View Full Version : Lv. 77 HUmar

Aug 7, 2006, 02:51 PM
and your section id is.......o and please dont ask about the Red Ring or Olga Flow Gene or else........bum bum bum!!! well if i were you i woukld take Falz down and go to Ult.

Aug 7, 2006, 03:06 PM
no prob. im a Skyly also as you can see well if i weree you go to the ruins and hunt for a Del right and left arm and when combined they make a sweet weapon. some decent weapons can be found but.....get to Ult. then you can find a Dragon Slayer and a Stag Cutlery which looks cool. You can find those in the forest. In the Caves some cool items are.......the Sange from a Mil Lily and you have a 1/2 chance or you could get the Chain Sawd which is an awesome sword from the vulmer's there which are pretty much evil sharks. and that is about 1/1000 but theres like 250-300 each time you play so the chances arent too bad. I play offline to so if you feel like sharing ort talking pm me. in the mines of Ult you can find a bravace which is a good handgun. In the ruins of Ult. you can find a Lavis Cannon which is a very good saber or a Mornign glory which is a claw but the chances suck bad. If you have questions or want a more deetailed list of my opinionated items just pm me!!! ^-^

Aug 7, 2006, 03:43 PM
Hey all, I'm new around here!
Anyway, I play only Offline on PSO I&II.(Since I get scared of the horor stories of BSOD and crashing on the online)
But I MAY get a BBA soon... If I don't get a airsoft rifle.

Any way my current stats:

Level 77 HUmar (charecter I've had since the game released)

Delsaber's Buster(primary)
Shield of Delsaber
Gravition Plate (4slots)

Last Survivor+11 (crowd control)


In the bank:

G-Assian's Arms+20

LOADS of DB sabres+Flowen's Swords ,Rappy Fans, Booma's Claw, Rayguns, GUILTY LIGHTS (ZOMG), Visk Rifle, WALS Rifle, some Canes, Photon Drops(x4)

Oh and 999999 MST

Any tips on how to progress from here?
I have V. Hard unlocked all the way to the Ruins.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lord_Gloom on 2006-08-07 13:44 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lord_Gloom on 2006-08-07 13:46 ]</font>

Aug 7, 2006, 03:47 PM
Well, if you haven't then look up the drops for you ID in VH.
VH is the start for some OK to good items to hunt.

Aug 7, 2006, 03:52 PM
Oh! Sorry, it's SKYLY

Aug 7, 2006, 04:21 PM
First of all. Welcome to the communnity. Next, depending on whether you are playing on XBOX or GC i have a few recommendations:


1. Try BB: If you can... It is only on PC. It is infinatly better as far as having a secure character(server side storage) and REAL items while playing online. It will also get you ready for PSU this winter. The downside... bye bye lvl. 77 HUmar... I def miss my high levels from Gamecube but you gotta move on eventualy. Oh and also... gotta love episode 4


1. internet: Back in my GC days I got by using a dial-up connection. I live outside the city and that was all they offered for a long time. If you plan on playin online with GC you can get by with dial-up if that is all you have. In fact i have a gamecube dial-up modem you can have if that is what you want to do.

2. Dupers: This part of console play left a sour tase in my mouth... The shop window glitch is really fun to make copies of ANYTHING(even meseta) but it ruins the game for... well everybody.

3. Hackerz & AR: Still out there and everywhere. I lost alot of good items due to hackers who dont respect the limits of a game.

4. Keyboard: To really enjoy questing with other ppl you gotta communicate... it is possible, but too difficult, to try to do this without a gamecube keyboard.


1. Stay away... Stay very far away: That my sound a bit too harsh but i tried PSO on my buddie's account and it blew me away. How could a game be awesome on one console but royaly suck on another. The voice chat played a part in that i guess. If the 12yr olds could somehow filter their voices to sound somewhat bearable then things might be a bit better. But the game is filled with trash, and by trash i mean modified hex code running up the walls.

So there you have it. Lookin back at what i wrote it seems I may have a somewhat baised opinion lol. But trust me in that PSO BB is by far the safest and funnest version of PSO for at least a few more months.

Oh and as for your items... you have done pretty well so far. I played offline on GC till level 80 and didnt have crap going online. You actualy have a decent set of weps and armor. Good luck in the future.

Aug 10, 2006, 03:19 PM
Dude loose the metal body's. They're good for nothing and plus Humars have high enough Def. And elf leggs ??? no need. Go for power with a Humar and DON'T raise any Def. on your mag. Good call on the delsaber combo though.

