View Full Version : My mag's not eovolving

Aug 11, 2006, 01:31 PM
I was under the impression that all mags evolved for their third and final time at Lv:50. Mine's at Lv:69 and it's only evolved twice. I now 69's not a high level since i'm at Lv:100 but it's not my firt mag. I scrwed up my first. Is that why my new one won't evolve? Because it's not the original? Any ideas?

Aug 11, 2006, 04:17 PM
Since you mention nothing of the mag name or the character, use the general guide here & locate you problem.

Aug 15, 2006, 02:15 PM
Ok look. I've been reading those charts. My mag is a varuha. It's now at Lv:101. I'm a Humar. It's onyle evolved twice. I'm very confused. Is this normal in any case. Is it even possible to have a mag at Lv:101 and not have three PB's? Does anyone know?

Aug 15, 2006, 02:21 PM
Non-rare mags evolve at levels at multiple of 5. Aim for lv110 then?

Aug 15, 2006, 02:22 PM
Varaha? Varuna?

All basic mags follow this pattern:

Lv5 MAG -> Lv10 Varuna/Kalki/Vritra -> Lv35 Evolution -> Lv50 Evolution

If you say it has evolved twice, that means that it completed its Lv10 evolution, and its Lv35 one. Varaha is a Lv50 evolution, and Varuna is a Lv10 evolution, so I'm not entirely sure what you mean..

Also, it will only have 2 PBs if it evolved into a mag which would learn a PB that it already has (for example, if a Mag with Mylla & Youlla evolved into Ila, which learns the same PB).

Aug 16, 2006, 05:36 AM
Ok. It' Only evolved twice. I'm possitive. And yes I know Varaha is a thirdevolution. It is Varaha and it has two photon blast's. It just didn't evolve at Lv:50 so I assumed that it would at Lv:100 because the chart said that sme of them do but now it's past tehre and it still hasn't. I'm guessing that since Varaha is a third Lv mag that it won't be able to go past it but then what was the second Lv??? who know's. It's reaally weird.

Aug 16, 2006, 08:56 AM
Varaha is a third evolution Mag, to my knowledge you cannot have one at a second evolution.

Aug 16, 2006, 09:41 AM
To my knowledge you can't either. That's why I'm asking people. It's probably a glitch or something. It's weird though.