View Full Version : Removing Wasp Nest?

Aug 27, 2006, 06:33 PM
Alright, Googling it gave multiple ways, and no real personal experience from anyone. So, resorting to PSOW people

Short and sweet, there's a wasp nest in our yard, we know where it is and all, and having wasps flying around you while outside is rather annoying. Even if you know they probably won't sting you, it's just, yeah.

Google told me that there probably isn't much that can be done in summer. Saying to wait til winter to remove the nest, so when the queen comes back, there's no nest. And if thats all that can be done, then, ok. But before we go ahead and do that. Does anyone have any expereincing killing an entire colony of wasps? XD

Worse comes to worse, we just lay around more traps made out of Coke bottles with a bit of Coke in them. The one we have in the yard seems to be killing a few wasps.

Aug 27, 2006, 06:40 PM
I seem to remember a number of wasps' nests being hosed off my house with a normal garden hose, when I was growing up. I also remember such nests being attacked with bug spray, but I think I should point out that I grew up on a ranch, and that bug spray was therefore, industrial strength stuff, as this is what we had access to.

I don't think I can reccomend these means to you, unless you're feeling crazy and you don't care if you might get stung.

Aug 27, 2006, 06:40 PM
call an exterminator?

Aug 27, 2006, 06:41 PM

If not that...


This. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Aug 27, 2006, 06:42 PM
How big of a nest is it? I had a wasp nest on my roof not too long ago that was about the size of a softball which I got rid of pretty effectively. I waited until night when the wasps got all sleepy and non-movey-aroundy, and then emptied a whole can of Raid in their faces. The ones crawling around on the outside simply dropped dead and made this big pile. The rest died inside and still haven't emerged.

Aug 27, 2006, 07:55 PM
They make sprays which can shoot a stream of poison up to 20 feet. I knocked about 10 nests down from around my house the other day with it. As soon as I'd hit one, the wasps would come out ready to attack - but never made it more then a foot from the nest before dropping dead.

Aug 27, 2006, 09:15 PM
Some good advice so far. I'll probably talk to dad soon about some sprays or whatever.

I probably should've mentioned, the nest is under a shed, so someone would have to bend down and spray at it, or something to that extent. I've personally not seen the nest, but I assume it'd be about the size of a football, based on other nests I've seen in the area.

If anything else, I can always wear lots of protection and spray the fuck out of it with Raid or some other spray http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Aug 27, 2006, 09:59 PM

Aug 27, 2006, 11:22 PM
I've used the torch method before...except with a can of Ether that could shhot 20 feet http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Fun to watch them fly around on fire.

Aug 28, 2006, 12:40 AM
I've honestly never seen a wasp nest as large as a football, and I've had all kinds of bees and wasps all over around the house, in sheds, etc. Though I do remember having a nest of yellowjackets in a wall off from the kitchen, which resulted in tearing the wall apart, as well as part of the ceiling and floor to insure the nest was entirely gotten.(the nest was large enough to fill two large, black garbage bags. The heavy duty kind.)

As for dealing with the wasps under the shed, you'll first want to inspect and see how active the nest is, how far and 'occluded' it is from view, and just how far you'll have to possible go under the shed to make sure you actually saturate it properly. If you've gotta go under the shed alittle bit to get to it from one side or the other, I'd recommend wearing long socks, up and over your slacks/jeans, obviously with long-sleeves, gloves, and face protection.

I've really never had a wasp nesting problem, despite there always being wasps around(a small nest here, small nest there, which are easily taken care of, they never get larger, or even remotely as large as a baseball). Though remember, wasps are rather aggressive, and will sting repeatedly, they aren't like honeybee's that can only sting once and then die(due to the barbs in their stingers, you get 'harpooned', and when they attempt to get away the stinger-sac is pulled from their body, thus continuing to pump into you.) Thus, the protection from repeated stings in close-quarters. Though don't be surprised if you still get stung around the neck or anything that might be loose-fitting. I'd also recommend changing clothes and a shower afterward, with washing the clothes immediately.(for wasps and to get the insecticide off that might have gotten on you, if any)

Either way, in the end, thats if you end up doing it yourself. What you might be MORE inclined to do, is get a shovel, rake, whatever, and knock the nest to the ground, shortly after spraying it, maybe ten minutes after the initial spraying, then pull it out from under, and give it a good saturation, anything thats left will hopefully be killed, and from there I'd recommend burning it.

..feel free to piss on the ashes to show all the local wasps that you don't play like that.

Aug 28, 2006, 04:04 AM
Well we had one in the back yard on the ground, and we just threw a cup of gasoline on it, then put a match on a shovel and tossed it on the nest. After it was on fire we kept applying gasoline via a squirt bottle. So if you want a cheap solution(probably a dollar or two worth of gas and the rest you can find around your house) you could try that, unless it is next to something really important.

CAUTION: have garden hose ready to put out any spread of the flames.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Roffkaiser on 2006-08-28 04:16 ]</font>

Aug 28, 2006, 05:01 AM
An exterminator is the safest way to get rid of the nest, but if you think you have the balls:

Boiling water, fire, or insectiside that would even kill an aligator.

Or there's the dropping a huge freezer from a helicopter method http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif (although it'd need one hell of an extension cord XD)