View Full Version : AOL DSL Connection Problems

Aug 26, 2006, 06:10 PM
I had gotten DSL about 2 months ago but recently quit FFXI. I was going to start-up my account again for maybe only a month, however, when I setup the connection during the PS2 HDD start-up disc, sometimes a connection wasnt possible.

When I tried to get into FFXI, it kept saying either the ethernet cable wasnt plugged in ( which it was ), or that the line is busy. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Aug 27, 2006, 12:18 AM
Explain how you are trying to connect. Is your PS2 connected directly to a modem or is it connected to a router? Also is AOL the actual provider for your DSL connection or is it simply one of those BYOA (bring your own AOL) setups?

Aug 27, 2006, 06:30 AM
I'm trying to connect directly using the modem, its the same modem I use to get online on this computer, I just moved the modem to another loacation where my PS2 is, just to check and see if I can get online with it, so if Im unable to get a wireless router and wireless PS2 gaming adapter, I could use the modem itself. The modem however says on the bottom: "DSL2+Router".

I hooked the ethernet cable from the modem into the PS2, ( Its a CAT 5 cable )

I hooked the DSL line from the modem into the phone-jack. ( My brother was able to use this same line with his laptop, the DSL connection runs through both the upstairs ( PS2 area ) and downstairs ( Computer Area, so both areas are able to connect to the internet via dsl. )

I hooked the adapter used for power from the modem into an outlet, and turned the modem on. I waited until everything loaded up inside of it, and then tested the connection via the PS2 start-up disc, as well as trying FFXI.

My provider is AOl Highspeed, but it uses verizon.

Aug 27, 2006, 10:28 AM
nvm I found the problem, I changed the settings from PPoE, to DHCP. tghe connection works fine now

Aug 27, 2006, 11:48 AM
Cool, glad you got everything running http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif