View Full Version : DreamSNES 0.9.8 Released - SNES on DC

Oct 30, 2002, 06:27 PM
The DSNES team has released 0.9.8 of their wonderful emulator for the Dreamcast.

It runs a lot of SNES games on the Dreamcast, and some are full speed.

Be warned this is a BETA release, and it will NOT be full speed until v1.0, which is awhile off. This is still something very fun to play around with and if you have some SNES roms, a CD-R drive, and a diskjuggler or nero it's very cool to give a shot at.

Just use this (http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=6220) tutorial, only instead of using the linked Dreamsnes .zip file use this (http://www.lysator.liu.se/~marcus/dreamsnes/dreamsnes-0.9.8.zip) one.

Just follow the instructions on DSSBS and burn the image it creates. If you use nero then grab CDI 2 Nero (http://www.dcemulation.com/dl/dl.php3?url=files/needed/cdi2nero09b3_dao.zip) and convert the image.

Be sure to burn at 4x or so because the dreamcast doesn't read it if it's burned any higher.

Oct 30, 2002, 11:21 PM
Nice! The NES emulator was just perfect. Hope they can make that SNES emulator to run just as well as the NES one.

Oct 31, 2002, 11:26 AM
I have NesterDC (NES). I dont plan on getting the SNES version until all the bugs are worked out.

Nov 1, 2002, 10:56 PM
Wow thanks for all the info. I have been actually thinking of doing this, but I didn't know the procedures, and the software you needed.

Nov 1, 2002, 11:09 PM
Just want to throw in a little reminder to NOT post links to actual illegal SNES roms.

Rom readers are fine (and legal), but most SNES roms are illegal.


Nov 2, 2002, 03:54 AM
Correct me if im wrong...But I thought it wasnt considered 'illegal' if the game corperations no longer gain revenue off old, obsolete systems?

Nov 2, 2002, 04:26 AM
On 2002-11-02 00:54, Robert_Garcia wrote:
Correct me if im wrong...But I thought it wasnt considered 'illegal' if the game corperations no longer gain revenue off old, obsolete systems?

Alot of SNES games are still protected by the companies who published and/or developed them. Legit rom sites will list them, but won't let you download them, and they'll give a disclaimer as to why. Certain companies still hold rights to the games, and don't want anyone getting them illegally.

Nov 2, 2002, 05:16 AM
On 2002-11-02 00:54, Robert_Garcia wrote:
Correct me if im wrong...But I thought it wasnt considered 'illegal' if the game corperations no longer gain revenue off old, obsolete systems?

*ahem*... copyright laws?

Regardless of the fact that a company doesn't directly recieve profits of a SNES game anymore does not make it legal. That's just some widely believed myth that some people use to make themselves feel better for playing illegal roms.

If you actually know anything about copyright laws you wouldn't think twice about the legality of playing certain ROMs.

There's more to it than profitability issues, there's also CREATIVITY issues encorperated into COPYRIGHT laws.

And lo and behold, a lot of game companies STILL profit off of SNES (hell, even NES) games in OTHER countries BESIDES the USA.

Also look at Nintendo and what it's doing with it's eReader. NES games (that are illegally available on ROMS) now available on a simple 5 pack of cards. Furthermore, SNES games, that you might think to be "unprofitable" can NOW be released for GBA and have a whole new life cycle ahead of it.

So, yes, you ARE wrong.

Nov 2, 2002, 05:25 AM
On 2002-11-02 00:54, Robert_Garcia wrote:
Correct me if im wrong...But I thought it wasnt considered 'illegal' if the game corperations no longer gain revenue off old, obsolete systems?

I will correct you gladly. Products that concidered impossible to be purchased (used/new). Would fall under that category.

Just because the corporation itself does not make revenue it is still entitled to protect its vendors that resell its product.

Thanks for playing have a nice day!

Nov 4, 2002, 10:02 PM
Woo, this sounds ultimately cool!

Are you saying that if you've got SNES roms, you can use this thingy to burn them on a CD and play them on Dreamcast?

Well...that sounds cool and all...but not all that useful...I mean, you can play it just as well already on your computer...

Hrm...ah well...nice to know about anyway ^^;

Can anyone link me to the aforementioned NES version? Just out of curiousity...

Nov 9, 2002, 03:09 AM
I read some time ago that DreamSNES doesn't have sound!
Sound is such an essential component to the gaming experience. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
Does this new beta/version have sound?