View Full Version : Character alignment.

Sep 1, 2006, 12:17 PM
How do you view the alignment of your characters? It can be either good, nuetral, or evil. I'll go first of course.

Name: Gilder
Class: Humar
ID: Whitil
Level: 153
Weapons: Demolition Comet, Red Sword, Charge Vulcans (50% hit), Red Handgun
Armor: Aura Field
Barrier: Stand Still Shield
Slots: God/Power, God/Arm, God/Battle, Cure/Freeze
Mag: 5/145/50/0 Deva
Alignment: Good

Name: Stacy Faltz
Class: Ramarl
ID: Greenil
Level: 137
Weapons: Yasminkov 3000r, Spread Needle, Charge Vulcans (50% hit), Twin Brand
Armor: DF Field
Barrier: Secret Gear
Slots: God/Power, God/Body, God/Battle, Cure/Freeze
Mag: 5/145/50/0 Sato
Alignment: Good

Name: Maria Tyrell
Class: Hunewearl
ID: Yellowboze
Level: 129
Weapons: Demolition Comet (20% hit), Charge Vulcans (50% hit), Flowens Sword (real), Holy Ray
Armor: Luminous Field
Barrier: Kasami Bracer
Slots: God/Mind, God/Mind, God/Arm, God/Battle
Mag: 5/115/80/0 Savatri
Alignment: Nuetral

Name: Dark-Ninja
Class: Hucaseal
ID: Oran
Level: 135
Weapons: Demolition Comet, Red Partisan, Charge Vulcans (40% hit), Red Handgun
Armor: Electro Frame
Barrier: Kasami Bracer
Slots: God/Arm, God/Battle, Perfect/Resist, Cure/Confuse
Mag: 5/145/50/0 Savatri
Alignment: Neutral

Name: Rico Tyrell
Class: Fonewearl
ID: Pinkal
Level: 125
Weapons: Twinkle Star
Armor: Guard Wave
Barrier: Red Merge
Slots: God/TP, God/TP, Hero/Ability, Cure/Poison
Mag: 5/0/45/150 Deva
Alignment: Good

Name: Death
Class: Hucast
ID: Redria
Level: 127
Weapons: Meteor Cudgel (35% hit), Chain Sawd, Red Handgun (15% hit), Gush Vulcans (35% hit)
Armor: Electro Frame
Barrier: Stand Still Shield
Slots: God/Arm, Perfect/Resist, God/Battle, Cure/Shock
Alignment: Evil