View Full Version : merge bariers

Aug 5, 2006, 10:29 AM
ok so i have a level 41 force. for bariers, i use the merge series. i was wondering if i should use bariers with more defense and evasion. the merge barriers are weak, but they give decent bonuses to techniques. if i should use more defensive bariers, which ones should i use?
all advice would be Appreciated.

Aug 5, 2006, 10:41 AM
if youre a fonl, dont bother with better stuff. get yourself a foie merge, a barta merge and maybe a yellow merge (for gizonde) and a red merge (gi and rafoie). thats all what you'll need.

for fonm, use the three colour merges only.

as human force.... i usually supported or meleed with them so i cant really say much other than - do what you feel best with those chars.

to fight the low defense and evasion... casting forces can kill stuff really fast. esp offline. slap 4 dragon/HP or higher on and you'll be set. esp on a fonl - there's no need to invest much into def and evade when you can cast tons of resta.

Aug 5, 2006, 10:54 AM
by the three color merges do you mean the red yellow and blue mereges?

Aug 5, 2006, 11:08 AM
fonm have a natural boost for gi and ra techs. so settling for only one would be rather pointless (even tho a colour merge only boosts 20% instead of the 30% a specific tech merge boosts).
add a sorcerer cane or even psycho wand (if you happen to stumble over one) and youre pretty much boosted to the max.

fonl are easier to maxboost, thanks to stuff like the summit moon (if you dont like swapping) or the respective 9star canes (which again boost 10% more than the moon).

anyway, in ep1 you'll pretty much only want to equip a red or foie-type merge.
yellow merges are only useful in non-ultimate mines and in gal da val.
blue merges is for the rest of ep2, as most enemies there are barta-weak.

Aug 5, 2006, 11:29 AM
What rena-ko said, unless you don't like getting knocked down from time to time.

It's easy to dodge monsters and their attacks so you wouldn't need a high def/eva barrier. In where swarm of monsters come, just spam Rafoie attacks and if you have Red/Rafoie merge, then the swarm will be gone quicker.

Aug 5, 2006, 11:44 AM
thanks a bunch for all the help.