand that the news stations stop playing footage? Maybe they did, but nothing happened about it.

Yes, but if so many people complain about it, something'll eventually be done.

Aug 3, 2006, 08:37 PM
That ad? Pussy stuff. Quebec ads about drunk driving show dead people covered in their own blood. Nobody's complained about 'em so far for God knows what reason.

Aug 3, 2006, 08:46 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:37, KodiaX987 wrote:
That ad? Pussy stuff. Quebec ads about drunk driving show dead people covered in their own blood. Nobody's complained about 'em so far for God knows what reason.

French Canadians are hardcore.

See some boobs on TV and moms throw fits.

Kids are like: "I only see this in a sexual context because you never told me anything about it."

Aug 3, 2006, 08:51 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:37, KodiaX987 wrote:
That ad? Pussy stuff. Quebec ads about drunk driving show dead people covered in their own blood. Nobody's complained about 'em so far for God knows what reason.

One of the ads for drunk driving here involves having two people sitting in the car with the passanger talking to the driver about drunk driving. "When will you stop driving when you are drunk? (listed some scenerios)... " before she can finish, car went BAM. You see the shock and everything.

I thought it sends a good message. I don't know if you are complaining about false advertising, or just showing a car accident. It's advertisment, they will do anything to get their message across.

Aug 3, 2006, 09:03 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:51, navci wrote:

On 2006-08-03 18:37, KodiaX987 wrote:
That ad? Pussy stuff. Quebec ads about drunk driving show dead people covered in their own blood. Nobody's complained about 'em so far for God knows what reason.

One of the ads for drunk driving here involves having two people sitting in the car with the passanger talking to the driver about drunk driving. "When will you stop driving when you are drunk? (listed some scenerios)... " before she can finish, car went BAM. You see the shock and everything.

I thought it sends a good message. I don't know if you are complaining about false advertising, or just showing a car accident. It's advertisment, they will do anything to get their message across.

Yes. But there are MUCH better ways to get their messages across.

And until people start complaining, you'll keep on seeing ads like this. I believe though, (and there are many people who share my opinion) that it's unacceptible.

Aug 3, 2006, 09:13 PM
On 2006-08-03 19:03, CherryLunar wrote:

On 2006-08-03 18:51, navci wrote:

On 2006-08-03 18:37, KodiaX987 wrote:
That ad? Pussy stuff. Quebec ads about drunk driving show dead people covered in their own blood. Nobody's complained about 'em so far for God knows what reason.

One of the ads for drunk driving here involves having two people sitting in the car with the passanger talking to the driver about drunk driving. "When will you stop driving when you are drunk? (listed some scenerios)... " before she can finish, car went BAM. You see the shock and everything.

I thought it sends a good message. I don't know if you are complaining about false advertising, or just showing a car accident. It's advertisment, they will do anything to get their message across.

Yes. But there are MUCH better ways to get their messages across.

And until people start complaining, you'll keep on seeing ads like this. I believe though, (and there are many people who share my opinion) that it's unacceptible.

I do believe that your sig (frone's old one) is unacceptable, and I am currently taking actions to have it removed.

Being offended is so last year.

Sorry for your trauma, though. If I went through something similar, I'd probably have a fit about the commercials. In that case, other people would be opposing me for the same reasons.

Aug 3, 2006, 09:30 PM
While I do feel the commercials are in bad taste, I have no reason to censor their rights to use those methods. It's an ad about how VW cars have great safety so they show it visibly.

And before you start complaining, yes, I have been in a major accident. Our car was in fact totaled and the engine block was blown about a foot and a half back and under the car. I've also been in two rather minor incidents. While the commercials are 'shocking' compared to most of these tame commercials we have here in the US, they aren't breaking any laws nor are they as disgusting (or annoying) as other commercials. Personally I would rather see the Vonage or Head-On commercials go away first as those are more annoying, and common.

Aug 3, 2006, 10:17 PM
How is it in bad taste? It's a fucking accident, all they're doing is making the point, though through sensationalism, that they were ranked as a safe car.

I'd rather see a commercial with an accident and people surviving, though very shook up. Everyone falls into a false sense of security that 'this won't happen to me', because all the fucking commercials you see are people driving, smiling, off-roading, camping, avoiding falling rocks and trees and then pushing through four foot snow drifts until finally picking up their kids from school.

Fuck those fake ass commercials, give me more unexpected car crashes, and if you want, gimme a slow-mo so I can see the airbags work.

If you're traumatized from having been in an accident, thats for you to deal with, don't pull the shit of saying 'oh this commercial is in bad taste, because I was in an accident and it makes me feel aweful having to see this on tv..".

Yes, I have been in a car accident before, when I was prolly about 14. My oldest neice was in a car accident when she was 16, she still has back problems. All four of my siblings have been in car accidents, my youngest sister was in an accident when she was 17 and had severe brain damage, survives as a functional adult and has three kids(though she is very sensitive and quick to anger).

My oldest nephew, has crashed four vehicles in the last two years, the last one was his SUV which his own cousin as a passenger jerked the wheel, causing my nephew to lose control, and they ended up flying off an embankment, clipping the tops of trees as they flew 100 yards and had a crash landing on their roof.

No, I'm not a stranger to car accidents, and no, these commercials don't bother me, at all. It's a commercial, I think if we had more commercials showing what can happen, we'd have alot less crashes, but it doesn't matter anyway. As said, turn the channel. I'm sure you don't watch any movies with any kind of car collisions either, yeah? And certainly don't play games with cars crashing?

