View Full Version : Ultimate Mode with a Fomar

Aug 22, 2006, 06:37 AM
I'm in Ultimate mode and have been for a while.

Class: Fomar
Level: 85
Weapons: G-Assassins Sabers +15, Varista +13
Frame: Valiant frame
Units: Dragon/HP, TP/Generate, TP/Generate, TP/Revival
Barrier: Divinity Barrier
Mag: Ravana

Are these pretty good stats for Ultimate? I'm in the Mines.

Aug 22, 2006, 06:57 AM
you should get a better sheild and a better armour, i have better and im in V.Hard
you should probly get a force wepon to help the techniques

Aug 22, 2006, 07:03 AM
I don't use Techs that much, if you can believe it. Club of Laconium maybe?

As for the Barrier and Frame, I have yet to see a better frame. Could Secret Gear be better for a Barrier?

Aug 22, 2006, 08:16 AM
How could you not use techs!?!? They're the sole reason why Forces are considered to be the best at nuking whole rooms of enemies in mere minutes. Seriously, you're missing out. Yeah, so it's annoying having to find loads of armour and other crap to sell, piping out and seeing the nurse and all, but in the end, it's worth it. I weren't bothered about being a Force until my brother used advanced gifoie, and I saw the heatwave and 2 of them buzzing around him handing the enemies their arse back. Less meleeing, more teching is what I like when I'm a force.

Aug 22, 2006, 09:25 AM
On 2006-08-22 06:16, Tweengo wrote:
How could you not use techs!?!? They're the sole reason why Forces are considered to be the best at nuking whole rooms of enemies in mere minutes. Seriously, you're missing out. Yeah, so it's annoying having to find loads of armour and other crap to sell, piping out and seeing the nurse and all, but in the end, it's worth it. I weren't bothered about being a Force until my brother used advanced gifoie, and I saw the heatwave and 2 of them buzzing around him handing the enemies their arse back. Less meleeing, more teching is what I like when I'm a force.

Yeah. I beat dark falz on hard and I didn't die on third form. His shield is still immune to techs. Basically, a force without techs is one worthless character.

Aug 22, 2006, 09:30 AM
On 2006-08-22 04:57, Veilside wrote:
you should get a better sheild and a better armour, i have better and im in V.Hard
you should probly get a force wepon to help the techniques

Yes, better frame and armor. If you're in the mines, then you're doing good.

Aug 22, 2006, 09:40 AM
Spend the 15 levels needed for it to find a magic:Rock Moola and make it into a suummit moon. Secret Gear is an awesome Shield. For your level mabye a stink frame? I'm not sure about a frame.

Aug 22, 2006, 09:57 AM
Go for an Attribute Wall instead.

Aug 22, 2006, 10:10 AM
*nervous chuckle* Guys, i'm sorta a beginner at this game so I don't really get some of the items you're talking about. You see. My friend taught me how to play. I got the game for my birthday, January 17th this year. I'm surprised I made it the Hard mode at all. I went from VHard to Ultimate in a week. I'm wondering if I'm not the right level. I mean I beat VHard at level 68....

Aug 22, 2006, 10:13 AM
I use Techs when I want to. But mainly I save them because I can't spend a lot of meseta on Fluids. They're expensive ya know. I go poor everytime I play hard and use Techs. I wanna get Yamato so I can get me a hack Mag. Long story.

Aug 22, 2006, 01:58 PM
What are your Mag's stats? And you should definately get some decent Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure... seeing that from the equipment you've showed us, that you're definately a Melee FOmar. Those disks are crucial >_> and yeah, your defense could be better.

Aug 22, 2006, 03:29 PM
a melee fo is actually quite really good. If you can get good support techs then meleeing is a breeze. since you're offline meleeing with a FOmar is even easier, I'm online(BB) and my melee fomar can do virtualy any area in the game. so just beef up your defense, like a secret gear, usually found easily in hard mode mines from gilchics. also use the item finding(dropcharts) on for your id and see what items you can find to make your equipment beter.