Hey you're the same as me though. I only play offline and only on ep. 1 nad 2.

Aug 10, 2006, 03:31 PM
why thank you the i just destroyed my two friends in battle with my Del Bus and Dels Shield.
i play offline only but im not sure if i said that

Oct 20, 2006, 12:53 PM

Sorry if this resurrection pisses anyone off.
After playing off and on for a while; I'm now lv. 83, I got to Ult and to the Caves. But all the Vulmers beat the crap outta me!
I've found 2 Dragon Slayers and 2 Justys and an Angry Fist +3. Now I have all 3 legendary rifles.
I found alot of resists and materials.

LV 83

Delsaber's Buster
Dragon Slayer + 3 (10%-N 25%-AB)

Shield of Delsaber
Perfect Frame (4) (Accuracy Sucked with Plate)

Oct 20, 2006, 04:03 PM
I think u should really lose the elf legs and get some power or arm units.
master ability can go too, replace with elf arm and to elf legs wif power units

and what is your mag's satistics

Oct 20, 2006, 07:18 PM
I tried losing the Legs and Bodies. But I got my arse kicked with not much ATT benefit.
I don't need any Elf/Arms I think, since I have a good accuracy percentage. About 181.

Oct 20, 2006, 08:44 PM
u can NEVER have enouggh accuracy

Oct 21, 2006, 08:31 AM

1. Stay away... Stay very far away: That my sound a bit too harsh but i tried PSO on my buddie's account and it blew me away. How could a game be awesome on one console but royaly suck on another. The voice chat played a part in that i guess. If the 12yr olds could somehow filter their voices to sound somewhat bearable then things might be a bit better. But the game is filled with trash, and by trash i mean modified hex code running up the walls.

That's what happens when you play on Apatite. And actually, most of those 12 year olds sound that way because they ARE using a voice mask... But thanks for uh, crapping on the entire legit Xbox community at the same time. And that's all I have to say about that. No need for a flame war.

But back on topic, The Perfect Frame was a good call for the time being. Definitely more so than the Graviton Plate, but understandably you don't have a lot of options for good armor with your section ID.

I have to reiterate the advice of others here, that the Elf/Legs are not doing much for you. And quite frankly, neither are the Metal/Bodys. If you want to go that route, I'd take the time to hunt a Pouilly Slime in VH (the red one) for a God/Body. You can also hunt in VH Mines for a God/Arm which drops from a Dubchic.

As far as fighting in Ultimate goes... there is a HUGE difference in difficulty between Ult. Forest and Ult. Caves. You might find yourself needing to spend quite a bit of time in Forest befoe moving on.
But if you want to persevere in Caves, try to use two-hit combos instead of three. For example, a Normal-Hard will stun them briefly, giving you a second to step back and dodge their swing. With a Normal-Hard-Hard, you end up with a second of lag at the end of the combo, which leaves you wide open for attack. Also, don't be afraid to move around the enemy to try and stay out of their line of fire.

If you can find them, use Resist/Devils to help you not get Megided as often. The Delsaber shield will add SOME EDK, but not enough to fully protect you. Also, if you get close to them, they won't megid you, but they will try to paralyze you, so if you don't mind going through a few extra Antiparalysis or Sol Atomizers, it might save you a few Scape Dolls http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Good things await you if you DO stick it out in Caves however, those Vulmers drop Chain Sawd and the Govulmers drop Red Sword, both of which are GREAT items for a HUmar to have, and are a big step up from even Dragon Slayer.

Oct 22, 2006, 03:12 PM
Graviton Plate = worst armor evar.

Replace that with a 4-slot armor you can find in the shops.
Replace all your elf/legs with elf arms.
Metal bodies can come in handy later on.

Go hunt for a YAMATO.
Keep killing VERY HARD FOREST DRAGON until you get Yamato.

Oct 22, 2006, 06:11 PM
Right. I already got the Yamato, but I favour the Delsabre's buster. Since EVP is doubled.
I'm already using a Perfect Frame (4 slot)

Ob Lillys can kiss my arse. >8-(
Master/Ability (its LUCK bonus helps alot, i've noticed)

Oct 25, 2006, 06:59 PM
EVP will become VERY useless.
If you're sorrounded by a horde, then you cannot attack if your EVP is too high.

And it won't do much as enemies get stronger and EVP has no effect on their attacks.