The commercials themselves, while yes are kind of a funny way to say "Hey look, we've been cleared as being a safe car to drive", atleast hits home, and if that makes everyone think "Hey, when I go driving I do need to realise that can happen to me..." then fine.

Aug 3, 2006, 10:31 PM
On 2006-08-03 20:17, ABDUR101 wrote:
As said, turn the channel. I'm sure you don't watch any movies with any kind of car collisions either, yeah? And certainly don't play games with cars crashing?

The commercials themselves, while yes are kind of a funny way to say "Hey look, we've been cleared as being a safe car to drive", atleast hits home, and if that makes everyone think "Hey, when I go driving I do need to realise that can happen to me..." then fine.

It's a totally different story with movies and games... Hello... They don't seem as real and you're actually EXPECTING them to happen. Accidents... You dont expect to happen. So they're making this scenario as realistic as possible. And how the hell can I change the channel the first time I watch the damn commercial and dont have a flippin idea whats going on. As I was saying before, there are BETTER ways of showing that their cars are safe instead of using such a realistic situation... And I think that if you read the original post, you would still see that I said that I still have the memory FRESH in my mind. Yeah, it may not bother you, but what is the use flaming me about it. Sure, you may have gotten over your situation, but not everyone else is built like yourself. Try and remember that.

My original post was not meant to flame anything but the god damned commercial. I created this topic to relieve a little stress that I'm having and to get others opinion on the situation. Not to get patronized by some random guy on a message board.

Keep in mind that this is the internet and if your comments were meant to be lighthearted, they most certainly did not come out that way.

Aug 3, 2006, 10:47 PM
Well you have seen it now so you know to turn the channel, I mean really this isn't anything more than a more dramatic version of the car impacts with dummies that you have seen in a hundred car commercials. It makes its point and without "bad taste" so I lable it as a good commercial, not a terribly offensive work to the people that have been in accidents.

Aug 3, 2006, 10:53 PM
I think you are mistaking me making an arguement in this discussion, to flaming you. Don't confuse the two, they are quite different, trust me.

As for the commercial, so what, it's sensationalism. You want them to have an unrealistic car crash, maybe have the car go off a bridge, do an olly, have it land on it's side with all the tires still spinning, then have the people hop out and go "Gah-Damn! Can't beleive we did'nt even get a scratch!" and then have the car suddenly combust? It's a realistic commercial, you should be used to realism, you live it everyday. Shit doesn't smell like roses, sugar falling from the sky isn't part of the weather, etc.

Honestly, I'd understand if you were going on about unrealistic situations, but you're actually complaining because they made it out to be a truely possible car crash? Wow. Really.

And yeah, the next time you want to vent alittle frustration, and not get opinions of all colors of the rainbow, do it on your damn myspace/LJ, not on a forum where one of 38,000 people can have an opinion other than your own. I don't care whether you agree with my standpoint or not, it's mutual, I'm giving you my view, so take it for what it is, or ignore it, I really don't care either way. =]

Aug 4, 2006, 03:24 AM
I don't like the commercials all that much either, but just remember that they are just that, commercials. There have been other commercials like this in the past, its nothing really new. It just has a bigger company name attached to it this time.

If you're going to pursue writing up the advertising division of the company or organizing petitions-thus getting more people involved- nobody here is going to stop you, just say their piece on what it is to them in their eyes.

It could bring about memories of a crash to anyone who's been in a such an event and its really up to the person how long it takes for them to not dwell on it and put it out of their mind or how sensitive they are to the subject matter. Some are not offended in the slightest and you have to understand their point of view on it also.

Try not to worry about crashing when you are driving and you're set. Since you would be more likely to have a collision or driver error if you're sweating bullets about it constantly, right?

I hope after you send the letter you'll get this off your mind and not worry about it with whatever sense of closure it is to do so.

Aug 4, 2006, 06:00 AM
On 2006-08-03 20:53, ABDUR101 wrote:
You want them to have an unrealistic car crash, maybe have the car go off a bridge, do an olly, have it land on it's side with all the tires still spinning, then have the people hop out and go "Gah-Damn! Can't beleive we did'nt even get a scratch!" and then have the car suddenly combust?


I've never had the experience of being in a car accident myself, but I know you'll get over it eventually. The past is the past, rit?

Aug 4, 2006, 09:48 AM
I've been in a pretty devastating crash already and although the commercials do send that scare... The terror and memories of what happened, it's important for people to know that there are cars out there that can allow one to feel at least safer in such a scenario. I know that it may bring flashbacks or chills down your spine from just thinking about it. But the fact is, that's the closest way for one to try and understand what a car crash can be like without actually having to go through one.

They won't know how it feels, but they won't want to know. It may scare, like I said, they scare the shit out of me... But I don't think that it's a sick and twisted thing for them to do.

Aug 4, 2006, 06:38 PM
On 2006-08-03 18:17, CherryLunar wrote:
No. the battery did not explode in my driveway. The battery was crushed on impact. And anyone who has smelled car battery acid, knows that that's a piercing smell you DO NOT forget.

I forgot what it smells like, and I smell it everyday -_-

Aug 4, 2006, 07:42 PM
It's nice to see someone sticking their foot on the ground when it comes to new ideas. If you feel it's wrong, even if everyone else gives in, don't do the same if you feel it's wrong. I'm for freedom of speech, but both ways - For criticism too. Until they prove you wrong, you've got every damn right on argumenting. Should we only see more people that hold on to their roots, instead of just jumping from branch from branch. Not that it's evil, hell no. The lack of change / evolution is detereorating, like I heard from a wise source, but you need to keep a critical spirit, not just an open mind.