Aug 22, 2006, 03:46 PM
Get a pair of Charge Vulcans with high hit...I have 50 hit ones and they work wonders, if you have the spare meseta. Charge Vulcans are your friends. Charge Vulcans are your best friends.

Aug 22, 2006, 07:16 PM
You should use Rafoe in Ult mines

Aug 23, 2006, 01:37 AM
I beat ultimate at level 83 so your guy is at a good level. Get a Secret Gear (probably in Hard mode). Stink Frame or Spirit Garment is good(Spirit Garment can later be turned in to Brightness Circle at level 111) and both are easy to find. Techs are the most important thing for a force. I actually prefer not to use any weapon at all since you can cast techniques faster that way.

Aug 23, 2006, 05:43 AM
Remember that your FOmar has a 30% gain on GI-techs. Once you get to the ruins in Ult start bashing gran sorcerers for that Sorcerers cane. I've found that it works really well on a FOmar.

Aug 23, 2006, 07:06 AM
I use Jellen, Zalure, and Deband all the time. My attacks are always pretty good, so I don't need Shifta. I have a Secret Gear, and I've been searching for a Spirit Garment. I use the dropcharts everyday. The odds always seem so stacked against me but I look anyways.

Aug 23, 2006, 07:08 AM
Actually, I've been wanting to get me one of them Sorcerer's Canes. But when I noticed it said Ult Ruins, I knew my constant beat down on Chaos Sorcerers wasn't andy good. But I got a Talis from one!

Aug 23, 2006, 07:40 AM
If you're in the UK, I'll give you a Sorcerer's Cane. Also, best way to get loads of money is by selling the armour from the mines and ruins. Fluids will be no problem then.

Aug 23, 2006, 07:45 AM
Thank you, but I'm in the USA with no online connection. Thank you for the offer. I have half a million meseta or so, so I'm good with that. I want to see how a Charghe attack would do with that kinda money..... I have a lot of Rare items. Most of which I cannot use. I'm looking for a way of getting rid of them without only gaining 10 meseta a piece.

Aug 23, 2006, 07:49 AM
Do you know someone who is online? If so, I could give the item to someone who is online, and he can give it to that person, then the person you know who is online can give it to you via a spare memory card. Seriously though, Sorcerer's Cane is good, but I want the Gran Sorcerer's Cane. Looks better but can't have it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Aug 23, 2006, 07:52 AM
I do have one friend of my friend who is online. But I haven't met him yet. He's suppose to give me Devil's Wings for a Double Saber and a Boona's Claw, but I haven't met him.

Aug 23, 2006, 07:56 AM
Oh well. Id've given it you for nothing if you knew someone who was online. If you ever meet him, ask him if he'll meet someone online for you one time.

Aug 23, 2006, 07:57 AM
Can and probably will do.

Aug 24, 2006, 07:05 PM
Skyly - Vhard - Caves - Nar Lily - 50% drop rate - God/HP
I find them exceptionally usefull for my forces. I usually use atleast 2 of them. If not, Dragon/HP's are good as well.

Some decent weapons for your FOmar (with the exception of ubbers) would be stuff like Double Saber, Soul Eater, (some kind of decent handgun with TP steal and hit%), (mechs with hit%), Hildebear's Cane, The 3 common rare clubs (oxymoron... I know), maybe some other stuff.

If and when you ever go online... please, for the love of God, wear Resta Merge. I can't stress it enough -_- .... FOmar might have the 2x S/D range... but the resta is t3h sux....

And as far as shields go.... Attribute Wall is really nice. Secret Gear is as well as others have stated.

Aug 24, 2006, 08:20 PM
On 2006-08-22 07:25, luninja wrote:

On 2006-08-22 06:16, Tweengo wrote:
How could you not use techs!?!? They're the sole reason why Forces are considered to be the best at nuking whole rooms of enemies in mere minutes. Seriously, you're missing out. Yeah, so it's annoying having to find loads of armour and other crap to sell, piping out and seeing the nurse and all, but in the end, it's worth it. I weren't bothered about being a Force until my brother used advanced gifoie, and I saw the heatwave and 2 of them buzzing around him handing the enemies their arse back. Less meleeing, more teching is what I like when I'm a force.

