View Full Version : PSU Sluggish

Sep 1, 2006, 09:30 PM
My copy of PSU arrived in the mail today. I can play online fine and everything (despite the now-and-then d/c), but my framerate dips often. Changing the frameskip to 0 feels like I'm playing in slowmo, and my framerate still buckles in frameskip 1. This is all at 1280x1024.

I'm perplexed because I think my system is decent enough to handle this game well (Battlefield 2142 runs perfectly at almost top settings). Am I dillusional or is there something I should tweak?

Intel Core Duo 2 3Ghz
nVidia 7600GS 512MB

Sep 2, 2006, 10:27 AM
You should be fine (gimme your nVidia ;3).

I'm going to go with your problem being the ever-hated lag. Since character data is saved server-side, the server's communication to your machine has to keep up. If the data flow dips, then your client has nothing new to show you, and as such, seems to skip. (IE: You and Mr. 1 are in a room with 5 enemies, the server needs to send updated data of you, Mr. 1, and the enemies for them to appear to move. If the server can't communicate these fast enough, ta-da, lag.)

I could be wrong, but lag is the enemy of man, and as such should be blamed for everything.
What connection speed/type do you have?

Sep 2, 2006, 03:42 PM
I have cable. But this happens offline too. Which is weird, because it doesn't seem like my PC is actually struggling with the in-game graphics. The one in-game cutscene where Ethan gets hurt by that car looks beautiful. But when I control him, he moves like a turtle. Even in frameskip 1 it's a little sluggish.

Also when I go online at frameskip 0, everyone else around me is moving normal speed.

I guess I'll shell out the cash to get another card for SLi v.v;

Sep 2, 2006, 04:52 PM
lol that vid card is more then enough to run it. PSU is still new and ST will probably update the game to have it more compatible with more hardware configurations.

Sep 4, 2006, 08:55 AM
^Metatime is probably right.

If you have cable interent, you should have high enough bandwidth, and your graphics card is DEFINATLEY robust enough. It is probably just coding that needs to be updated.

Sep 7, 2006, 12:05 AM
Interesting, and I thought I was the only one O_o; Well so far I'm the only one who has the CG cutscenes tilting O_x downloading newest drivers as I type.