View Full Version : Other sources of information

Aug 14, 2006, 12:29 PM
Outside of PSO-World and PSUpedia, what are other good sources of information for PSU (only focusing on that) that isn't a rehash of those previous two mentioned. I know that there's scant few bits of info out there, but perhaps someone has managed to pull together another good resource site on the web? If so, please post it here...

Oh and something in english please....I already know about PSU-Odyessy but French isn't my forte I'm afraid...

Thanks in advance...

Aug 14, 2006, 12:38 PM
If there's something PSU-related and someone on these forums knows about it, I'm sure you'd see it here. Until the game comes out in japan or more press releases come out, I doubt you'll see anything new anywhere on the web.

Aug 14, 2006, 03:12 PM
Videos? Youtube or Google Videos.
Pictures? psu.rdy.jp.
Loads of Japanese random info? suimasen.sakura.ne.jp/aaaphp/
Official updates? Official site.
PSOW is the best place for news usually, and PSUPedia might be useful for currently useless info.
PSU Odyssey and gamefront.de sometimes seem to have info before English sites do, but it's nothing major usually. Some other forums currently consist mostly of pasted topics and spam. There are a few more pages such as the developer's blog, but the above sources often have it covered before you could find it already.