Yeah. I beat dark falz on hard and I didn't die on third form. His shield is still immune to techs. Basically, a force without techs is one worthless character.

nope, techs can hit him when he has his invincible thing on, so hes really not invincible. Also, as a melee force, use jellen and zalure, shifta and deband constantly. It will help you tons if its at a high level.

Aug 25, 2006, 09:12 AM
I have a Club of Laconium, Varista+6. Double Saber+31, and a G-Assassin's Sabers+25 with me constantly.

I use Zalure, Shifta, Jellen, and Deband constantly.

I only use Techs when I face a Syno Blue or Red. I can kill everything else, fairly easily.

Aug 25, 2006, 09:46 AM
What Section ID's do you have? And at what difficulty levels?

I'm suprised no one asked that yet. -_-;

Aug 25, 2006, 09:50 AM
I'm a Redria in Ultimate mode.

Aug 25, 2006, 09:55 AM
I have another character that isn't that strong in Normal mode. It's a Greenill. It's strong enough to fight in hard mode though.

Aug 25, 2006, 10:19 AM
On 2006-08-25 07:50, Wottar wrote:
I'm a Redria in Ultimate mode.
And you haven't hunted either a God/Battle or Magic Stone Iritista yet? Do some runs of Forest of Sorrow. Hildelts drop God/Battles at 1/371 (?) and Hildetorrs (the rare one) drop Iritistas at a 1/22 droprate. Hope to find the Hildetorr drop randomly while getting a God/Battle, and if not, pipe for one.

God/Battle increases attack speed by about 30%.
Iritista can be combined with a Slicer type weapon to form the Rainbow Baton, a very strong slicer. If you check the shops every so often, you can buy any random Slicer with 50% hit, and if you use an Iritista on that, the hit% will carry over. The only problem you may have is that there is a level requirement to combine the items. (check the guides/item database)

Aug 25, 2006, 10:21 AM
I'm looking for them. I just haven't found them yet. I go through Forest of Sorrow a lot. I use the telepipe trick a lot. I hunt rare items. I have too many, but there's still room for more.

Aug 25, 2006, 11:13 AM
I'm looking for them. I just haven't found them yet. I go through Forest of Sorrow a lot. I use the telepipe trick a lot. I hunt rare items. I have too many, but there's still room for more.

Sep 23, 2006, 08:15 PM
On 2006-08-23 05:08, Wottar wrote:
Actually, I've been wanting to get me one of them Sorcerer's Canes. But when I noticed it said Ult Ruins, I knew my constant beat down on Chaos Sorcerers wasn't andy good. But I got a Talis from one!

A Mahu is much better than a Talis. Cards aren't really the best for combat tho. They look kewl, but they are just so slow.

Sep 24, 2006, 04:11 AM
I would have to say that it is best to increase your level abit more to like level 95-100ish and go on episode 2 ult and go in temple, watch out for the ob lillies though, got nice weapons there too

Sep 30, 2006, 12:34 PM
Guys stop boging him down with these things here are a couple of things I do:

low lvl fomars in ult( meaning 80 to 99) should not act as a hunter because a good critical strike will kill you faster then you can say "rafoie".

uses a well balance mag, some say having two or three diffrent mags are good but I just use one (saves you mesata and items and invantory space)

get a hildabear can it boost your foie and for cheapeniss it's speical is foie.

look for High leval grants,fomars get a nice boost in them and grants does a ton of damge, and if in pinkal look for the caducaus (boost grants by 20% I believe).

if you decide to melee later on use weapons like the soul bansher it hits multible enamy and gives some distance between you and the enimes.

finally remember the einamy weakness, most in ultimate are virtully immune to all but one technique .

Sep 30, 2006, 04:01 PM
On 2006-08-22 04:37, Wottar wrote:

Units: Dragon/HP, TP/Generate, TP/Generate, TP/Revival

Sorry if this is too off-topic, but I just have to know:
Does equipping multiple /Generate or /Revival items like you have really combine their output?